
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Windows SSD Solid-State Drive Maximum Life Optimization Summary

Summarized actions to optimally use SSD storage drive with Windows 7 and Windows 10 for the longest possible life of the SSD.

  • Disable automatic page file management and manually allocate a fixed-sized page file whose size is double the amount of RAM on the computer
  • Disable the "Windows Search" search indexer service
  • Disable the "SysMain" service (this was called the "Superfetch" service in earlier versions of Windows before Microsoft changed the name to "SysMain")
  • Delete the search index file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb
  • Turn off hibernation: from a privileged command prompt, execute the command "powercfg.exe /h off"
  • Make sure the TRIM function of SSD ATA interface is enabled. From a privileged command prompt, enter the command "fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify". If the result is not 0,  force the behavior to 0 using "fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0".

That's it. Your SSD will last longer now.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Powering up a British ZX Spectrum after 30 years in America - The PAL UHF Analog TV and 220V AC Challenge

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 Running in USA with Conversion of 110V to 220V AC and PAL UHF TV swapped with RGB to SCART and SCART to HDMI on NTSC / ATSC US TV Standard

In this post, I describe how to use a Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the United States. I provide detailed instructions on using a Raspberry Pi as a Cassette Player to load ZX Spectrum games from cassette tape in another post: "ZX Spectrum TZX TAP ZIP Cassette Loader Using Raspberry Pi".

My dear loving world-traveling father brought home a first-generation Sinclair ZX Spectrum (the basic 16K model) in 1983. It is hard to say if he or I got instantly addicted more to the fascinating world of home computing using our first microcomputer.

Eventually the machine was upgraded to 48K of RAM, and then further to ZX Spectrum+ when Sinclair released that upgrade also in kit form with a better keyboard and an awesome new Reset button with instructions on wiring it. I still have that machine, but it does not power up any more.

Fortunately, when I got a bit older, I had obtained a ZX Spectrum +3. It was quite a jump from the original Spectrum with Amstrad's additions of a 3-inch CF2 floppy drive, enhanced ROM, real sound and 128K of RAM. This machine was used heavily all the way to 1988 when I put it back in the box, taped it up and basically hoarded it along with a joystick and Multiface-3 interface.

Three decades would pass while I moved to Japan and then to the United States, got married, had two children checking their pre-K through High School and college boxes and in general living the quintessential nondescript suburban American life. The Spectrums waited patiently in their taped-up boxes.

I started to really want to play with the ZX Spectrum again a couple of years ago and commenced on searching for options for connecting a microcomputer whose power adapter expects 220V 50 Hz AC mains and emits video in analog British PAL UHF television system Channel 35.

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: 110V AC to 220 V AC Step Up Transformer for running ZX Spectrum from 110V AC Mains Power
The AC mains voltage conversion problem was easily solved: there are numerous 110V to 220V step up (and conversely step down) AC transformers available at Amazon.

I never considered the 10 Hz difference in AC mains frequency of any major consequence. The worst that would happen is something like the 3-byte FRAMES counter at address 23672 increment slightly faster than every 20 milliseconds, wouldn't it?

I ended up getting the TriGear TG100, which works great and keeps the ZX Spectrum +3 power brick happy.

Here is a picture of the Trigear TG-100 110v-220v AC transformer feeding 220V AC to the ZX Spectrum +3 Power adapter from our US standard 110V AC mains line:

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: 110V AC to 220 V AC Step Up Transformer for running ZX Spectrum from 110V AC Mains Power
TriGear Step Up / Down Transformer to supply 220V AC to Sinclair ZX Spectrum Power Adapter

Displaying the ZX Spectrum +3 PAL UHF video signal on a modern NTSC/ATSC TV (or computer monitor) proved to be more challenging. I unsuccessfully tried two different approaches before the third approach worked. I will start off by first describing the two failed attempts and why they failed.

Failed attempt #1: PAL TV Tuner to VGA converter box

I purchased one of these PAL/NTSC LCD Analog TV Tuner Box PIP Computer TV Program Receiver units from eBay. The unit is great - it comes with an old British-style female antenna jack that the ZX Spectrum's video cable plugs straight into. It converts PAL antenna signals (and all sorts of other video input signals) into standard VGA output, which then can be connected to a regular computer monitor or television that has a VGA port. It comes with a remote controller, power supply, a cable to connect the DIN output to a VGA monitor, and on-board software that sets it up including a channel scanning feature.

The problem with this unit is there is no user-accessible fine-tuning control. The ZX Spectrum's video modulator circuit is analog and not totally accurate, tending to drift. My attempts to get the video working with this unit were not successful; the closest I got was an extremely faint ZX Spectrum +3 main menu barely visible in the raster noise at channels 33 and 34. There is no opportunity to fine-tune from there.

Failed Attempt #2: PAL/NTSC Digital Analog Hybrid TV Tuner on a Windows XP PC

I found this PAL/NTSC Digital/Analog Hybrid TV tuner card on Amazon and installed it in the only PCI-Express (PCI-e) slot on a old desktop computer running Windows XP. It comes with a mini-CD with the driver and software to watch TV as well as a little adapter dongle that connects its female UK-style PAL antenna connector and presents a female US-style coaxial antenna connector. The ZX Spectrum video cable connects to it without the adapter, of course.

The attempt at getting video from the  ZX Spectrum displayed on the Windows XP computer's screen failed due to exactly the same reason as the PAL-to-VGA converter box: there is no way to manually fine-tune the tuner and the ZX Spectrum does not emit a precisely modulated video signal at the promised PAL UHF channel 35 frequency any more. Once again, I could see the faint outline of the ZX Spectrum +3's main menu in the grainy raster of channels 33 and 34, but had no way to fine-tune into the drifted analog video signal.

Finally, Success!

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 Running in USA with Conversion of 110V to 220V AC and PAL UHF TV swapped with RGB to SCART and SCART to HDMI on NTSC / ATSC US TV Standard

With little hope of finding an analog PAL UHF tuner with manual fine-tuning, I gave up on trying to tune into ZX Spectrum +3's PAL UHF antenna signal and focused instead on it's RGB/Peritel output. The RGB/Perital port had never been used before, but it was time to put it to work. Peritel is another name for SCART, and is also popularly known as the Euro Connector.

First, I found and ordered a RGB to SCART Cable. They are apparently still being manufactured and available brand new from multiple sellers in the United Kingdom. I got mine from Coolnovelties Retrogaming, Electronics and Novelty Gifts online store.

But, the TV I wanted to hook the Spectrum +3 to does not have a SCART port. It does have multiple HDMI ports. So now, I also needed something to convert the A/V signal from a SCART connector to HDMI. Luckily I found this TNP SCART to HDMI Converter Video Audio Adapter Box with SCART/HD Switch, PAL/NTSC Video Scaler, 1080P/720P Upscaler Support HDMI Connector Output, 3.5mm AUX Jack and Coaxial Audio Output which does the job perfectly.

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: SCART to HDMI converter for ZX Spectrum +3Supratim Sanyal's Blog: SCART to HDMI converter for ZX Spectrum +3

That was it! The two-step conversion of the ZX Spectrum +3 RGB signal to SCART and then to HDMI works great. Here are a couple of pictures of the working setup.

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Sinclair ZX Spectrum RGB to SCART Video Conversion
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 RGB to SCART Video Converter

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Sinclair ZX Spectrum SCART to HDMI Video Converter Input
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 SCART to HDMI Video Converter: Input Side

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 SCART to HDMI Video Converter: HDMI Output
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 SCART to HDMI Video Converter: HDMI Output

Finally, if you are wondering how I am loading Jetpac from cassette tape in the picture at the beginning of this post, I am using a Raspberry Pi to feed audio from a TZX file to the ZX Spectrum +3; this will be the subject of my next post.

Please leave comments about your thoughts, or alternative ways you may have achieved a functional ZX Spectrum in a US 110V AC voltagae and NTSC/ATSC TV environment.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Windows 10: Move Partitions for Contiguous Unallocated Space to Extend Existing Partitions

The problem:

Windows 10 Partitions with unused free space: Windows Disk Management Screen

An old laptop (HP 2000) running Windows 10 Pro was upgraded from 80 GB 2.5" SATA Hard Disk Drive to 240 GB 2.5" SATA Solid State Drive (SSD). I used Clonezilla to back up the old 80 GB drive and restore to the new larger SSD. This worked fine as expected. However, I am left with a totally unused 149 GB space on the new SSD.

I cannot extend the Windows 10 partition into the unused space using Windows Disk Management administration tool because the recovery partition is right next to the Windows partition and before the empty space preventing a merge of the unallocated unused space with the Windows partition.

So I have to find a way to move the recovery partition to the end of the disk so that the empty space is moved left, next to the Windows partition. Then I can extended the Windows partition to use the unallocated space.

The solution:

The top search result: EaseUS Partition Master. There is a free edition for personal / home use. The downloaded installer filename is "epm_free_installer.exe". After a quick Virustotal scan, I proceeded to install it. The installer was a stub which downloaded the real 33.44 MB installer and completed the installation fine after taking significant time to get beyond the 93% completion mark. On launching it and approving a UAC check, a pretty neat initial information screen was presented:

EaseUS Partition Manager initial screen

The program queues up the desired operations and executes them when all operations are in the queue. It does not make any immediate changes as the list of operations is constructed.

The first operation: Right-clicking on the third partition produced a "Resize/Move" menu option. Choosing that option resulted in the following screen in which I simply changed the "Unallocated After" value to 0, moving the partition to the end of the disk:

EaseUS - moving partition to end of disk

The second operation: creating a partition in the free space. Again, right-clicking on the 3rd partition (now occupied by the unallocated empty space) produced a menu with a "Create" option to create a partition in the unallocated space:

Windows 10 NTFS - EaseUS Create Partition in Unallocated Space

Windows 10 NTFS Partition Management - Create new partition in empty space

The third operation: Now that we have the empty partition next to the existing Windows partition, we can merge the two to extend the Windows partition into the empty space. Again, right-clicking on the 3rd (empty) partition and choosing "Merge" produces check boxes in the partitions to select the partitions to merge, which in this case is the 3rd partition as the source of the merge and the existing Windows (2nd) partition as the target of the merge. Note: Only empty partitions can be merged into existing Windows boot partition but not the other way around; EaseUS conveniently warns if this rule is not followed, and does not enable the OK button.

Windows 10 NTFS Merge Extend Boot Partition with Empty Partition

This is what I wanted. At this stage, EaseUS displays a play button at the top left of the screen labeled "Execute 3 Operations". On clicking the Play button, it pops up a "Pending Operations" screen summarizing what is to be done with a warning of a reboot being required along with Apply and Cancel buttons. On Applying the changes and rebooting, I had the desired results:

Windows 10 Merged Boot System Primary Partition


Saturday, November 9, 2019

HPUX 11i v1 (HPUX 11.11) PA-RISC Guest Virtualization using QEMU on FreeBSD Host

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Virtual HPUX 11i CDE Desktop on QEMU for FreeBSD

HP-UX is one of the last great commercial-grade Unix derivatives of the legendary Unix System V, and is a mandatory installation for all retro-computing and Unix enthusiasts.

Unix history-simple.svg
By Eraserhead1, Infinity0, Sav_vas - Levenez Unix History Diagram, Information on the history of IBM's AIX on, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

I jumped on Astr0baby's recently published "Running HP-UX 11.11 on qemu-system-hppa" about running HP's solid enterprise-class HPUX Unix version 11i v1 (HPUX 11.11) on the venerable PARISC processor now emulated completely by QEMU. Proceeding to download the latest QEMU development source from github and building qemu-system-hppa on my FreeBSD Release-12 host running on a Dell PowerEdge 2950, and downloading the HPUX 11i ISO CD images, I fired up the QEMU virtual machine and soon had HP-UX Version B.11.11 running on a HP 9000/778/B160L.

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: HPUX 11i running in QEMU qemu-system-hppa on FreeBSD virtualization host

Remarkably, almost as soon as I had HPUX 11.11 running, the maintainer of QEMU HPPA emulator checked in new code that supports Digital Equipment Corporation's Tulip network card, as pointed out almost immediately by one of the folks following Astr0baby's post. A fresh pull and rebuild of the QEMU source enabled networking on the HPUX virtual machine, which also means the nostalgic HPUX CDE desktop environment is now accessible over network as in the screenshot above.

I prefer to use VDE (Virtual Distributed Ethernet) for my virtualization experiments. QEMU has great support for VDE networking as does Oracle VirtualBox. However, attempting to build QEMU with VDE configured on FreeBSD requires the VDE development library on FreeBSD which I have not located yet. Network connectivity is for now using standard TAP interfaces bridged into a VDE switch. The script that sets the VDE switch and bridges TAP interfaces into it is documented in my prior post here.

The script that launches the HPUX virtual machine looks like this:


# Launches Guest:
# hpux.sanyalnet.lan hpux

# Change -boot to d to boot from cdrom or c to boot from hdd

# Careful of MAC address conflicts in network! Last HEX pair of MAC = last byte of guest IP.
# Also, VNC screen, if any, on dispaly number = last byte of guest IP
# And Console TELNET port = 20800 + last byte of guest IP

screen -m -d -S HPUX-QEMUMON \
./qemu-system-hppa \
    -boot c \
    -m 512 \
    -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
    -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
    -cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \
    -net nic,model=tulip,macaddr="58:9C:FC:52:54:37" \
    -net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \
    -serial telnet::${TELNET_CONSOLE_PORT},server \
    -serial mon:stdio \
    -nographic \
    -d nochain \
    -vnc :55 \
    ####-smp cpus=2 ## -accel tcg ###,thread=multi

sleep 2

screen -m -d -S HPUX-CONSOLE telnet localhost ${TELNET_CONSOLE_PORT}

echo At this point, qemu should be on screen HPUX-QEMUMON and console telnet session on screen HPUX-CONSOLE
echo You can launch a CDE Graphical Desktop Session using Xephyr like the following:
echo Xephyr -screen 1200x720 -ac -query :55

exit 0

For the HPUX/PARISC virtual machine, I configured two 8GB virtual disks and told HPUX to use the two disks as a striped logical volume group. The two virtual disks are in QEMU's QCOW v2 (acutally QCOW v3) format. Similar to RAID0, using disk striping promises to significantly improve performance, at the cost of providing 8GB total capacity despite the two 8GB disks.

$ ls -l *dsk
-rw-r--r--  1 localuser  localuser  622919680 Nov  9 17:30 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r--  1 localuser  localuser  550502400 Nov  9 17:30 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk

$ file *dsk
hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk: QEMU QCOW Image (v3), 8589934592 bytes
hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk: QEMU QCOW Image (v3), 8589934592 bytes

I did not see any major performance improvements with QEMU's accelerator or with using two virtual CPUs to enable SMP (-smp cpus=2 -accel tcg,thread=multi) though HPUX had no problem recognizing the additional CPU. In fact, performance may have been worse than using just one CPU with no acceleration, so I disabled acceleration and multiprocessor support in QEMU. Here is the report from ioscan:

Class       I  H/W Path     Driver    S/W State   H/W Type     Description
bc          0               root      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    
bc          1  8            bc        CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Pseudo Bus Converter
ba          0  8/0          GSCtoPCI  CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    GSCtoPCI Bridge
ext_bus     0  8/0/0/0      c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C895 Fast Wide LVD
target      0  8/0/0/0.0    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE       
disk        0  8/0/0/0.0.0  sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       QEMU    QEMU HARDDISK
                           /dev/dsk/c0t0d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
target      1  8/0/0/0.1    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE       
disk        1  8/0/0/0.1.0  sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       QEMU    QEMU HARDDISK
                           /dev/dsk/c0t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
target      2  8/0/0/0.2    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE       
disk        2  8/0/0/0.2.0  sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       QEMU    QEMU CD-ROM
                           /dev/dsk/c0t2d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
target      3  8/0/0/0.7    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE       
ctl         0  8/0/0/0.7.0  sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
lan         0  8/0/1/0      btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP PCI 10/100Base-TX Core
                           /dev/diag/lan0  /dev/ether0     /dev/lan0     
tty         0  8/0/63       asio0     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    Built-in RS-232C
                           /dev/diag/mux0  /dev/mux0       /dev/tty0p0   
processor   0  48           processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
memory      0  63           memory    CLAIMED     MEMORY       Memory

HP-UX CDE Graphical Desktop

Initially, I was having trouble accessing the HPUX CDE graphical desktop using the usual XDMCP client (Xephyr) over network. An hourglass would show up, then disappear, and show up again, as if the X session was continually trying to start up and fail. Eventually I realized a core file was being created by "dtgreet" and traced the problem to "dtgreet fails and dumps core if the default font is unavailable for the selected locale". Although a patch is apparently available to address this, I wanted to fix the underlying issue of the missing default font. Further online research led to "Configuring HP-UX for Different Languages". Surely enough, the /etc/dt/config/Xconfig file had Dtlogin*language set to <lang>; simply editing the file to say "Dtlogin*language: en_US.iso88591" followed by running /sbin/init.d/dtlogin.rc reset immediately got HP-UX CDE working from the FreeBSD host machine:

$ exec Xephyr -screen 1200x720 -ac -query :55

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: HPUX CDE Graphical Environment Start Up

Installing Software

I registered at HPE Software Depot describing myself as a Hobbyist and am able to download software via "Electronic Delivery". The software comes in the form of files with long filenames and  .depot extension, and the filenames have to be preserved for the swinstall tool to install them.

There was an initial hiccup in getting the swinstall tool to install the downloaded software: I was getting the error:

You do not have required permissions to perform this operation. Check permissions using the "swacl" command.

After attempting a lot of things mentioned online, the steps mentioned here regarding setting the acls worked:

1) Save the current (insufficient) host acl to a file:
 # swacl -l host >

2) Edit and givc all permissions ("a") to the usernames. After this change, looks like:


3) Enable the modified acl:

# swacl -l host -F

4) Restart the software agent daemon:

# /sbin/init.d/swagentd stop
# /sbin/init.d/swagentd start

Mozilla Web Browser on HP-UX 11i

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Mozilla Web Browser on HP-UX 11i CDE Graphical Desktop

I downloaded PA_RISC_Firefox_3.5.09.00_May_10_ffox_A3509ar_pa.depot from the HPE Software Depot and transferred it to HP-UX's /var/spool/sw/ directory using FTP. The HP-UX swinstall tool was then invoked successfully to install Firefox.

# swinstall -s /var/spool/sw/PA_RISC_Firefox_3.5.09.00_May_10_ffox_A3509ar_pa.depot

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Install Mozilla Firefox Web Browser on HPUX 11.11 PARISC

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Install Mozilla Firefox Web Browser on HP-UX 11.i v1 PARISC

Unfortunately, the downloaded Firefox does not run on the PA7300LC processor of the emulated platform (it needs PA-RISC 2.0):
$ pwd
$ ./firefox-bin
sh: ./firefox-bin: Execute permission denied.
$ file firefox-bin
firefox-bin: PA-RISC2.0 shared executable dynamically linked -not stripped

Fortunately, a working Mozilla web browser was installed along with HP-UX 11.11, and can be invoked by typing in "mozilla" at a command prompt. Java support is questionable since Mozilla's text console (stdio) launch output indicates the Java plugin for PARISC 2.0 is not of the right executable format for the emulated PARISC 1.1 CPU.
$ pwd
$ file mozilla-bin
mozilla-bin: PA-RISC1.1 shared executable dynamically linked -not stripped

HP even email back a very corporate-looking receipt for the electronic software distribution!

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: Mozilla Firefox for HP-UX 11i - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Electronic Delivery Receipt

Next, I grabbed depothelper from the awesome HP-UX Porting and Archive Centre and tried to install a couple of packages. With a one-line tweak of adding a command to FTP for Passive Mode (depothelper is just a script), the tool does an excellent job of pulling dependencies needed for the packages. However, my attempt to grab "wget" failed with it unable to download the first dependency. "bash" did slightly better in successfully downloading and installing all dependencies, but again wouldn't run on the QEMU's PA7300LC PA-RISC 1.1 processor because it expects PA-RISC 2.0.

The default HP-UX B.11.11 installation does come with a functional C compiler. Here is aclock compiled and running in a dtterm.

Supratim Sanyal's Blog: ACLOCK ASCII CLOCK ON HP-UX 11i (11.11) on HP PARISC

Installation Logs

I mostly remembered to captured the terminal sessions while performing the installation of HP-UX 11.11. Here are a couple for reference.

Initial Install - Virtual HP 9000/778 Console Log:

Script started on Sun Nov 3 01:32:30 2019
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ telnet localhos  r   t 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
1 250 MHz Idle Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux (;0):INSTALL
: disc(8/0/0/0.2.0;0):INSTALL
telnet> mode character
9793660 + 1126400 + 702592 start 0x152868
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Create STCP device files
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 369396 Kbytes, available: 443200 Kbytes
======= 11/02/19 20:34:29 EST HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Sat Nov 02
20:34:29 EST 2019)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.3.324
@(#) install/init (opt) $Revision: 10.333 $
* EISA configuration has completed. Following the completion of a
successful HP-UX installation, please check the "/etc/eisa/config.err"
file for any EISA configuration messages.
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.0.0 ...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.1.0 ...
* Setting keyboard language.
[?1hWelcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:2 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[  Install HP-UX  ][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]/W Details Install HP-UX Disk Drives:
H/W PathCapacity(Mb) Model
LAN Interfaces:
H/W Path Interface Name LAN Address Description
8/0/1/0 lan0525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_Core
CD/DVD-ROM Drives:
I/O Buses:
(Press any key to continue.)
[ Scan Again ][ H/W Details ][Install HP-UX][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]
Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:2 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[Install HP-UX
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # T ---------------------------------
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ---------------------------------telnet localhost 54321script HPUX-INST-QEMU.logtelnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
1 250 MHz Idle Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux (;0):INSTALL
: disc(8/0/0/0.2.0;0):INSTALL
telnet> mode character
9793660 + 1126400 + 702592 start 0x152868
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Create STCP device files
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 369392 Kbytes, available: 443136 Kbytes
======= 11/02/19 20:46:03 EST HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Sat Nov 02
20:46:02 EST 2019)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.3.324
@(#) install/init (opt) $Revision: 10.333 $
* EISA configuration has completed. Following the completion of a
successful HP-UX installation, please check the "/etc/eisa/config.err"
file for any EISA configuration messages.
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.0.0 ...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.1.0 ...
* Setting keyboard language.
[?1hWelcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:2
telnet> mode line
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # -------------------------------------
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # -------------------------------------telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
1 250 MHz Idle Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux (;0):INSTALL
: disc(8/0/0/0.2.0;0):INSTALL
9793660 + 1126400 + 702592 start 0x152868
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Create STCP device files
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 369400 Kbytes, available: 443188 Kbytes
======= 11/02/19 20:52:58 EST HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Sat Nov 02
20:52:57 EST 2019)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.3.324
@(#) install/init (opt) $Revision: 10.333 $
* EISA configuration has completed. Following the completion of a
successful HP-UX installation, please check the "/etc/eisa/config.err"
file for any EISA configuration messages.
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.0.0 ...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.1.0 ...
* Setting keyboard language.
[?1hWelcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:2 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[  Install HP-UX  ][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ] Install HP-UX  Run a Recovery Shell  Run a Recovery Shell  Advanced Options  Advanced Options Reboot  Reboot Help  Help can Again Scan Again /W DetailsDisk Drives:
H/W PathCapacity(Mb) Model
LAN Interfaces:
H/W Path Interface Name LAN Address Description
8/0/1/0 lan0525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_Core
CD/DVD-ROM Drives:
I/O Buses:
(Press any key to continue.)
[ Scan Again ][ H/W Details ][Install HP-UX][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]
Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:2 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[Install HP-UX][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]H/W Details Install HP-UX User Interface and Media OptionsThis screen lets you pick from options that will determine if anIgnite-UX server is used, and your user interface preference.Source Location Options:[ * ] Media only installation[ ] Media with Network enabled (allows use of SD depots)[ ] Ignite-UX server based installationUser Interface Options:[ * ] Guided Installation (recommended for basic installs)[ ] Advanced Installation (recommended for disk and filesystem management)[ ] No user interface - use all the defaults and goHint: If you need to make LVM size changes, or want to set thefinal networking parameters during the install, you willneed to use the Advanced mode (or remote graphical interface).[  OK  ][ Cancel ][ Help ] OK Connection closed by foreign host.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ------------------------------------------
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ------------------------------------------telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
1 250 MHz Idle Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux (;0):INSTALL
: disc(8/0/0/0.2.0;0):INSTALL
9793660 + 1126400 + 702592 start 0x152868
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Create STCP device files
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 2
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 369392 Kbytes, available: 443028 Kbytes
======= 11/02/19 21:53:32 EST HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Sat Nov 02
21:53:32 EST 2019)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.3.324
@(#) install/init (opt) $Revision: 10.333 $
* EISA configuration has completed. Following the completion of a
successful HP-UX installation, please check the "/etc/eisa/config.err"
file for any EISA configuration messages.
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.0.0 ...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.1.0 ...
* Setting keyboard language.
[?1hWelcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ---------------------------------
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ---------------------------------telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux (;0):INSTALL
: disc(8/0/0/0.2.0;0):INSTALL
telnet> mode character
9793660 + 1126400 + 702592 start 0x152868
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 4.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - auto-configured on root device; ignored - no room
WARNING: no swap device configured, so dump cannot be defaulted to primary swap.
WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled.
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Create STCP device files
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 370464 Kbytes, available: 444120 Kbytes
======= 11/02/19 21:57:14 EST HP-UX Installation Initialization. (Sat Nov 02
21:57:14 EST 2019)
@(#) Ignite-UX Revision C.6.3.324
@(#) install/init (opt) $Revision: 10.333 $
* EISA configuration has completed. Following the completion of a
successful HP-UX installation, please check the "/etc/eisa/config.err"
file for any EISA configuration messages.
* Scanning system for IO devices...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.0.0 ...
* Querying disk device: 8/0/0/0.1.0 ...
* Setting keyboard language.
[?1hWelcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:1 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[  Install HP-UX  ][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ] Install HP-UX  Run a Recovery Shell   Install HP-UX  Run a Recovery Shell /W Details Install HP-UX Disk Drives:
H/W PathCapacity(Mb) Model
LAN Interfaces:
H/W Path Interface Name LAN Address Description
8/0/1/0 lan0525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_Core
CD/DVD-ROM Drives:
I/O Buses:
(Press any key to continue.)
[ Scan Again ][ H/W Details ][Install HP-UX][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]
Welcome to the HP-UX installation/recovery process!Use the <tab> key to navigate between fields, and the arrow keys
within fields. Use the <return/enter> key to select an item.
Use the <return/enter> or <space-bar> to pop-up a choices list. If the
menus are not clear, select the "Help" item for more information.Hardware Summary:System Model: 9000/778/B160L
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ [ Scan Again ]
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
| CD/DVDs:1 | Tapes: 0 | Memory: 512Mb |
| Graphics Ports: 0 | IO Buses: 1 | CPUs:1 | [ H/W Details ]
+---------------------+----------------+-------------------+[Install HP-UX][ Run a Recovery Shell ][ Advanced Options][ Reboot ][ Help ]H/W Details Install HP-UX User Interface and Media OptionsThis screen lets you pick from options that will determine if anIgnite-UX server is used, and your user interface preference.Source Location Options:[ * ] Media only installation[ ] Media with Network enabled (allows use of SD depots)[ ] Ignite-UX server based installationUser Interface Options:[ * ] Guided Installation (recommended for basic installs)[ ] Advanced Installation (recommended for disk and filesystem management)[ ] No user interface - use all the defaults and goHint: If you need to make LVM size changes, or want to set thefinal networking parameters during the install, you willneed to use the Advanced mode (or remote graphical interface).[  OK  ][ Cancel ][ Help ] OK  * Using client directory: /var/opt/ignite/clients/0x525400123456
[?1l * Checking configuration for consistency...
* Loading configuration user interface, please wait...
[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25h l  Install HP-UX wizard: Select an overall system configuration  k
x x
x The first step towards installing HP-UX is to choose an overall system x
x configuration. The configurations which you see listed below are x
x general in nature. They include all of the detail required to build x
x your system and specify things like: operating system, root disk, x
x desktop environment, file system layout, languages, etc. You will x
x have the opportunity on the subsequent steps to further refine your x
x overall configuration. Please select a configuration and select x
x <Next> to continue to the next step. x
x x
x x
x Configurations: [   ->] [ Description... ] x
x x
x x
x Note: If at any point, you find that you need to specify detailed x
x information which this interface does not support, you may <Cancel> x
x from this task wizard and elect to use the Advanced interface instead. x
x x
x x
x [ Next > ] [ Cancel ] [ Help ] x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Working...          HP-UX B.11.11 Default [Next>][Cancel][Help]HP-UX B.11.11 Default-> Description...  Description...  Next >  Next >  Next >             
In thisstep, you will choose the type of nvironment you would lke
t use on your system. Ts wil provide he basic persnality of
your system. You can further customize your systemby choosing 
additional sfware on the "Select AdditionalSftware" scree. 
Software selections that are part of the evronment willb 
automatically marked for istall. 
Environments: [    ->   
           Working...       HP-UX 11i Base OS-32bit(HP-UXB.11.11) [Next>][Cancel][Help]  InstallHP-UX wizard: Select a system nvironment  [<Back]HP-UX 11i Base OS-32bit-> < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > diskwhich will house your root file
system. The dik on your ystemhave ben xamined and some initial
calculationshavebeen done to deermine a ecommndeddisk. Ifyou
re unsureof hattocoose, keep the defult selection. Youmay
then safely proceedo he next step. Otherwise, make your choice
from the folowing selector. 
[ Root Disk... ]   Working...           QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK,8/0/0/0.0.0,8192MB [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]  Install HP-UX wizard: Select a root dsk   Root Disk...  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > specify the amount ofdskspac wish to 
reervefor root wap. Again, some intial calculations have been done
for you. Based on theamoun of physcal memory i your ystem and 
thsize of your rootdisk, arcommended vaue has bee set for ou
below. If you ar unsure of what youneed, keep the defalt 
selecion. Yu may thn safelyproceedtothenextstep.
 Root Swap (MB)... ]   Physical Memory (RAM) = 0MBWorking...           1024512 MB [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help] Install HP-UX wizard: Specify th amount f root swap space  Root Swap (MB)...  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Now that you havemadeyour roo swp selection, you ned to choose
which type of file system you wouldlike to use. The current choice 
displayedin the selector is recommended. If you are nsure ofwhat
o choose, keep the defaultseltion. You maythen safely prceed to
the next step.         
FileSystem:[ ->]
           Working...           Logical Volume Manager (LVM) with VxFS [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]  InstallHP-UX wizard: Select a file systemtype Logical Volume Manager (LVM) with VxFS-> < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Logical Volume Manager (LVM) with VxFS->Working...            [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]Pleasespecifyhowmanydisksyouwantplacedintotheroot
disk/volume groupan whethe rnot you would like th isks t b
Ifyour systm has many disk (more than four),it is recommended that
youput no morethanfourdisksintherootgroup.Thisreducesthe
Striping ypically increases overall system performance byspreading
NumberofDisksinRootGroup: UseStriping:[NO->]
Working...              2
 [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help] Install HP-UXwizard: Specify roodisk/volume grou disks 2 NO->
x NO x>
mqqqqqj YES 

 < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Working...           
[<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]In this step, you have the opportunityto slect the language(or
languages) which you would like to install on your system. Go ahead
and browsetheavailablelanguagesmakingthedesiredselections.
Marked? Language     
 x    ^    
Working...              NoFrench
ASK_AT_FIRST_BOOTASK_AT_FIRST_BOOT [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help] Install HP-UXwizard:Select a langage(s)   Default Language:...  Default Language:...  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Working...            [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]my selct any additional sofwarwhich you would
ike loaded ontor system. This list includes packageswhich are
notinstalled by defutbut, may be useful or necessary for your
system'sintended us. Go aheadand browse the list, nce you are 
Category Marked ? ProductDescription
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x  ^ x  ^
x     x   
x     x   
x v x v
      Working...               Description
<  > [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help] Install HP-UX wizard: Select Additioal Software  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > There are twosteps invovedi the pre-install checks. Te first is
to identifywhich disk will be overwrite dring the intallation 
proces. If youse a disk in the list beow whih you DO NOT wantto
include in he installatin, please back upo the root disk selection
tep and choose anothr disk. Otherwise, you may contiue to thenext
AddrDiskSize(MB) Description 
 x       ^  
 x        v  
 Working...             Disk Size(MB) Description
8/0/0/0.0.08192MBQEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help] Instal HP-UX wizard: Pr-install dsk infrmation  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Thesecondstepinthepre-installcheckprocessistoreviewany
errors orwarnings. The warngs are simply informational. If here
are any errors, they will need t be esolve before the installation
can continue. If you are unsure of howto resolve the errors,you may
want toconsult your ocal systm administrar for additonal hlp. 
x v
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjWorking...            [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]check information  < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Working...            [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]  Install HP-UX wizard: System Summary  
Congratulations, youhavesuccessfully defined you system. Pese 
usethe "ShowSummary" button toview asummary ofhowyour ystem 
illbefigured. If you see any problems, or wish to change any of
the needed changes. 
[ Show Summary... ] 
Finish Show Summary...  Show Summary...   Summary View  
x  \qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x             x
x Product Description          x
x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
x x  ^x
xx x
x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqkx
xx x
xx x
x [ OK ] [ Help ] x
 mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  Working...   
<  >vg00HFS3007/stand
vg00VxFS2000/tmp[ OK ] [Help]
8465HP WBEM Servicesfor HP-UX   
9073-UX iCOD (Instant Capacity)
788AJava21.3 SDK for HP-UX 9073-UX iCOD (Instant Capacity)
788AJava21.3 SDK for HP-UX 
9RTE788AJava21.3 SDK for HP-UX 
UNDLE11iRequired Patch Bundle forHP-UX11i,June29RTE
UNDLE11iRequired Patch Bundle forHP-UX11i,June2
ase-VXVMBase VERITAS Volme Manager Bundle 3.5 for UNDLE11iRequired Patch Bundle forHP-UX11i,June2
ase-VXVMBase VERITAS Volme Manager Bundle 3.5 for 
FDDI00 PCI FDDI;Supptd HW=A3739A/A3739B;SW=J3626AAase-VXVMBase VERITAS Volme Manager Bundle 3.5 for 
FDDI00 PCI FDDI;Supptd HW=A3739A/A3739B;SW=J3626AA
EATURE11-11Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i, SFDDI00 PCI FDDI;Supptd HW=A3739A/A3739B;SW=J3626AA
EATURE11-11Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i, S
ibrChanl00PCI/HSCFibreChanel;Supptd HW=A6684A,A6685EATURE11-11Feature Enablement Patches for HP-UX 11i, S
ibrChanl00PCI/HSCFibreChanel;Supptd HW=A6684A,A6685
General PatchesMark toload all patches, unmark for just cibrChanl00PCI/HSCFibreChanel;Supptd HW=A6684A,A6685
General PatchesMark toload all patches, unmark for just c
igEther-00 PCI/HSCGigEther;Supptd HW=A4926A/A4929A/A4General PatchesMark toload all patches, unmark for just c
igEther-00 PCI/HSCGigEther;Supptd HW=A4926A/A4929A/A4
lobal Global CDE nvionmen  igEther-00 PCI/HSCGigEther;Supptd HW=A4926A/A4929A/A4
lobal Global CDE nvionmen  
HPUXBase32HP-UX 32-bit Base OS lobal Global CDE nvionmen  
HPUXBase32HP-UX 32-bit Base OS 
AuxBase OS AuxiliaryHPUXBase32HP-UX 32-bit Base OS 
AuxBase OS Auxiliary
WEnabl11iardware Enablement PatchesforHP-UX11ivAuxBase OS Auxiliary
WEnabl11iardware Enablement PatchesforHP-UX11iv
ISEPlatformISEE Platform      WEnabl11iardware Enablement PatchesforHP-UX11iv
ISEPlatformISEE Platform      
J4269AA LDAP-UX IntegrationISEPlatformISEE Platform      
J4269AA LDAP-UX Integration
ava15JDKJava 1.5 JDK for HP-UXJ4269AA LDAP-UX Integration
ava15JDKJava 1.5 JDK for HP-UX
add-AAaddonforHP-UXava15JDKJava 1.5 JDK for HP-UX
RE REforHP-UX  add-AAaddonforHP-UX
add-AAaddonforHP-UXRE REforHP-UX  
MOZILLA Mozilla 1.78forHP-UX  add-AAaddonforHP-UX
MOZILLA Mozilla 1.78forHP-UX  
srcSurce distributionMOZILLA Mozilla 1.78forHP-UX  
srcSurce distribution
NPar nPartition Provider- HP-UX srcSurce distribution
NPar nPartition Provider- HP-UX 
CmdsEnhanced NPatitionCommandsNPar nPartition Provider- HP-UX 
CmdsEnhanced NPatitionCommands
OE91BaseOS32HP-UX 11i Bse OS-32bit CmdsEnhanced NPatitionCommands
OE91BaseOS32HP-UX 11i Bse OS-32bit 
nlineDiag UX 1.11 Support ToolsBundle,Sep2005OE91BaseOS32HP-UX 11i Bse OS-32bit 
nlineDiag UX 1.11 Support ToolsBundle,Sep2005
penSSL Secure Network Communicatios Protocol nlineDiag UX 1.11 Support ToolsBundle,Sep2005
penSSL Secure Network Communicatios Protocol 
ParMgr Partition Manager - HP-UX  penSSL Secure Network Communicatios Protocol 
ParMgr Partition Manager - HP-UX  
SysmtWebHP-UX WebBsed System ManagementUserInteParMgr Partition Manager - HP-UX  
SysmtWebHP-UX WebBsed System ManagementUserInte
T1455AA Java21.3Mozilla Plugin for HP-UX  SysmtWebHP-UX WebBsed System ManagementUserInte
T1455AA Java21.3Mozilla Plugin for HP-UX  
64SDK forHP-UX   T1455AA Java21.3Mozilla Plugin for HP-UX  
64SDK forHP-UX   
addon-AAaddonforHP-UX64SDK forHP-UX   
7 RTEforHP-UX  addon-AAaddonforHP-UX
7 RTEforHP-UX  
addon-AAaddonforHP-UX7 RTEforHP-UX  
8 Netscape Plugin for HP-UXaddon-AAaddonforHP-UX
8 Netscape Plugin for HP-UX
71HP-UXSecur Shell   8 Netscape Plugin for HP-UX
71HP-UXSecur Shell   
2743 Global WorkloadManagerAgent71HP-UXSecur Shell   
2743 Global WorkloadManagerAgent
hpuxwspache-UX Apache-baseWeb Sver 2743 Global WorkloadManagerAgent
hpuxwspache-UX Apache-baseWeb Sver 
TomatTomatSrvlt Enginehpuxwspache-UX Apache-baseWeb Sver 
TomatTomatSrvlt Engine
WebminWebminAdmin  TomatTomatSrvlt Engine
Xml XML Web Server ToolsWebminWebminAdmin  
Xml XML Web Server Tools
perl Perl Programming Language Xml XML Web Server Tools
perl Perl Programming Language 
vparprovidervParvider - HP-UX 
VxFS 20 42/ 
0 tmp
4 homeVxFS 20 42/ 
0 tmp
4 home
3281opt 0 tmp
4 home
20usr4 home
152815va OK  OK  Help  Help 
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq/ \
x HardwareSummary: SystemModel:9000/778/B160L^
x +---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ 
 | Disks:2(16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LANcards:1| 
 | CD/DVDs: 1 | Tapes: 0 |Memory:512Mb| 
 | GaphicsPorts: 0 | IO Buses: 1|CPUs:1| 
x +---------------------+----------------+-------------------+ 
xDisk Drives:       
x H/W Path Capacity(Mb) Model  
 8/0/0/0.0.0  8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK  
 8/0/0/0.1.0  8192  QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK  
m<  >j
| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
CD/DVDs:  1 Tapes: Memory: 52Mb
GraphicsPorts:0IO Buses:1CPUs:   

H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
LANInterfaces:| Disks: 2 ( 16.0GB) | Floppies: 0 | LAN cards: 1 |
CD/DVDs:  1 Tapes: Memory: 52Mb 
GraphicsPorts:0IO Buses:1CPUs:   

 H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescriptionCD/DVDs:  1 Tapes: Memory: 52Mb
GraphicsPorts:0IO Buses:1CPUs:   

H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_GraphicsPorts:0IO Buses:1CPUs:   
H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_

H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK 
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription 
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROMDiskDrives:
H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
  H/W Path Capacity(Mb)Model
80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
 H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
 8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
I/OBuses:80/0/0.0.0 8192 QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
8/0/0/0 SCSI_C895_Fast_Wide_LVD1
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
 8/0/0/0 SCSI_C895_Fast_Wide_LVD
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
8/0/0/0 SCSI_C895_Fast_Wide_LVD
H/W Path InterfaceNameLANAddressDescription
80/1/0  lan0  525400123456 HP_PCI_10/100Base-TX_
8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU_QEMU_CD-ROM
8/0/0/0 SCSI_C895_Fast_Wide_LVD
 48 Processor OK  OK  OK  Install HP-UX wizard: System Summary 
Congratulations, youhavesuccessfullydefined your system. Please 
use the "Show Summary" button to view a summary of how your system  
willbe cofigured. Ifyouseeanyproblems,orwishtochangeanyof  
yourselections,feel reto back upto the appropriate stepandmake  
the needed changes.     
  [ Show Summary... ]   
Otherwise, select<Finish>tobegin installing your system!  
 [ < Back ] [ Finish ] [ Cancel ] [ Help ] 
  Show Summary...  < Back  < Back  Finish  Finish  Finish  Show Summary... Working...           >[?7h[?25h * Loading configuration utility...
* Beginning installation from source: /dev/dsk/c0t2d0
======= 11/02/19 22:02:16 EST Starting system configuration...
* Configure_Disks: Begin
* Will install B.11.11 onto this system.
* Creating LVM physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0" (8/0/0/0.1.0).
* Creating LVM physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0" (8/0/0/0.0.0).
* Creating volume group "vg00".
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol1" (/stand).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol2" (swap_dump).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol3" (/).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol4" (/tmp).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol5" (/home).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol6" (/opt).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol7" (/usr).
* Creating logical volume "vg00/lvol8" (/var).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol1" (/stand).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol2" (swap_dump).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol3" (/).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol4" (/tmp).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol5" (/home).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol6" (/opt).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol7" (/usr).
* Extending logical volume "vg00/lvol8" (/var).
* Making HFS filesystem for "/stand", (/dev/vg00/rlvol1).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/", (/dev/vg00/rlvol3).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/tmp", (/dev/vg00/rlvol4).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/home", (/dev/vg00/rlvol5).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/opt", (/dev/vg00/rlvol6).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/usr", (/dev/vg00/rlvol7).
* Making VxFS filesystem for "/var", (/dev/vg00/rlvol8).
* Configure_Disks: Complete
* Download_mini-system: Begin
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/mkfs, 290816 bytes, 568 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/newfs, 212992 bytes, 416 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/mkfs, 393216 bytes, 768 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/newfs, 327680 bytes, 640 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/newfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/lib/mfsconfig.d/hfs, 978 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./sbin/lib/mfsconfig.d/vxfs, 966 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs_wrapper, 233472 bytes, 456 tape blocks
x ./sbin/sh, 401408 bytes, 784 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/mediainit, 32768 bytes, 64 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/tunefs, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./sbin/extendfs symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/extendfs, 319488 bytes, 624 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/extendfs, 245760 bytes, 480 tape blocks
x ./sbin/lvchange, 831488 bytes, 1624 tape blocks
./sbin/lvcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvextend linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvlnboot linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvreduce linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvremove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/lvrmboot linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvchange linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvmove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcfgbackup linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcfgrestore linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgchange linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgcreate linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgdisplay linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgexport linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgextend linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgimport linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgreduce linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgremove linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/vgscan linked to ./sbin/lvchange
./sbin/pvck linked to ./sbin/lvchange
x ./usr/bin/lifcp, 36864 bytes, 72 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/lifls, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/lifrm, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/basename, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/chgrp, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cmp, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cp, 28672 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/cut, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/dd, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/dirname, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/egrep, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/expr, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/false, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
./usr/bin/fgrep linked to ./usr/bin/egrep
x ./usr/bin/getopts, 163 bytes, 1 tape blocks
./usr/bin/grep linked to ./usr/bin/egrep
x ./usr/bin/hostname, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/kill, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ln, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/model, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ps, 36864 bytes, 72 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/pwd, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/rm, 28672 bytes, 56 tape blocks
./usr/bin/rmdir linked to ./usr/bin/rm
x ./usr/bin/sed, 40960 bytes, 80 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/sort, 40960 bytes, 80 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/tar, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/touch, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/true, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/uname, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/wc, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/compress, 28672 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ed, 57344 bytes, 112 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/find, 57344 bytes, 112 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/getopt, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/id, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/more, 65536 bytes, 128 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/tail, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
./usr/bin/uncompress linked to ./usr/bin/compress
./usr/bin/zcat linked to ./usr/bin/compress
x ./usr/bin/bdf, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/diff, 36864 bytes, 72 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/mt, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ftp, 114688 bytes, 224 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/rcp, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/remsh, 28672 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/bin/ex, 241664 bytes, 472 tape blocks
./usr/bin/vi linked to ./usr/bin/ex
x ./usr/lib/uxbootlf, 707584 bytes, 1382 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/libcurses.1
x ./usr/lib/libM.1 symbolic link to ./libm.1
x ./usr/lib/libc.1, 1515520 bytes, 2960 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libc.2, 1359872 bytes, 2656 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcl.2, 987136 bytes, 1928 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcurses.1, 155648 bytes, 304 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdld.1, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdld.2, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libdld.2
x ./usr/lib/libfab.1, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libfab.1
x ./usr/lib/libm.1, 98773 bytes, 193 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libm.2, 184320 bytes, 360 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libm.2
x ./usr/lib/libnss_files.1, 36864 bytes, 72 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libpthread.1, 106496 bytes, 208 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libsec.2, 114688 bytes, 224 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libxcurses.1, 315392 bytes, 616 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/nls/msg/C/, 13755 bytes, 27 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/nls/msg/C/, 10542 bytes, 21 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libnsl.1, 602112 bytes, 1176 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to /usr/lib/libnsl.1
x ./usr/lib/libnss_dns.1, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libxti.2, 110592 bytes, 216 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_addhost.ui, 2420 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_analyze.ui, 4663 bytes, 10 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_bundles.ui, 1775 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_chgloc.ui, 3484 bytes, 7 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_defs.h, 24742 bytes, 49 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_depend.ui, 2824 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_details.ui, 3990 bytes, 8 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_dsa.ui, 8100 bytes, 16 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_init.ui, 708 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_install.ui, 4018 bytes, 8 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_jobopts.ui, 111005 bytes, 217 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_jobs.ui, 20222 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_list.ui, 1962 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_menudefs.h, 1792 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_options.ui, 5889 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_patch.ui, 2527 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_remove.ui, 3289 bytes, 7 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_rmsourc.ui, 2411 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_sched.ui, 4591 bytes, 9 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_selalt.ui, 2650 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_seldpt.ui, 2245 bytes, 5 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_session.ui, 2014 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_softinf.ui, 5653 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_softwar.ui, 18847 bytes, 37 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_source.ui, 4745 bytes, 10 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_targets.ui, 12190 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/ui/C/smc_task.ui, 5805 bytes, 12 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp.hv, 28436 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/sduhelp.hvk, 5145 bytes, 11 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/, 215411 bytes, 421 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/sw/help/C/, 14210 bytes, 28 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcma.1, 462848 bytes, 904 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libcma.2, 483328 bytes, 944 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libcma.2
x ./usr/lib/libd4r.1, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libd4r.1
x ./usr/lib/libdce.1, 4235264 bytes, 8272 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/libdce.2, 4292608 bytes, 8384 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/ symbolic link to ./libdce.2
x ./usr/lib/libdcekt.1, 4427776 bytes, 8648 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/, 1044480 bytes, 2040 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/, 155648 bytes, 304 tape blocks
x ./usr/lib/, 45056 bytes, 88 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/devnm, 16384 bytes, 32 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/diskinfo, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/insf symbolic link to /sbin/mksf
x ./usr/sbin/ioinit symbolic link to /sbin/ioinit
x ./usr/sbin/ioscan symbolic link to /sbin/ioscan
x ./usr/sbin/mknod symbolic link to /sbin/mknod
x ./usr/sbin/mount symbolic link to /sbin/mount
x ./usr/sbin/reboot symbolic link to /sbin/reboot
x ./usr/sbin/setboot, 20480 bytes, 40 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/swapon, 28672 bytes, 56 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/umount symbolic link to /sbin/umount
x ./usr/sbin/chroot, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/rvxdump symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxdump
x ./usr/sbin/rvxrestore symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxrestore
x ./usr/sbin/vxdump symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxdump
x ./usr/sbin/vxrestore symbolic link to /usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxrestore
x ./usr/sbin/mk_kernel, 27494 bytes, 54 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/swagentd, 602112 bytes, 1176 tape blocks
x ./usr/sbin/swacl, 2027520 bytes, 3960 tape blocks
./usr/sbin/swconfig linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swcopy linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swinstall linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swlist linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
x ./usr/sbin/swmodify, 1163264 bytes, 2272 tape blocks
./usr/sbin/swpackage linked to ./usr/sbin/swmodify
./usr/sbin/swreg linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swremove linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
./usr/sbin/swverify linked to ./usr/sbin/swacl
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/h/hp, 1448 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/v/vt100, 1358 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./usr/share/lib/terminfo/w/wy60, 1673 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x ./usr/conf/gen/templates/generic, 542 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./usr/ccs/lbin/cpp, 290816 bytes, 568 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxdump, 110592 bytes, 216 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/fs/vxfs/vxrestore, 126976 bytes, 248 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sw/control_utils, 122219 bytes, 239 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/swagent, 1417216 bytes, 2768 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sysadm/create_sysfile, 24576 bytes, 48 tape blocks
x ./usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep, 10000 bytes, 20 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lbin/gethelp, 1236992 bytes, 2416 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lbin/ui_exec, 12288 bytes, 24 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/libIDMawrt.1, 1995529 bytes, 3898 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/ symbolic link to ./libIDMawrt.1
x ./usr/obam/lib/libobam.1, 1032192 bytes, 2016 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/ symbolic link to ./libobam.1
x ./usr/obam/lib/obam_aw.dmb, 149652 bytes, 293 tape blocks
x ./usr/obam/lib/help/C/ui/ui.sdl, 81025 bytes, 159 tape blocks
x ./usr/contrib/bin/gunzip, 90112 bytes, 176 tape blocks
./usr/contrib/bin/gzip linked to ./usr/contrib/bin/gunzip
x ./sbin/awk, 397312 bytes, 776 tape blocks
x ./sbin/cat, 208896 bytes, 408 tape blocks
x ./sbin/chmod, 249856 bytes, 488 tape blocks
x ./sbin/chown, 258048 bytes, 504 tape blocks
x ./sbin/date, 241664 bytes, 472 tape blocks
x ./sbin/frecover, 368640 bytes, 720 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/cdfs/mount, 229376 bytes, 448 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/cdfs/umount symbolic link to /sbin/fs/hfs/umount
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/fsck, 339968 bytes, 664 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/mount, 229376 bytes, 448 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/hfs/umount, 192512 bytes, 376 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/fsck, 495616 bytes, 968 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/mount, 458752 bytes, 896 tape blocks
x ./sbin/fs/vxfs/umount symbolic link to /sbin/fs/hfs/umount
x ./sbin/fsck symbolic link to /sbin/fs_wrapper
x ./sbin/init, 299008 bytes, 584 tape blocks
x ./sbin/insf, 393216 bytes, 768 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ioinit, 221184 bytes, 432 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ioscan, 229376 bytes, 448 tape blocks
x ./sbin/ls, 286720 bytes, 560 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkboot, 274432 bytes, 536 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mkdir, 200704 bytes, 392 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mknod, 192512 bytes, 376 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mount, 274432 bytes, 536 tape blocks
x ./sbin/mv, 241664 bytes, 472 tape blocks
x ./sbin/pax, 389120 bytes, 760 tape blocks
x ./sbin/reboot, 245760 bytes, 480 tape blocks
x ./sbin/stty, 208896 bytes, 408 tape blocks
x ./sbin/umount, 221184 bytes, 432 tape blocks
x ./sbin/restore, 290816 bytes, 568 tape blocks
x ./dev/config, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/null, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/console, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/kmem, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/mem, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/rroot, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/root, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/tty, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/syscon, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./dev/systty, 0 bytes, 0 blocks, character device
x ./tmp/set_locale, 3115 bytes, 7 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_ACL, 40 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_OWNER, 62 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_PROD_DFLT_ACL, 55 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/_SOC_DFLT_ACL, 55 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/security/secrets, 15 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./var/adm/sw/defaults, 1252 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./var/opt/ignite/local/manifest/template.def, 14257 bytes, 28 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/share/man/man1m.Z/print_manifest.1m, 1195 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/binpa/print_manifest, 40960 bytes, 80 tape blocks
x ./opt/ignite/bin symbolic link to /opt/ignite/binpa
x ./etc/group, 184 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/passwd, 332 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/magic, 8794 bytes, 18 tape blocks
x ./etc/hosts, 486 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/services, 10908 bytes, 22 tape blocks
x ./etc/inetsvcs.conf, 15 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./etc/nsswitch.conf, 382 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x ./configure3, 483328 bytes, 944 tape blocks
x ./monitor_bpr, 32768 bytes, 64 tape blocks
* Download_mini-system: Complete
* Loading_software: Begin
* Installing boot area on disk.
* Enabling swap areas.
* Backing up LVM configuration for "vg00".
* Running the ioinit command ("/sbin/ioinit -c")
* Creating device files via the insf command.
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 0 address 8/0/0/0.0.0
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 1 address 8/0/0/0.1.0
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 2 address 8/0/0/0.2.0
insf: Installing special files for btlan instance 0 address 8/0/1/0
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dlpi
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver kepd
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver framebuf
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver sad
* Constructing the bootconf file.
* Setting primary boot path to "8/0/0/0.0.0".
* Starting swinstall of the source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD1).
* Running command: "/usr/sbin/swinstall -s/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
-f/tmp/ign_configure/software_file -x os_release=B.11.11 -x
os_name=HP-UX:32 -xpatch_filter=*.* -xpatch_save_files=true "
WARNING: The software specified contains a fileset that changes the
kernel. Either the attribute dynamic_module, used for dynamic
changes, is specified, or the is_kernel attribute, used for
static changes, is set to true.
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Source: localhost:/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for product information.
NOTE: The filesystems in the filesystem table will not be checked
against those currently mounted because the
"mount_all_filesystems" option is set to "false".
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: The Obsolete product is relevant during an update where there
is existing software on the system to be obsoleted (removed).
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "Obsolete" gave an "exclude"
return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
NOTE: The Update-UX.SD-AGENT fileset is intended to be installed
only during execution of the update-ux command. Thus, the
Update-UX.SD-AGENT fileset will exclude itself from
installation at this time.
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "Update-UX.SD-AGENT" gave an
"exclude" return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
NOTE: The Update-UX.SD-CMDS fileset is intended to be installed
only during execution of the update-ux command. Thus, the
Update-UX.SD-CMDS fileset will exclude itself from
installation at this time.
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "Update-UX.SD-CMDS" gave an
"exclude" return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
NOTE: The patch, PHCO_29379, will install correctly on your current
system configuration; however, if you ever choose to install
the product B2491BA, "MirrorDisk/UX", you will need to reapply
the patch afterwards. PHCO_29379 includes components for both
LVM and MirrorDisk/UX, so the MirrorDisk/UX component will
need to be applied after the product is installed. This is
accomplished by installing the patch again with the
"reinstall" option set to false, which will install only the
PHCO_29379.LVM-MIRROR-RUN fileset.
NOTE: The firmware delivered in PHSS_29342 does not apply to
the hardware model '9000/778/B160L' so the patch will be
excluded from installation.
If you wish to install PHSS_29342 even though it does not
apply, you can force the installation of the patch by
touching the file '/tmp/force_patch_install' before
installing the patch. This may be useful when creating
a 'golden' archive image for Ignite-UX that may be used
on several different hardware platforms. Even though
the installation of PHSS_29342 can be forced, the system
firmware will not be modified since it does not apply to
this hardware model.
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "PHSS_29342.KERN-RUN" gave an
"exclude" return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
NOTE: The SW-GETTOOLS product is intended to be installed with no
other products/filesets. Thus, the SW-GETTOOLS product will
exclude itself from installation.
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "SW-GETTOOLS" gave an "exclude"
return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
NOTE: The patch fileset "PHSS_26799.FC-TL-KRN,r=1.0" may only be
installed upon a previously installed base fileset. The
specification for this base fileset is
"FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-KRN,fr=B.11.11.09,v=HP". Since there is
no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
matches this specification, fileset
"PHSS_26799.FC-TL-KRN,r=1.0" will be excluded.
NOTE: The patch fileset "PHSS_26799.FC-TL-RUN,r=1.0" may only be
installed upon a previously installed base fileset. The
specification for this base fileset is
"FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-RUN,fr=B.11.11.09,v=HP". Since there is
no fileset on the target or selected from the source which
matches this specification, fileset
"PHSS_26799.FC-TL-RUN,r=1.0" will be excluded.
NOTE: The patch fileset "PHCO_23340.SD-AGENT,r=1.0" may only be
installed upon a previously installed base fileset. The
specification for this base fileset is
"SW-DIST.SD-AGENT,fr=B.11.11,v=HP". Since there is no fileset
on the target or selected from the source which matches this
specification, fileset "PHCO_23340.SD-AGENT,r=1.0" will be
NOTE: The patch fileset "PHCO_29379.LVM-MIRROR-RUN,r=1.0" may only
be installed upon a previously installed base fileset. The
specification for this base fileset is
"LVM.LVM-MIRROR-RUN,fr=B.11.11,v=HP". Since there is no
fileset on the target or selected from the source which
matches this specification, fileset
"PHCO_29379.LVM-MIRROR-RUN,r=1.0" will be excluded.
* Executing preDSA command.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
by 24488 Kbytes.
This will leave 163856 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to
increase by 697224 Kbytes.
This will leave 1550056 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
increase by 106384 Kbytes.
This will leave 1416504 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
increase by 336976 Kbytes.
This will leave 2148944 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 26 of 749 filesets will be Skipped.
* 723 of 749 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 723
* Files: 39128
* Kbytes: 1019338
* Installing bundle "B6848BA," .
* Installing bundle "B8465BA,r=A.02.00.07" .
* Installing bundle "B9073BA,r=B." .
* Installing bundle "BUNDLE11i,r=B.11.11.0306.1" .
* Installing bundle "FDDI-00,r=B.11.11.02" .
* Installing bundle "FEATURE11-11,r=B.11.11.0209.5" .
* Installing bundle "FibrChanl-00,r=B.11.11.12" .
* Installing bundle "GigEther-00,r=B.11.11.19" .
* Installing bundle "HPUXBase32,r=B.11.11" .
* Installing bundle "HPUXBaseAux,r=B.11.11.0509" .
* Installing bundle "HWEnable11i,r=B.11.11.0509.430" .
* Installing bundle "MOZILLA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "MOZILLAsrc,r=" .
* Installing bundle "NPar,r=B." .
* Installing bundle "OpenSSL,r=A.00.09.07e.012" .
NOTE: Creating the initial "/stand/system" file using the
"/usr/lbin/sysadm/create_sysfile" command.
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-SHLIB,r=B.11.11" (1 of
* File "/usr/lib/libcma.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/lib/libd4r.1" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/lib/libdce.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.C-KRN,r=B.11.11" (2 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.KERN2-RUN,r=B.11.11" (3 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.KERN-RUN,r=B.11.11" (4 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (5 of 723).
NOTE: Unable to determine if system hardware is SCA. Configure "sppnuma"
into kernel if SCA use is desired.
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-KRN,r=B.11.11" (6 of 723).
NOTE: Truncating system files (/stand/system) to core drivers.
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN,r=B.11.11" (7 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (8 of 723).
* File "/usr/lib/libc.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/lib/libdld.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/lib/libm.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/lib/libnss_files.1" could not be removed. It was
renamed and added to the cleanup file
* File "/usr/lib/libsec.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
NOTE: /usr/bin/libc.2 has been replaced with a version specifically
made for PA2.0 computers. The library can be changed back by
executing libcadmin(1m).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-MIN,r=B.11.11" (9 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-CORE,r=B.11.11" (10 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-AUX,r=B.11.11" (11 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (12 of
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-KRN,r=B.11.11" (13 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (14 of 723).
* File "/usr/lib/libnsl.1" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-CORE,r=B.11.11" (15 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.100BT-KRN,r=B.11.11" (16 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.LAN-KRN,r=B.11.11" (17 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.LAN2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (18 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NET-KRN,r=B.11.11" (19 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.NET2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (20 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NETTL-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (21 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NETTL-MIN,r=B.11.11" (22 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NETTL-RUN,r=B.11.11" (23 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NMS-KRN,r=B.11.11" (24 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.NMS2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (25 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NET-RUN,r=B.11.11" (26 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.LAN-RUN,r=B.11.11" (27 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.NET-RUN-64,r=B.11.11" (28 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NET-PRG,r=B.11.11" (29 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.100BT-RUN,r=B.11.11" (30 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NW-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (31 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-RUN,r=B.11.11" (32 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (33 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-KRN,r=B.11.11" (34 of
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO2-KRN,r=B.11.11" (35 of
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-KRN,r=B.11.11" (36 of
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-RUN,r=B.11.11" (37 of
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD,r=B.11.11"
(38 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Upgrade.UPG-TLINK,r=B.11.11" (39 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,r=B.11.11" (40 of 723).
NOTE: You may need to restart SNMP agents.
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,r=B.11.11" (41
of 723).
NOTE: You may need to restart SNMP agents.
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,r=B.11.11" (42 of
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-CMDS,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (43 of
* File "/usr/sbin/swverify" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-AGENT,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (44
of 723).
* File "/usr/lbin/swagent" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* File "/usr/sbin/swagentd" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-RUN,r=B.11.11" (45 of
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-RUN,r=B.11.11" (46 of
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-INIT,r=B.11.11" (47 of
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-KRN,r=B.11.11" (48 of
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(49 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-FMT,r=B.11.11" (50 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-RUN,r=1.0" (51 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-KRN,r=1.0" (52 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30257.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (53 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (54 of
* Installing fileset "FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-KRN,r=B.11.11.12" (55
of 723).
* Installing fileset "FDDI-KRN-COM.FDDI467-KRN,r=B.11.11.01" (56
of 723).
* Installing fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDDI4-KRN,r=B.11.11.02" (57 of
* Installing fileset "GE-DRV.GE-KRN,r=B.11.11.19" (58 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN,r=B.11.11" (59 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LVM.LVM-KRN,r=B.11.11" (60 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LVM.LVM-RUN,r=B.11.11" (61 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27103.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (62 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23290.KERN2-RUN,r=1.0" (63 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23292.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (64 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23293.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (65 of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.C-INC,r=B.11.11" (66 of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-MIN,r=B.11.11" (67 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-AUX,r=B.11.11" (68 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23294.C-INC,r=1.0" (69 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23294.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (70 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23295.C-INC,r=1.0" (71 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23295.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (72 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23296.C-INC,r=1.0" (73 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23296.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (74 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23297.C-INC,r=1.0" (75 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23297.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (76 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23299.C-INC,r=1.0" (77 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23299.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (78 of 723).
* Installing fileset "KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT,r=B.11.11" (79 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23301.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (80 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23301.KERN-DEV-KIT,r=1.0" (81 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23302.C-INC,r=1.0" (82 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23302.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (83 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23303.C-INC,r=1.0" (84 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23303.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (85 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23304.C-INC,r=1.0" (86 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23304.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (87 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23305.C-INC,r=1.0" (88 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23305.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (89 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23306.C-INC,r=1.0" (90 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23306.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (91 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23307.C-INC,r=1.0" (92 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23307.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (93 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23308.C-INC,r=1.0" (94 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23308.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (95 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23309.C-INC,r=1.0" (96 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23309.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (97 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23310.C-INC,r=1.0" (98 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23310.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (99 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23311.C-INC,r=1.0" (100 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23311.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (101 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23312.C-INC,r=1.0" (102 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23312.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (103 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23314.C-INC,r=1.0" (104 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23314.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (105 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23315.C-INC,r=1.0" (106 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23315.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (107 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23316.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (108 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23625.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (109 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23666.KERN2-RUN,r=1.0" (110 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23810.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (111 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23957.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (112 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_24278.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (113 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_25506.C-INC,r=1.0" (114 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_25506.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (115 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_25506.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (116 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_26269.C-INC,r=1.0" (117 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_26269.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (118 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_26425.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (119 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_26425.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (120 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_26743.LVM-KRN,r=1.0" (121 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_27096.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (122 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_27155.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (123 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_27219.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (124 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28025.C-INC,r=1.0" (125 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28025.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (126 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28025.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (127 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28197.C-INC,r=1.0" (128 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28197.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (129 of 723).
NOTE: Unable to find an usb device on the system. usb will not be
put in the system file.
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28569.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (130 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_28839.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (131 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29529.C-INC,r=1.0" (132 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29529.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (133 of 723).
NOTE: Unable to find an audio device on the system. Audio will not
be put in the system file. To enable audio, edit
/stand/system, add the line audio, rebuild the kernel and
reboot. To enable the audio server, edit
/etc/rc.config.d/audio and make sure the line AUDIO_SERVER= is
set to 1.
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29539.C-INC,r=1.0" (134 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29539.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (135 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29539.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (136 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29567.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (137 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29651.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (138 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29700.C-INC,r=1.0" (139 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29700.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (140 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_29700.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (141 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30100.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (142 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30105.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (143 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30197.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (144 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30446.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (145 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30512.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (146 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_30992.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (147 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_31227.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (148 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_31241.C-INC,r=1.0" (149 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_31241.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (150 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_31241.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (151 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32089.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (152 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32090.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (153 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32090.C-INC,r=1.0" (154 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32090.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (155 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32647.C-INC,r=1.0" (156 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32647.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (157 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_32647.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (158 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33338.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (159 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33339.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (160 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33425.C-INC,r=1.0" (161 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33425.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (162 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33425.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (163 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_33425.KERN2-RUN,r=1.0" (164 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_23288.C-INC,r=1.0" (165 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_23288.CORE-KRN,r=1.0" (166 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_23288.NET-KRN,r=1.0" (167 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_23288.NET-PRG,r=1.0" (168 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_28799.100BT-KRN,r=1.0" (169 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_28799.100BT-RUN,r=1.0" (170 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_28799.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (171 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_30463.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (172 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_30463.KERN2-RUN,r=1.0" (173 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_32396.CORE2-KRN,r=1.0" (174 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_32396.LAN-RUN,r=1.0" (175 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_32396.LAN2-KRN,r=1.0" (176 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHNE_32396.NW-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (177 of
* Installing fileset "SCSI-Passthru.SPT-DVR,r=B.11.11" (178 of
* Installing fileset "SCSI-Passthru.SPT2-DVR,r=B.11.11" (179 of
* Installing fileset "UserLicense.UNL-USER,r=B.11.11" (180 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-COR-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (181 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-RUN,r=B.11.11" (182 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-DTS,r=B.11.11" (183 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-HELP,r=B.11.11" (184 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-NOTES,r=B.11.11" (185 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (186 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11" (187 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.DCEC-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (188 of
* Installing fileset "DCE-Core.MACR-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (189 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (190 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (191 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.ARRAY-MGMT,r=B.11.11" (192 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN,r=B.11.11" (193 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN-32ALIB,r=B.11.11" (194 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (195 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.C2400-UTIL,r=B.11.11" (196 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (197 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (198 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (199 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-AX-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (200 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-MN-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (201 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (202 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (203 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (204 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (205 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (206 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (207 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.CORE-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (208 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.HPUX-HELP,r=B.11.11" (209 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.KERN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (210 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.KERN-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (211 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.KERN-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (212 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.LINKER-HELP,r=B.11.11" (213 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.NLS-AUX,r=B.11.11" (214 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.PERL,r=B.11.11" (215 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.Q4,r=B.11.11" (216 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.RELEASE-NOTES,r=B.11.11" (217 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (218 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (219 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (220 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UPS-TOOLS,r=B.11.11" (221 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.USRCONTRB,r=B.11.11" (222 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (223 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-FRE-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (224 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (225 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-GER-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (226 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-ITA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (227 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-ITA-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (228 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (229 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11" (230 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (231 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (232 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-KOR-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (233 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-SCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11" (234 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-SCH-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (235 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-SPA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (236 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-SPA-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (237 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11" (238 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (239 of
* Installing fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-U-MSG,r=B.11.11" (240 of
* Installing fileset "NFS.KEY-CORE,r=B.11.11" (241 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (242 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (243 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-CLIENT,r=B.11.11" (244 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (245 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (246 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (247 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-PRG,r=B.11.11" (248 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NFS-SERVER,r=B.11.11" (249 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NIS-CLIENT,r=B.11.11" (250 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NIS-CORE,r=B.11.11" (251 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NIS-SERVER,r=B.11.11" (252 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NFS.NISPLUS-CORE,r=B.11.11" (253 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Networking.LAN-PRG,r=B.11.11" (254 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NETTL-ADM,r=B.11.11" (255 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NMS-RUN,r=B.11.11" (256 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NW-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (257 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.NW-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (258 of
* Installing fileset "Networking.PPP-RUN,r=B.11.11" (259 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STRE-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (260 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STRE-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (261 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STRE-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (262 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-32ALIB,r=B.11.11" (263 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (264 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (265 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.STREAMS-MIN,r=B.11.11" (266 of
* File "/usr/lib/libxti.2" could not be removed. It was renamed
and added to the cleanup file "/var/adm/sw/cleanupfile".
* Installing fileset "Streams.XTI-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (267 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.XTI-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (268 of
* Installing fileset "Streams.XTI-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (269 of
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (270
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (271
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (272
of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(273 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(274 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(275 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-BOOT,r=B.11.11"
(276 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-DTC,r=B.11.11" (277
of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INC,r=B.11.11" (278
of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN,r=B.11.11" (279
of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(280 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(281 of 723).
* Installing fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(282 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Upgrade.UPG-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (283 of
* Installing fileset "Upgrade.UPG-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (284 of
* Installing fileset "Upgrade.UPG-MAN,r=B.11.11" (285 of 723).
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (286
of 723).
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (287
of 723).
* Installing fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (288
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.GZIP,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (289 of
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(290 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-EXAMPLES,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(291 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-FAL,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (292 of
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(293 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(294 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-HELP,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (295
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-HELP,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(296 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(297 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(298 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-HELP,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(299 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(300 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(301 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(302 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(303 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-TCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11.0509.428"
(304 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SW-DIST.SD-UPDATE,r=B.11.11.0509.428" (305
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM,r=B.11.11" (306 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.FIRST-BOOT,r=B.11.11" (307 of
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-HELP,r=B.11.11" (308 of
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (309
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-HELP,r=B.11.11" (310 of
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (311
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (312
of 723).
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(313 of 723).
* Installing fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(314 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(315 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(316 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(317 of 723).
* Installing fileset "FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-RUN,r=B.11.11.12" (318
of 723).
* Installing fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDAD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11.02" (319
of 723).
* Installing fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDDI4-RUN,r=B.11.11.02" (320 of
* Installing fileset "GE-DRV.GE-RUN,r=B.11.11.19" (321 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.JFS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (322 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.JFS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (323 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.JFS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (324 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.VXFS-BASE-RUN,r=B.11.11" (325 of 723).
* Installing fileset "JFS.VXFS-PRG,r=B.11.11" (326 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LVM.LVM-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (327 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LVM.LVM-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (328 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LVM.LVM-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (329 of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-RUN,r=B.11.11" (330
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-MAN,r=B.11.11" (331
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-NOTES,r=B.11.11" (332
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Update-UX.UUX,r=B.11.11.0509.431" (333 of
* Installing fileset
"Update-UX.UUX-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.431" (334 of 723).
* Installing fileset
"Update-UX.UUX-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.431" (335 of 723).
* Installing fileset
"Update-UX.UUX-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11.0509.431" (336 of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.LANG-MIN,r=B.11.11" (337 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.LANG-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (338 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.C-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (339 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.C-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (340 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.C-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (341 of
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (342
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (343
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (344
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (345
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (346
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (347
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-AX-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (348
of 723).
* Installing fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-MN-64ALIB,r=B.11.11" (349
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Accounting.ACCOUNTNG,r=B.11.11" (350 of
* Installing fileset "Accounting.ACCT-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (351
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Accounting.ACCT-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (352
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Accounting.ACCT-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (353
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-E-MAN,r=A.03.00" (354
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-MAN,r=A.03.00" (355 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-NOTES,r=A.03.00" (356
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-S-MAN,r=A.03.00" (357
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-KOR-NOTES,r=A.03.00" (358
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-MAN,r=A.03.00" (359 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-SCH-NOTES,r=A.03.00" (360
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-TCH-NOTES,r=A.03.00" (361
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(362 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-KOR-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(363 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-RUN,r=A.03.00" (364 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(365 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(366 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(367 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-KOR-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(368 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-RUN,r=A.03.00" (369
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(370 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(371 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(372 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-KOR-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(373 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-RUN,r=A.03.00" (374
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(375 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(376 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-RUN,r=A.03.00" (377 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (378
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (379
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.EUS-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00" (380
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.EUS-RUN,r=A.03.00" (381 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.MFCONV-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(382 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-H-MAN,r=A.03.00"
(383 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-MAN,r=A.03.00" (384
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (385
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-B-MAN,r=A.03.00"
(386 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-C-MAN,r=A.03.00"
(387 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-E-MAN,r=A.03.00"
(388 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-MAN,r=A.03.00" (389
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (390
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00" (391
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-KOR-RUN,r=A.03.00" (392
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-RUN,r=A.03.00" (393 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (394
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (395
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-RUN,r=A.03.00" (396 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(397 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00"
(398 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-DTTERM,r=B.11.11" (399 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-MSG,r=B.11.11" (400 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (401 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (402 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ITA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (403 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (404 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11" (405 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (406 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (407 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-TT,r=B.11.11" (408 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-MIN,r=B.11.11" (409 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11" (410 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SPA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (411 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SWE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (412 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11" (413 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (414 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CPS.CPS-32SLIB,r=B.11.11" (415 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CPS.CPS-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (416 of 723).
* Installing fileset "CPS.CPS-MIN,r=B.11.11" (417 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(418 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(419 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(420 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Curses-Color.CURSES-MIN,r=B.11.11" (421 of
* Installing fileset "Curses-Color.CURSES-PRG,r=B.11.11" (422 of
* Installing fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (423
of 723).
* Installing fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (424
of 723).
* Installing fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (425
of 723).
* Installing fileset "DiskQuota.DQUOTA,r=B.11.11" (426 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-CLIENT,r=B.11.11" (427
of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-COMMON,r=B.11.11" (428
of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(429 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(430 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(431 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-SERVCOMMON,r=B.11.11"
(432 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-SPOOLER,r=B.11.11"
(433 of 723).
* Installing fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-SUPERVISOR,r=B.11.11"
(434 of 723).
* Installing fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r=A.04.20" (435 of 723).
* Installing fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-MX,r=A.04.20" (436 of 723).
* Installing fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,r=A.04.20" (437 of
* Installing fileset "EMS-MIBMonitor.MIBMON-RUN,r=A.04.20" (438
of 723).
* Installing fileset "GLib.GLIB-MAN,r=" (439 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GLib.GLIB-NOTES,r=" (440 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GLib.GLIB-PRG,r=" (441 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GLib.GLIB-SHLIBS,r=" (442 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GLib.GLIB-SRC,r=" (443 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (444 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (445 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (446 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (447 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-PRG,r=B.11.11" (448 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-RUN,r=B.11.11" (449 of
* Installing fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-SHLIB,r=B.11.11" (450 of
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-MAN,r=" (451 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-MSG,r=" (452 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-NOTES,r=" (453 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-PRG,r=" (454 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-SHLIBS,r=" (455 of 723).
* Installing fileset "GTK+.GTK+-SRC,r=" (456 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-MAN,r=" (457 of
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-MSG,r=" (458 of
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-NOTES,r=" (459 of
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-PRG,r=" (460 of
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-SHLIBS,r=" (461
of 723).
* Installing fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-SRC,r=" (462 of
* Installing fileset "ImagingSubsystem.IMAGE-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11"
(463 of 723).
* Installing fileset "IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-COMMON,r=B.11.11"
(464 of 723).
* Installing fileset "IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-DCE,r=B.11.11" (465
of 723).
* Installing fileset "International.ARABIC,r=B.11.11" (466 of
* Installing fileset "International.BULGARIAN,r=B.11.11" (467 of
* Installing fileset "International.CHINESES,r=B.11.11" (468 of
* Installing fileset "International.CHINESET,r=B.11.11" (469 of
* Installing fileset "International.CZECH,r=B.11.11" (470 of
* Installing fileset "International.DANISH,r=B.11.11" (471 of
* Installing fileset "International.DUTCH,r=B.11.11" (472 of
* Installing fileset "International.ENGLISH,r=B.11.11" (473 of
* Installing fileset "International.FINNISH,r=B.11.11" (474 of
* Installing fileset "International.FRENCH,r=B.11.11" (475 of
* Installing fileset "International.GERMAN,r=B.11.11" (476 of
* Installing fileset "International.GREEK,r=B.11.11" (477 of
* Installing fileset "International.HEBREW,r=B.11.11" (478 of
* Installing fileset "International.HUNGARIAN,r=B.11.11" (479 of
* Installing fileset "International.ICELANDIC,r=B.11.11" (480 of
* Installing fileset "International.ITALIAN,r=B.11.11" (481 of
* Installing fileset "International.JAPANESE,r=B.11.11" (482 of
* Installing fileset "International.KOREAN,r=B.11.11" (483 of
* Installing fileset "International.NORWEGIAN,r=B.11.11" (484 of
* Installing fileset "International.POLISH,r=B.11.11" (485 of
* Installing fileset "International.PORTUGUESE,r=B.11.11" (486
of 723).
* Installing fileset "International.RUMANIAN,r=B.11.11" (487 of
* Installing fileset "International.RUSSIAN,r=B.11.11" (488 of
* Installing fileset "International.SERBOCROATIAN,r=B.11.11"
(489 of 723).
* Installing fileset "International.SLOVAKIAN,r=B.11.11" (490 of
* Installing fileset "International.SLOVENIAN,r=B.11.11" (491 of
* Installing fileset "International.SPANISH,r=B.11.11" (492 of
* Installing fileset "International.SWEDISH,r=B.11.11" (493 of
* Installing fileset "International.THAI,r=B.11.11" (494 of
* Installing fileset "International.TURKISH,r=B.11.11" (495 of
* Installing fileset "Judy-lib.JUDY,r=B." (496 of
* Installing fileset "Judy-lib.JUDY-COMMON,r=B." (497
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-64SLIB,r=B.11.11" (498 of
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (499
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (500
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (501
of 723).
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-PRG,r=B.11.11" (502 of
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-RUN,r=B.11.11" (503 of
* Installing fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-SHLIB,r=B.11.11" (504 of
* Installing fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (505 of
* Installing fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (506 of
* Installing fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (507 of
* Installing fileset "Keyshell.KEYSHELL-RUN,r=B.11.11" (508 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (509 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (510 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (511 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-ADMIN,r=B.11.11" (512 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-RUN,r=B.11.11" (513 of 723).
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-SERVER,r=B.11.11" (514 of
* Installing fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (515 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-MAN,r=" (516 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-NOTES,r=" (517 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-PRG,r=" (518 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-RUN,r=" (519 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-SHLIBS,r=" (520 of
* Installing fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-SRC,r=" (521 of
* Installing fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOS-UTILS,r=B.11.11" (522 of
* Installing fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (523
of 723).
* Installing fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (524
of 723).
* Installing fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (525
of 723).
* Installing fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(526 of 723).
* Installing fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(527 of 723).
* Installing fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(528 of 723).
* Installing fileset "MailUtilities.MAILERS,r=B.11.11" (529 of
* Installing fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-COM,r=" (530 of
* Installing fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-COM-DOC,r=" (531 of
* Installing fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-PA11,r=" (532 of
* Installing fileset "MozillaSrc.MOZ-SRC,r=" (533 of
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-SRC,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(534 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-RUN,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(535 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-PVT,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(536 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-PRNG,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(537 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-MIS,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(538 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-MAN,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(539 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-LIB,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(540 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-INC,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(541 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-DOC,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(542 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-CONF,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(543 of 723).
* Installing fileset "openssl.OPENSSL-CER,r=A.00.09.07e.012"
(544 of 723).
* Installing fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE,r=A.02.00.07" (545
of 723).
* Installing fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE-COM,r=A.02.00.07"
(546 of 723).
* Installing fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-MAN,r=A.02.00.07" (547
of 723).
* Installing fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-MX,r=A.02.00.07" (548 of
* Installing fileset
"NParProvider.NPAR-DOC,r=B." (549 of 723).
* Installing fileset
"NParProvider.NPAR-RUN,r=B." (550 of 723).
* Installing fileset "NonHP-Terminfo.NONHPTERM,r=B.11.11" (551
of 723).
* Installing fileset "OBAM.OBAM-BIN,r=B." (552 of
* Installing fileset "OBAM.OBAM-JVM,r=B." (553 of
* Installing fileset "OBAM.OBAM-WEB,r=B." (554 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_22958.FIRST-BOOT,r=1.0" (555 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_23263.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11.15"
(556 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_23263.ARRAY-MGMT,r=B.11.11.15" (557
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_24173.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (558 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_24173.UPS-TOOLS,r=1.0" (559 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_25311.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11.15"
(560 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_25311.ARRAY-MGMT,r=B.11.11.15" (561
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_25831.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (562 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_26951.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (563 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27100.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (564 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27101.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (565 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27101.KERN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (566 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27101.KERN-RUN,r=1.0" (567 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27101.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (568 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27185.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (569 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_27758.CORE-SHLIBS,r=1.0" (570 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_28160.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (571 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_28169.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (572 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_28998.SYS-ADMIN,r=1.0" (573 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_28998.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (574 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_29379.LVM-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (575 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_29379.LVM-RUN,r=1.0" (576 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30514.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (577 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30514.CORE-SHLIBS,r=1.0" (578 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30514.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (579 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30598.INETSVCS-BOOT,r=1.0" (580 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM,r=1.0" (581 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (582 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM-HELP,r=1.0" (583 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_30598.UX-CORE,r=1.0" (584 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHCO_31878.CORE-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (585 of
* Installing fileset "PHCO_31878.SYS-ADMIN,r=1.0" (586 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23298.KERN-DEV-KIT,r=1.0" (587 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_23300.KERN-DEV-KIT,r=1.0" (588 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_27177.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,r=1.0" (589 of
* Installing fileset "PHKL_27177.KERN-RUN,r=1.0" (590 of 723).
NOTE: Successfully updated disk /dev/dsk/c0t0d0.
* Installing fileset "PHNE_23289.C-INC,r=1.0" (591 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_22898.CORE-64SLIB,r=1.0" (592 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_22898.CORE-SHLIBS,r=1.0" (593 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_22898.LANG-64ALIB,r=1.0" (594 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_22898.LANG-MIN,r=1.0" (595 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_25983.KERN-RUN,r=1.0" (596 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-RECORD,r=B.11.11" (597 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-MBX,r=B.11.11" (598 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-HPCR-MAN,r=B.11.11" (599 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-HPCR,r=B.11.11" (600 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DPMS-MAN,r=B.11.11" (601 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DPMS,r=B.11.11" (602 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DBE-MAN,r=B.11.11" (603 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DBE,r=B.11.11" (604 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.X11-SERV-MAN,r=B.11.11" (605 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.X11-SERV,r=B.11.11" (606 of 723).
NOTE: copying /usr/newconfig/usr/lib/X11/extensions/libSX.1 to
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-UTILS,r=B.11.11" (607 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-SLS,r=B.11.11" (608 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-SAM,r=B.11.11" (609 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-LOAD,r=B.11.11" (610 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-ENTRY,r=B.11.11" (611 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Xserver.DDX-ADVANCED,r=B.11.11" (612 of
* Installing fileset "Xserver.AGRM,r=B.11.11" (613 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11R6-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (614 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11R5-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (615 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.MKFONTDIR,r=B.11.11" (616 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.MOTIF-SHLIB,r=B.11.11" (617 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-FONT-AUX,r=B.11.11" (618 of 723).
NOTE: See /tmp/X11_newfonts.log for more information on newly
installed fonts
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-FONT-MIN,r=B.11.11" (619 of 723).
NOTE: See /tmp/X11_newfonts.log for more information on newly
installed fonts
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-FONTSRV,r=B.11.11" (620 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (621 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (622 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-ITA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (623 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (624 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11" (625 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (626 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN,r=B.11.11" (627 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CL,r=B.11.11" (628 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CL-MAN,r=B.11.11" (629 of
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CT-MAN,r=B.11.11" (630 of
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CTRB,r=B.11.11" (631 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-RUN-MAN,r=B.11.11" (632 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-SCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11" (633 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-SPA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (634 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-SWE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (635 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11" (636 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11-TCH-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (637 of 723).
* Installing fileset "X11.X11R4-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (638 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.AGRM,r=B.11.11.29" (639 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-ADVANCED,r=B.11.11.29" (640
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-ENTRY,r=B.11.11.29" (641 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-LOAD,r=B.11.11.29" (642 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-SAM,r=B.11.11.29" (643 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-SLS,r=B.11.11.29" (644 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-UTILS,r=B.11.11.29" (645 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.X11-SERV,r=B.11.11.29" (646 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.X11-SERV-MAN,r=B.11.11.29" (647
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DBE,r=B.11.11.29" (648 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DBE-MAN,r=B.11.11.29" (649
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DPMS,r=B.11.11.29" (650 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DPMS-MAN,r=B.11.11.29"
(651 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-HPCR,r=B.11.11.29" (652 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-HPCR-MAN,r=B.11.11.29"
(653 of 723).
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-MBX,r=B.11.11.29" (654 of
* Installing fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-RECORD,r=B.11.11.29" (655
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PrinterMgmt.LP-SPOOL,r=B.11.11" (656 of
* Installing fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (657
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (658
of 723).
* Installing fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (659
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SOE.SOE,r=B.11.11" (660 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SOE.SOE-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (661 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SOE.SOE-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (662 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SOE.SOE-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (663 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (664
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (665
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (666
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (667
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (668
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (669
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SecurityMon.SECURITY,r=B.11.11" (670 of
NOTE: Newly delivered files /tcb/files/devassign /tcb/files/ttys and
/tcb/files/auth/system/default are present under
* Installing fileset "SourceControl.SRC-CNTL,r=B.11.11" (671 of
* Installing fileset "SourceControl.SRC-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(672 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SourceControl.SRC-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(673 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SourceControl.SRC-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(674 of 723).
* Installing fileset "Spelling.SPEL-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (675 of
* Installing fileset "Spelling.SPEL-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (676 of
* Installing fileset "Spelling.SPEL-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (677 of
* Installing fileset "Spelling.SPELL,r=B.11.11" (678 of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (679
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (680
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (681
of 723).
* Installing fileset "SystemComm.SYSCOM,r=B.11.11" (682 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(683 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(684 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(685 of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-MNGR-MIN,r=B.11.11" (686
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-MNGR-NHP,r=B.11.11" (687
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TSM-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (688
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TerminalMngr.TSM-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (689
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (690
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (691
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (692
of 723).
* Installing fileset "TextEditors.EDITORS,r=B.11.11" (693 of
* Installing fileset "UUCP.UUCP,r=B.11.11" (694 of 723).
* Installing fileset "UUCP.UUCP-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (695 of
* Installing fileset "UUCP.UUCP-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11" (696 of
* Installing fileset "UUCP.UUCP-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11" (697 of
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-RUN,r=B." (698
of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-COMMON,r=B."
(699 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B."
(700 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FCA-I-MSG,r=B."
(701 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FCA-U-MSG,r=B."
(702 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FRE-I-MSG,r=B."
(703 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FRE-U-MSG,r=B."
(704 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-GER-I-MSG,r=B."
(705 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-GER-U-MSG,r=B."
(706 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-HKG-U-MSG,r=B."
(707 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ITA-I-MSG,r=B."
(708 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ITA-U-MSG,r=B."
(709 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MAN,r=B."
(710 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MSG,r=B."
(711 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MAN,r=B."
(712 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MSG,r=B."
(713 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-U-MSG,r=B."
(714 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-KOR-E-MSG,r=B."
(715 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-KOR-U-MSG,r=B."
(716 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SCH-H-MSG,r=B."
(717 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SCH-U-MSG,r=B."
(718 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SPA-I-MSG,r=B."
(719 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SPA-U-MSG,r=B."
(720 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-B-MSG,r=B."
(721 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-E-MSG,r=B."
(722 of 723).
* Installing fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-U-MSG,r=B."
(723 of 723).
* Running install clean command /usr/lbin/sw/install_clean.
NOTE: tlremove is searching filesystem - please be patient
NOTE: Successfully completed
NOTE: tlinstall is searching filesystem - please be patient
NOTE: Successfully completed
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 26 of 749 filesets were Skipped.
* 723 of 749 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/03/19 00:31:36 EST END install AGENT SESSION (pid=143)
* Software installation of this source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE:
CD1) is complete.
To complete the installation you must now insert the
"B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD2" CD.
Once this is done, press the <Return> key to continue:
* Starting swinstall of the source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD2).
* Running command: "/usr/sbin/swinstall -s/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
-f/tmp/ign_configure/software_file -x os_release=B.11.11 -x
os_name=HP-UX:32 -xpatch_filter=*.* -xpatch_save_files=true "
======= 11/03/19 06:00:53 EST BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=6109)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=6109)
NOTE: The software item "CDE-ChineseS" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
"Asian-X11.IMX11-RUN,r=A.03.00,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27 CDE.CDE-SCH-H-MSG,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-RUN,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
"CDE.CDE-SCH-H-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-RUN,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-ChineseT" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27 CDE.CDE-TCH-B-MSG,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-TCH-B-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-TCH-E-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-English" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-French" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-FRE-I-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: International.FRENCH,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-German" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-GER-I-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: International.GERMAN,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-Italian" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-ITA-I-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-Japanese" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27 CDE.CDE-JPN-S-MSG,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"Asian-X11.XJIM-RUN,r=A.03.00,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27
CDE.CDE-JPN-S-MSG,r>=B.11.11.% CDE.CDE-JPN-E-MSG,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
X11.X11-FONTSRV,r>=B.11.11.% X11.MKFONTDIR,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-JPN-E-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-JPN-S-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"EGBridge.EGB-RUN,r=A.03.00,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"VJE.VJE-RUN,r=A.03.00,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"ATOK.ATOK-RUN,r=A.03.00,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27
NOTE: The software item "CDE-Korean" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
CDE.CDE-MIN,r>=B.11.11.%27 CDE.CDE-KOR-E-MSG,r>=B.11.11.%
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-KOR-E-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: International.KOREAN,r>=B.11.11.%27
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-Spanish" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-SPA-I-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "CDE-Swedish" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
"CDE.CDE-SWE-I-HELP,r=B.11.11,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "OnlineDiag" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: X11.X11R6-SHLIBS
* The software
"EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,r=A.04.20,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: SystemAdmin.SAM
WARNING: The software specified contains a fileset that changes the
kernel. Either the attribute dynamic_module, used for dynamic
changes, is specified, or the is_kernel attribute, used for
static changes, is set to true.
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Source: localhost:/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for product information.
NOTE: The filesystems in the filesystem table will not be checked
against those currently mounted because the
"mount_all_filesystems" option is set to "false".
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,r=A.04.20" is already
installed. If you wish to reinstall this fileset, change the
"reinstall" option to "true".
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-MX,r=A.04.20" is already installed.
If you wish to reinstall this fileset, change the "reinstall"
option to "true".
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,r=A.04.20" is already
installed. If you wish to reinstall this fileset, change the
"reinstall" option to "true".
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: Cannot safely install "DesktopConfig" onto the system because
"NFS.NIS-SERVER" is already installed. To correct this problem, you
must remove "NFS.NIS-SERVER" from the system and then retry.
NOTE: Cannot safely install "DesktopConfig" onto the system because
"X11.X11-FONTSRV" is already installed. To correct this problem, you
must remove "X11.X11-FONTSRV" from the system and then retry.
NOTE: "DesktopConfig" is generally only intended for use with single-user
Series 700 systems installed with the "Desktop HP-UX" product.
Installing it will result in a kernel that is built with a reduced
(minimal) set of kernel tunable parameters appropriate for only
single-user desktop environments. See the on-line swinstall product
descriptions of "DesktopConfig".
If you still wish to install "DesktopConfig", then correct the
problem(s) shown above and install it again, -or- run the SAM
utility and select the "Apply Lite HP-UX Configuration" Action from
within any of SAM's Kernel Configuration screens.
NOTE: The "checkinstall" script for "DesktopConfig.LITECONFIG" gave
an "exclude" return (exit code "3"). The script location was
NOTE: This software will be excluded from further processing.
* Executing preDSA command.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
by 824 Kbytes.
This will leave 163904 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to
increase by 389232 Kbytes.
This will leave 1164752 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
increase by 18424 Kbytes.
This will leave 1420504 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
increase by 97248 Kbytes.
This will leave 2061104 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 4 of 124 filesets will be Skipped.
* 120 of 124 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 120
* Files: 14307
* Kbytes: 436404
* Installing bundle "CDE-ChineseS,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-ChineseT,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-English,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-French,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-German,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-Italian,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-Japanese,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-Korean,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-Spanish,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "CDE-Swedish,r=B.11.11.0412" .
* Installing bundle "J4269AA,r=B.04.00.02" .
* Installing bundle "OnlineDiag,r=B." .
* Installing bundle "T1456AAaddon,r=" .
* Installing bundle "T1457AAaddon,r=" .
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-RUN,r=B.11.11" (1 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-HELP,r=B.11.11" (2 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11" (3 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-FONTS,r=B.11.11" (4 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-FRE-I-HELP,r=B.11.11" (5 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-GER-I-HELP,r=B.11.11" (6 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-HELP-RUN,r=B.11.11" (7 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ICONS,r=B.11.11" (8 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-ITA-I-HELP,r=B.11.11" (9 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-E-HELP,r=B.11.11" (10 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-S-HELP,r=B.11.11" (11 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-KOR-E-HELP,r=B.11.11" (12 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-LANGS,r=B.11.11" (13 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SCH-H-HELP,r=B.11.11" (14 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SPA-I-HELP,r=B.11.11" (15 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-SWE-I-HELP,r=B.11.11" (16 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-B-HELP,r=B.11.11" (17 of 120).
* Installing fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-E-HELP,r=B.11.11" (18 of 120).
* Installing fileset "ATOK.ATOK-RUN,r=A.03.00" (19 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-E-MAN,r=A.03.00" (20 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-MAN,r=A.03.00" (21 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-S-MAN,r=A.03.00" (22 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-INC,r=A.03.00" (23 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00" (24 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-KOR-RUN,r=A.03.00" (25 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-RUN,r=A.03.00" (26 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (27 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-SHLIBS,r=A.03.00" (28 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-TCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (29 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-JPN-AUX,r=A.03.00" (30 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-JPN-MIN,r=A.03.00" (31 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-AUX,r=A.03.00" (32 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-BOLD,r=A.03.00" (33 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-MIN,r=A.03.00" (34 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-SCH-RUN,r=A.03.00" (35 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-B-AUX,r=A.03.00" (36 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-B-MIN,r=A.03.00" (37 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XPFT-TCH-C-AUX,r=A.03.00" (38 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-C-AUX,r=A.03.00" (39 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-C-MIN,r=A.03.00" (40 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XPFT-TCH-E-AUX,r=A.03.00" (41 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-E-AUX,r=A.03.00" (42 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-E-MIN,r=A.03.00" (43 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XJIM-RUN,r=A.03.00" (44 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11.XP-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00" (45 of
* Installing fileset "Asian-X11FONTSRV.TT-JPN-RUN,r=A.03.00" (46
of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(47 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(48 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(49 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-ITA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(50 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-E-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(51 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(52 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-S-MAN,r=B.11.11"
(53 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(54 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(55 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-SCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(56 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-SPA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(57 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-SWE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(58 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(59 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUD-TCH-E-MSG,r=B.11.11"
(60 of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-RUN,r=B.11.11" (61 of
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (62
of 120).
* Installing fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-SRV,r=B.11.11" (63 of
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.LDAP-C-SDK,r=B.04.00.02" (64
of 120).
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.ADMIN-RUN,r=B.04.00.02" (65
of 120).
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.CORE-RUN,r=B.04.00.02" (66 of
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.LDUX-ENG-A-MAN,r=B.04.00.02"
(67 of 120).
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.NATIVELDAP-RUN,r=B.04.00.02"
(68 of 120).
* Installing fileset "LdapUxClient.PAM-AUTHZ-RUN,r=B.04.00.02"
(69 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Contrib-Tools.CONTRIB,r=B." (70
of 120).
* Installing fileset "Contrib-Tools.PDCINFO,r=B." (71
of 120).
* Installing fileset "Contrib-Tools.PIMTOOL,r=B." (72
of 120).
* Installing fileset "DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11" (73
of 120).
* Installing fileset "DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SRV,r=B.11.11" (74 of
* Installing fileset "EGBridge.EGB-RUN,r=A.03.00" (75 of 120).
* Installing fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-RUN,r=A.11.11.05" (76
of 120).
* Installing fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-CMN,r=A.11.11.05"
(77 of 120).
* Installing fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-DRV,r=A.11.11.05"
(78 of 120).
* Installing fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-MAN,r=A.11.11.05" (79
of 120).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PNV2,r=" (80 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PWV2,r=" (81 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PNV2,r=" (82 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PNV2-H,r=" (83 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PWV2,r=" (84 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PWV2-H,r=" (85 of
* Installing fileset "NisLdapServer.YPLDAP-SERVER,r=B.04.00.02"
(86 of 120).
You will need to update this file with appropriate
configuration data.
You will need to update this file with appropriate
configuration data.
You will need to update this file with appropriate
configuration data.
You will need to update this file with appropriate
configuration data.
* Installing fileset
"Sup-Tool-Mgr.RELEASE-NOTES,r=B." (87 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-CATALOGS,r=B."
(88 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-MAN,r=B." (89
of 120).
* Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-SHLIBS,r=B."
(90 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UI-RUN,r=B."
(91 of 120).
* Installing fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UUT-RUN,r=B."
(92 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-C-HELP,r=B.11.11.0412"
(93 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-C-SERV,r=B.11.11.0412"
(94 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-FONTS,r=B.11.11.0412"
(95 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-FRE-I-HELP,r=B.11.11.0412" (96 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-FRE-I-SERV,r=B.11.11.0412" (97 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-GER-I-HELP,r=B.11.11.0412" (98 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-GER-I-SERV,r=B.11.11.0412" (99 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-JPN-E-HELP,r=B.11.11.0412" (100 of 120).
* Installing fileset
"TechPrintServ.TPS-JPN-S-HELP,r=B.11.11.0412" (101 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-MAN,r=B.11.11.0412" (102
of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-MIN,r=B.11.11.0412" (103
of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-RELNOTES,r=B.11.11.0412"
(104 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-SERV,r=B.11.11.0412"
(105 of 120).
* Installing fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-SHLIBS,r=B.11.11.0412"
(106 of 120).
* Installing fileset "VJE.VJE-RUN,r=A.03.00" (107 of 120).
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-ENG-A-MSG,r=B.11.11" (108 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-FRE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (109 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-GER-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (110 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-ITA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (111 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-JPN-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (112 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-JPN-S-MSG,r=B.11.11" (113 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-KOR-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (114 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-RUN,r=B.11.11" (115 of 120).
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-SCH-H-MSG,r=B.11.11" (116 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-SPA-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (117 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-SWE-I-MSG,r=B.11.11" (118 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-TCH-B-MSG,r=B.11.11" (119 of
* Installing fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-TCH-E-MSG,r=B.11.11" (120 of
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 4 of 124 filesets were Skipped.
* 120 of 124 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/03/19 06:54:10 EST END install AGENT SESSION (pid=6109)
* Software installation of this source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE:
CD2) is complete.
To complete the installation you must now insert the
"B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD3" CD.
Once this is done, press the <Return> key to continue:
* Starting swinstall of the source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD3).
* Running command: "/usr/sbin/swinstall -s/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
-f/tmp/ign_configure/software_file -x os_release=B.11.11 -x
os_name=HP-UX:32 "
======= 11/03/19 07:16:06 EST BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=7642)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=7642)
NOTE: The software item "Base-VXVM" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software "VRTSvxvm,r=3.5m,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
NOTE: The software item "ISEEPlatform" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
"ISEE-Chorus,r=A.5.1.395.021,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,r>=B.11.00
* The software
"ISEE-SysInfo,r=A.01.00.22,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,r>=B.11.00
* The software
"Isee_EmsListener,r=A.11.09.05,a=HP-UX_B.11.11_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase:
OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,r>=B.11.00 X11.X11R6-SHLIBS,r>=B.11.00
* The software
"Availability,r=0.00.00979,a=HP-UX_B.11.00_32/64,v=HP" was
successfully marked, but it depends on the following software
items which could not be found in the source. However, these
items may already be in the target. This will be checked
during the Analysis Phase: OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,r>=B.11.00
NOTE: The software item "SysMgmtWeb" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: openssl.OPENSSL-LIB
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: openssl.OPENSSL-LIB
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: openssl.OPENSSL-LIB
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: openssl.OPENSSL-LIB
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: openssl.OPENSSL-LIB
WARNING: The software specified contains a fileset that changes the
kernel. Either the attribute dynamic_module, used for dynamic
changes, is specified, or the is_kernel attribute, used for
static changes, is set to true.
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Source: localhost:/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for product information.
NOTE: The filesystems in the filesystem table will not be checked
against those currently mounted because the
"mount_all_filesystems" option is set to "false".
* Reading source for file information.
* Executing preDSA command.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
by 38352 Kbytes.
This will leave 125496 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
increase by 704568 Kbytes.
This will leave 1356640 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to
increase by 39048 Kbytes.
This will leave 1127840 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
increase by 6288 Kbytes.
This will leave 1411096 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 66 of 66 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 66
* Files: 23046
* Kbytes: 678288
* Installing bundle "B9788AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "B9789AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "Base-VXVM,r=B.03.50.5" .
* Installing bundle "ISEEPlatform,r=A.03.95.021" .
* Installing bundle "SysMgmtWeb,r=A." .
* Installing bundle "T1455AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "T1458AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "hpuxwsApache,r=A." .
* Installing bundle "hpuxwsWebmin,r=A.1.070.04" .
* Installing bundle "hpuxwsXml,r=A.2.00" .
* Installing bundle "perl,r=D.5.8.3.B" .
* Installing fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-RUN,r=3.5m" (1 of 66).
NOTE: Port 4145 has been allocated for Volume Replicator use
* Installing fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-KRN,r=3.5m" (2 of 66).
NOTE: The VxVM drivers have been added to the /stand/system
file. You must build the kernel and reboot. You need to build
the kernel and reboot only if the installation process does not
automatically do it for you.
Use " /usr/sbin/mk_kernel -s /stand/system "
to build the new kernel
* Installing fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXMS,r=3.5m" (3 of 66).
* Installing fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-ENG-A-MAN,r=3.5m" (4 of 66).
* Installing fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-HELP,r=3.5m" (5 of 66).
* Installing fileset "ISEE-Java.JAVA-RUN,r=A.01.31.12" (6 of
* Installing fileset "ISEE.CORE,r=A.03.95.021" (7 of 66).
* Installing fileset "ISEE-Chorus.MADHPSERVICES,r=A.5.1.395.021"
(8 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Availability.CODE,r=0.00.00979" (9 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Cpumap.CODE,r=A.00.02.006" (10 of 66).
* Installing fileset "ISEE-SysInfo.SYSINFOBIN,r=A.01.00.22" (11
of 66).
* Installing fileset
"Isee_EmsListener.ISEE-EMSLSTNR,r=A.11.09.05" (12 of 66).
* Installing fileset
"Isee_EmsListener.ISEE-EMSCONF,r=A.11.09.05" (13 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-COM,r=" (14 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-DEMO,r=" (15 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-PA11,r=" (16 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-PA20,r=" (17 of
* Installing fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-COM,r=" (18 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-COM-DOC,r=" (19 of
* Installing fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-PA11,r=" (20 of
* Installing fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-COM,r=" (21 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-COM-DOC,r=" (22 of
* Installing fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-PA11,r=" (23 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-COM,r=" (24 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-COM-DOC,r=" (25 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11,r=" (26 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11-CL,r=" (27 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11-HS,r=" (28 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20,r=" (29 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20-CL,r=" (30 of
* Installing fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20-HS,r=" (31 of
* Installing fileset "MCPS-COMMON.BIN,r=A.01.01.01" (32 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Perl5-32.PERL-MAN,r=D.5.8.3.B" (33 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Perl5-32.PERL-RUN,r=D.5.8.3.B" (34 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Perl5-64.PERL-MAN,r=D.5.8.3.B" (35 of 66).
* Installing fileset "Perl5-64.PERL-RUN,r=D.5.8.3.B" (36 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE,r=A." (37 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE2,r=A." (38 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.WEBPROXY,r=A." (39
of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP,r=A." (40 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP2,r=A." (41 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL,r=A." (42
of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL2,r=A." (43
of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK2,r=A." (44 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK,r=A." (45 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP,r=A." (46
of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP2,r=A." (47
of 66).
* Installing fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-DOC,r=A." (48
of 66).
* Installing fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-DOC-COM,r=A."
(49 of 66).
* Installing fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-RUN,r=A." (50
of 66).
* Installing fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-UILIB,r=A." (51
of 66).
* Installing fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-UILIB-COM,r=A."
(52 of 66).
* Installing fileset "VRTSob.VEAS-FILESET,r=" (53 of
* Installing fileset "VRTSfspro.FSPRO-PRG,r=3.5-ga08" (54 of
* Installing fileset "VRTSobgui.VEA-FILESET,r=" (55 of
* Installing fileset "VRTSvlic.VLIC-RUN,r=3.00.007e" (56 of 66).
* Installing fileset "VRTSvmdoc.VXVM-DOC,r=3.5m" (57 of 66).
* Installing fileset "VRTSvmpro.VMPRO-PRG,r=3.5m" (58 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsWEBMIN.WEBMIN,r=A.1.070.04" (59 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsWEBMIN.HPDOCS,r=A.1.070.04" (60 of
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.XMLTOOLS,r=A.2.00" (61 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.BATIK,r=A.2.00" (62 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.COCOON,r=A.2.00" (63 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.FOP,r=A.2.00" (64 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.XALANJ,r=A.2.00" (65 of 66).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsXML.XERCESJ,r=A.2.00" (66 of 66).
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 66 of 66 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/03/19 08:27:16 EST END install AGENT SESSION (pid=7642)
* Software installation of this source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE:
CD3) is complete.
To complete the installation you must now insert the
"B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD4" CD.
Once this is done, press the <Return> key to continue:
* Starting swinstall of the source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE: CD4).
* Running command: "/usr/sbin/swinstall -s/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
-f/tmp/ign_configure/software_file -x os_release=B.11.11 -x
os_name=HP-UX:32 "
======= 11/03/19 08:33:48 EST BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=8664)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=8664)
NOTE: The software item "NParCmds" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: NParProvider.NPAR-RUN
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: NParProvider.NPAR-RUN
NOTE: The software item "ParMgr" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase: SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-RUN
SystemAdmin.SAM,r>=B.11.11.% NParProvider.NPAR-RUN
ERROR: Could not apply the software selection "T2743AA" because it
refers to a bundle or to a product, subproduct or fileset
within a bundle but no compatible bundles meeting the
specification were found.
NOTE: The software item "vparprovider" is a bundle (or a product,
subproduct or fileset contained within a bundle). This item
was successfully marked, but difficulties were encountered
while marking some items that it depends on. The messages
below show which software items encountered difficulties and
exactly what these difficulties were:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* The software
was successfully marked, but it depends on the following
software items which could not be found in the source.
However, these items may already be in the target. This will
be checked during the Analysis Phase:
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Source: localhost:/tmp/ign_configure/SD_CDROM
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for product information.
NOTE: The filesystems in the filesystem table will not be checked
against those currently mounted because the
"mount_all_filesystems" option is set to "false".
* Reading source for file information.
* Executing preDSA command.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/" is estimated to increase
by 32 Kbytes.
This will leave 125720 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/opt" is estimated to
increase by 389728 Kbytes.
This will leave 958696 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/var" is estimated to
increase by 1808 Kbytes.
This will leave 1413848 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/usr" is estimated to
increase by 1056 Kbytes.
This will leave 1127152 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 39 of 39 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 39
* Files: 5223
* Kbytes: 363904
* Installing bundle "Java15JDK,r=" .
* Installing bundle "Java15JDKadd,r=" .
* Installing bundle "Java15JRE,r=" .
* Installing bundle "Java15JREadd,r=" .
* Installing bundle "NParCmds,r=A.01.02" .
* Installing bundle "ParMgr,r=B." .
* Installing bundle "T1456AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "T1457AA,r=" .
* Installing bundle "T1471AA,r=A.04.00.002" .
* Installing bundle "hpuxwsTomcat,r=A." .
* Installing bundle "vparprovider,r=B." .
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-COM,r=" (1 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-DEMO,r=" (2 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA11,r=" (3 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20,r=" (4 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20W,r=" (5 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-COM,r=" (6 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-DEMO,r=" (7 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PA20,r=" (8 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PA20W,r=" (9 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PNV2,r=" (10 of
* Installing fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PWV2,r=" (11 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM,r=" (12 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM-DOC,r=" (13 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11,r=" (14 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11-HS,r=" (15 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20,r=" (16 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20-HS,r=" (17 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20W,r=" (18 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20W-HS,r=" (19 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-COM,r=" (20 of 39).
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-COM-DOC,r=" (21 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20,r=" (22 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20-HS,r=" (23 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20W,r=" (24 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20W-HS,r=" (25 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PNV2,r=" (26 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PNV2-H,r=" (27 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PWV2,r=" (28 of
* Installing fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PWV2-H,r=" (29 of
* Installing fileset "NPartition.NPAR-ENG-A-MAN,r=A.01.02" (30
of 39).
* Installing fileset "NPartition.NPARCMDS-RUN,r=A.01.02" (31 of
* Installing fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR,r=B." (32 of 39).
* Installing fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-HELP,r=B." (33 of
* Installing fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-MAN,r=B." (34 of
* Installing fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-RUN,r=B." (35 of
* Installing fileset "Secure_Shell.SECURE_SHELL,r=A.04.00.002"
(36 of 39).
* Installing fileset "VParProvider.VPAR-DOC,r=B." (37
of 39).
* Installing fileset "VParProvider.VPAR-RUN,r=B." (38
of 39).
* Installing fileset "hpuxwsTOMCAT.TOMCAT,r=A." (39 of
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 39 of 39 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/03/19 09:09:02 EST END install AGENT SESSION (pid=8664)
* Software installation of this source (B7994 11i Mission Critical OE:
CD4) is complete.
NOTE: tlinstall is searching filesystem - please be patient
NOTE: Successfully completed
* Loading_software: Complete
* Build_Kernel: Begin
* Tuned kernel for large swap space: "maxswapchunks 512".
* Building a new kernel using the command: "/usr/sbin/mk_kernel -o
Generating module: krm...
/usr/bin/mkdir -p /stand/build
Compiling /stand/build/conf.c...
Loading the kernel...
(Warning) Optimizing ADDILs in the presence of the debug information. Debug information may be corrupted (1594)
Generating kernel symbol table...
* Build_Kernel: Complete
* Boot_From_Client_Disk: Begin
* Rebooting machine as expected.
NOTE: Rebooting system.
sync'ing disks (0 buffers to flush):
0 buffers not flushed
0 buffers still dirty
Closing open logical volumes...
Connection closed by foreign host.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux
: disc(8/0/0/0.0.0;0)/stand/vmunix
8818940 + 1040384 + 641920 start 0x14c268
Connection closed by foreign host.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux
: disc(8/0/0/0.0.0;0)/stand/vmunix
telnet> mode character
8818940 + 1040384 + 641920 start 0x14c268
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 3.
NOTICE: autofs_link(): File system was registered at index 6.
NOTICE: cachefs_link(): File system was registered at index 7.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Logical volume 64, 0x3 configured as ROOT
Logical volume 64, 0x2 configured as SWAP
Logical volume 64, 0x2 configured as DUMP
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - major is 64, minor is 0x2; start = 0, size = 2097152
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Checking root file system.
file system is clean - log replay is not required
Root check done.
Create STCP device files
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 396828 Kbytes, available: 457052 Kbytes
Volume group "/dev/vg00" has been successfully changed.
* Running the ioinit command ("/sbin/ioinit -c")
* Creating device files via the insf command.
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 0 address 8/0/0/0.0.0
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 1 address 8/0/0/0.1.0
insf: Installing special files for sdisk instance 2 address 8/0/0/0.2.0
insf: Installing special files for sctl instance 0 address 8/0/0/0.7.0
insf: Installing special files for btlan instance 0 address 8/0/1/0
insf: Installing special files for asio0 instance 0 address 8/0/63
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver cn
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver devkrs
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver mm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ip
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver arp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver rawip
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tcp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver udp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver stcpmap
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver nuls
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver netqa
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptym
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptys
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver telm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tels
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlclts
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlcots
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver tlcotsod
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dmem
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dmp
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver vols
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver iomem
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dev_config
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver strlog
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver sad
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver echo
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver dlpi
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptm
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver pts
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver diag1
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver klog
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver sy
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver kepd
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver diag2
insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver root
* Restoring autoboot to OFF.
* Boot_From_Client_Disk: Complete
* Run_SD_Configure_Scripts: Begin
* Running swconfig command ("/usr/sbin/swconfig -f
/tmp/ign_configure/software_file") for source (B7994 11i Mission
Critical OE: CD1).
======= 11/05/19 22:44:01 EST BEGIN configure AGENT SESSION (pid=85)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=85)
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for file information.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 723 of 723 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 723
NOTE: New paths were added to /etc/MANPATH
NOTE: File /etc/rc.config.d/hparray not found.
It has been created.
NOTE: HPARRAY_START_STOP has been set to 1 in /etc/rc.config.d/hparray
to allow the HPAutoRAID product to automatically restart
following a system reboot.
NOTE: Starting the disk array monitor daemons.
NOTE: Check the file /etc/hpC2400/HPARRAY.INFO
to determine if any arrays were found.
NOTE: Starting the disk array monitor daemons.
NOTE: Check the file /etc/hparray/HPARAMGR.INFO
to determine if any arrays were found.
NOTE: To start UPS Monitor, /etc/inittab must be edited to remove
comment character (#) from ups command line.
Prior to this, ensure the ups configuration filename parameter
is correct for the system (default is /etc/ups_conf). Edit line
if necessary.
Also, ensure that /dev/tty's specified in the ups configuration
file are actually connected to UPS RS-232 ports, and that no
getty's are being spawned from /etc/inittab for these tty's.
Edit inittab to remove or comment-out such getty's.
To activate UPS Monitor, kill running ups_mond process. Run
"init q" to cause inittab changes to have effect.
NOTE: NFS_CLIENT in /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf is now set to 1.
NOTE: NFS_SERVER in /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf is now set to 1.
NOTE: Installing special files for pseudo driver telm.
NOTE: Installing special files for pseudo driver tels.
NOTE: Remove LANCONFIG_ARG from //etc/rc.config.d/netconf
No change required
NOTE: Installing special files for pseudo driver ptm.
NOTE: Installing special files for pseudo driver pts.
NOTE: The sendmail server now requires a file which must
contain a list of local host names. A sample
/etc/mail/ is being installed that contains
extensive comments on the format. You MUST edit this file
before sendmail can be run as a server.
NOTE: The defaults file "/var/adm/sw/defaults"
is being edited to comment out any lines that
explicitly specify an rpc_binding_info value.
NOTE: A new version of "/var/sam/ts/pam_dir.reg"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/var/sam/ts/pam_mod.reg"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_da.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_files.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_tm.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: The file /var/adm/inetd.sec does not exist and is being
Nov 5 23:16:07 prngd[2656]: prngd 0.9.26 (12 Jul 2002) started up for user root
Nov 5 23:16:07 prngd[2656]: have 6 out of 60 filedescriptors open
ERROR: Unable to create self-signed host certificate.
See the file /tmp/hostcert.out for details
NOTE: Cannot find the fully-qualified domain name(FQDN) for this
system, SSL certificates for WBEMServices are created with
the short hostname.
Correct this either by editing the /etc/hosts file or by
making the appropriate DNS registration. If not corrected,
the created certificates may not be acceptable to the
WBEMService clients that expect a FQDN in the common name
field of the SSL certificate.
NOTE: Starting cimserver in order to load mof files
NOTE: CIM Repository is being built - please be patient
NOTE: A copy of the previous inittab has been saved in:
NOTE: /etc/PATH already contains the "/opt/hparray/bin" path for
the HPAutoRAID product.
NOTE: Starting the disk array monitor daemons.
NOTE: Check the file /etc/hpC2400/HPARRAY.INFO
to determine if any arrays were found.
NOTE: /etc/PATH already contains the "/opt/hparray/bin" path for
the HP Fibre Array/60 product.
NOTE: Starting the disk array monitor daemons.
NOTE: Check the file /etc/hparray/HPARAMGR.INFO
to determine if any arrays were found.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_da.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_files.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of "/etc/sam/reg_tm.db"
has been placed on the system.
NOTE: A new version of /etc/X11/XHPKeymaps
has been placed on the system.
The new version may be essential to the functioning of your system.
The old version is in /etc/X11/XHPKeymaps.old.
It appears to have been edited. You may want to
merge your changes into the new version.
NOTE, Some mandatory conversion was done to
/etc/X11/XF86Config. The original was save in
NOTE: Checking if cimserver is running
NOTE: Checking iCOD WBEM provider registration using cimprovider.
NOTE: Removing old symbolic link
NOTE: Creating symbolic link to
NOTE: Listing namespaces in which to register iCOD WBEM provider
class definitions.
NOTE: Removing HP_iCODComplex WBEM class from namespace
NOTE: Updating iCOD WBEM provider class definitions in namespace
root/cimv2/npar using cimmof.
NOTE: Registering iCOD WBEM provider module using cimmof.
NOTE: Checking for partitionable system.
NOTE: System is not an iCOD supported system; done.
* Running config clean command /usr/lbin/sw/config_clean.
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 723 of 723 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/06/19 02:01:58 EST END configure AGENT SESSION (pid=85)
* Running swconfig command ("/usr/sbin/swconfig -f
/tmp/ign_configure/software_file") for source (B7994 11i Mission
Critical OE: CD2).
======= 11/06/19 02:02:19 EST BEGIN configure AGENT SESSION
(pid=3921) (jobid=loopback-0006)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=3921)
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-AUX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NMS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NMS2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-RUN-64,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Upgrade.UPG-TLINK,l=/opt/upgrade,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-FMT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"ImagingSubsystem.IMAGE-SHLIBS,l=/opt/image,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R6-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R5-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.MKFONTDIR,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-FONTSRV,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.MOTIF-SHLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-MX,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.CHINESES,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.CHINESET,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.FRENCH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.GERMAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.ITALIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.JAPANESE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.KOREAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SPANISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SWEDISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 64 of 184 filesets will be Skipped.
* 120 of 184 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 120
NOTE: This system is NOT configured for audio; therefore, the audio
server (Aserver) will NOT be started during system startup
NOTE: See /tmp/V2C-RUN_config.log for dtappintegrate results
* Running config clean command /usr/lbin/sw/config_clean.
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 64 of 184 filesets were Skipped.
* 120 of 184 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/06/19 02:12:54 EST END configure AGENT SESSION (pid=3921)
* Running swconfig command ("/usr/sbin/swconfig -f
/tmp/ign_configure/software_file") for source (B7994 11i Mission
Critical OE: CD3).
======= 11/06/19 02:13:16 EST BEGIN configure AGENT SESSION
(pid=5250) (jobid=loopback-0007)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=5250)
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27096.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_28169.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"ImagingSubsystem.IMAGE-SHLIBS,l=/opt/image,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R6-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R5-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-SRC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-RUN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PVT,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PRNG,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MIS,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MAN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-LIB,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-INC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-DOC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CONF,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CER,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 28 of 94 filesets will be Skipped.
* 66 of 94 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 66
NOTE: HPUX version is B.11.11
** WARNING **: SeaBIOS: Unimplemented PDC proc PDC_SYSTEM_INFO(143) option 0 result=8b4640 ARG3=0 ARG4=0 ARG5=0 ARG6=0 ARG7=0
** WARNING **: SeaBIOS: Unimplemented PDC proc UNKNOWN!(134) option 1 result=8b4640 ARG3=0 ARG4=0 ARG5=0 ARG6=0 ARG7=0
NOTE: SysInfo
ISEE preinstall configuration script was not run prior to
the ISEE installation.
To setup to run from cron, execute the
/opt/hpservices/contrib/SysInfo/bin/ -i
NOTE: Installing rst_dm_TL_adapter.clcfg version for HP-UX 11.11 and later
NOTE: Adding VRTSfspro to VEA Registry ... done
NOTE: To use the VRTSfspro you must restart the VEA server.
Refer to the man page for vxsvc(1M).
NOTE: VRTSfspro configuration installation complete.
* Running config clean command /usr/lbin/sw/config_clean.
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 28 of 94 filesets were Skipped.
* 66 of 94 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/06/19 02:49:37 EST END configure AGENT SESSION (pid=5250)
* Running swconfig command ("/usr/sbin/swconfig -f
/tmp/ign_configure/software_file") for source (B7994 11i Mission
Critical OE: CD4).
======= 11/06/19 02:49:57 EST BEGIN configure AGENT SESSION
(pid=7025) (jobid=loopback-0008)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=7025)
ERROR: Could not apply the software selection "T2743AA"; it is not
available from depot or root "loopback:/".
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-SRC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-RUN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PVT,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PRNG,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MIS,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MAN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-LIB,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-INC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-DOC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CONF,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CER,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE-COM,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NParProvider.NPAR-RUN,l=/,r=B."
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27758.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_31878.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.WEBPROXY,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is already
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-RUN,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-COMMON,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 36 of 75 filesets will be Skipped.
* 39 of 75 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 39
* Running config clean command /usr/lbin/sw/config_clean.
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 36 of 75 filesets were Skipped.
* 39 of 75 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/06/19 03:15:00 EST END configure AGENT SESSION (pid=7025)
* Running swconfig command ("/usr/sbin/swconfig *").
======= 11/06/19 03:15:21 EST BEGIN configure AGENT SESSION
(pid=7407) (jobid=loopback-0009)
* Agent session started for user "root@localhost". (pid=7407)
* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Target: loopback:/
* Target logfile: loopback:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for file information.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-SHLIB,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-COR-64SLIB,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-RUN,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-DTS,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-HELP,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-NOTES,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-JPN-E-MSG,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCE-JPN-S-MSG,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.DCEC-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DCE-Core.MACR-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-AUX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.ADMN-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.ARRAY-MGMT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN-32ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C-MIN-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.C2400-UTIL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CAUX-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-AX-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMDS-MN-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CMIN-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.CORE-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.HPUX-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.KERN-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.LINKER-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.NLS-AUX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.PERL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.Q4,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.RELEASE-NOTES,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.TOOL-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UPS-TOOLS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.USRCONTRB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-FRE-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-GER-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-ITA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-ITA-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-JPN-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-KOR-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-SCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-SCH-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-SPA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-SPA-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OS-Core.UX-TCH-U-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.KEY-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-CLIENT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NFS-SERVER,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NIS-CLIENT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NIS-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NIS-SERVER,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NFS.NISPLUS-CORE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.100BT-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NMS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NMS2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-RUN-64,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NET-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.100BT-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NW-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.LAN-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NETTL-ADM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NMS-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NW-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.NW-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Networking.PPP-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STRE-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STRE-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STRE-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-32ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.STREAMS-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.XTI-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.XTI-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams.XTI-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO2-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STRTIO-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Streams-TIO.STIO-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INET-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-BOOT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-DTC,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INC,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "InternetSrvcs.RBTD-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Upgrade.UPG-TLINK,l=/opt/upgrade,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Upgrade.UPG-JPN-E-MAN,l=/opt/upgrade,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Upgrade.UPG-JPN-S-MAN,l=/opt/upgrade,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Upgrade.UPG-MAN,l=/opt/upgrade,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.MASTER,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OVSNMPAgent.SNMP-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-CMDS,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-AGENT,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.GZIP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-EXAMPLES,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-FAL,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-TCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SW-DIST.SD-UPDATE,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.428" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.FIRST-BOOT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.OBAM-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemAdmin.SAM-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-INIT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FCMassStorage.FCMS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11.12" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11.12" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FDDI-KRN-COM.FDDI467-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11.01" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDDI4-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11.02" is already
NOTE: The fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDAD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "FDDI-PCI.FDDI4-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11.02" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GE-DRV.GE-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11.19" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GE-DRV.GE-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11.19" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.JFS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.JFS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.JFS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.VXFS-BASE-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "JFS.VXFS-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "LVM.LVM-KRN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LVM.LVM-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LVM.LVM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "LVM.LVM-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "LVM.LVM-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-RUN,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-MAN,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB-Support.KRB-SUPP-NOTES,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Update-UX.UUX,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.431" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Update-UX.UUX-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.431"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Update-UX.UUX-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.431"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Update-UX.UUX-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0509.431"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27103.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23290.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23292.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23293.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.C-INC,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-AUX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.LANG-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.LANG-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.C-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.C-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.C-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PAUX-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PMIN-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-AX-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ProgSupport.PROG-MN-64ALIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23294.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23294.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23295.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23295.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23296.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23296.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23297.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23297.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23299.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23299.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23301.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23301.KERN-DEV-KIT,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23302.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23302.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23303.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23303.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23304.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23304.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23305.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23305.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23306.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23306.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23307.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23307.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23308.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23308.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23309.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23309.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23310.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23310.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23311.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23311.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23312.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23312.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23314.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23314.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23315.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23315.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23316.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23625.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23666.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23810.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23957.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_24278.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_25506.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_25506.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_25506.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_26269.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_26269.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_26425.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_26425.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_26743.LVM-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27096.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27155.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27219.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28025.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28025.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28025.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28197.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28197.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28569.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_28839.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29529.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29529.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29539.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29539.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29539.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29567.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29651.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29700.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29700.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_29700.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30100.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30105.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30197.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-FMT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextFormatters.TEXT-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30257.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30257.FCMS-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30446.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30512.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_30992.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_31227.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_31241.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_31241.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_31241.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32089.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32090.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32090.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32090.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32647.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32647.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_32647.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33338.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33339.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33425.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33425.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33425.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_33425.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_23288.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_23288.CORE-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_23288.NET-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_23288.NET-PRG,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_28799.100BT-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_28799.100BT-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_28799.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_30463.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_30463.KERN2-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_32396.CORE2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_32396.LAN-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_32396.LAN2-KRN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_32396.NW-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SCSI-Passthru.SPT-DVR,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SCSI-Passthru.SPT2-DVR,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "UserLicense.UNL-USER,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27101.KERN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_28169.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-RUN,l=/,r=3.5m" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-KRN,l=/,r=3.5m" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXMS,l=/,r=3.5m" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=3.5m" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvxvm.VXVM-HELP,l=/,r=3.5m" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TT,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-DTTERM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ENG-A-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-FONTS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-FRE-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-GER-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-HELP-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ICONS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ITA-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-ITA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-E-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-S-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-KOR-E-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-LANGS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SCH-H-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SPA-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SPA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SWE-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-SWE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-B-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-E-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CDE.CDE-TCH-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ATOK.ATOK-RUN,l=/opt/atok,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Accounting.ACCOUNTNG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Accounting.ACCT-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Accounting.ACCT-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Accounting.ACCT-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-NOTES,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-KOR-NOTES,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-SCH-NOTES,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.ASX-TCH-NOTES,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-Core.IM-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-KOR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRNTR-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-KOR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-LP-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-KOR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-PRINTER.PRT-PD-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-TERM.IMTERM-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.EUS-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.EUS-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.MFCONV-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-H-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.STK-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-B-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-C-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-E-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-MAN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.TTK-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-KOR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UDC-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-UTILITY.UTILS-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"ImagingSubsystem.IMAGE-SHLIBS,l=/opt/image,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R6-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R5-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.MKFONTDIR,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-FONTSRV,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.MOTIF-SHLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-FONT-AUX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-FONT-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-ITA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CL-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CT-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN-CTRB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-RUN-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-SCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-SPA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-SWE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11-TCH-E-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "X11.X11R4-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-INC,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-KOR-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-SHLIBS,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.IMX11-TCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-JPN-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-JPN-MIN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-BOLD,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-KOR-MIN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-SCH-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-B-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-B-MIN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XPFT-TCH-C-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-C-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-C-MIN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XPFT-TCH-E-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-E-AUX,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XFNT-TCH-E-MIN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XJIM-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11.XP-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Asian-X11FONTSRV.TT-JPN-RUN,l=/,r=A.03.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-FRE-I-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-GER-I-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-ITA-I-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-E-MAN,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-E-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-S-MAN,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-JPN-S-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-KOR-E-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-SCH-H-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-SPA-I-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-SWE-I-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-TCH-B-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUD-TCH-E-MSG,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-RUN,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-SHLIBS,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "AudioSubsystem.AUDIO-SRV,l=/opt/audio,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ISEE-Java.JAVA-RUN,l=/opt,r=A.01.31.12" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "ISEE.CORE,l=/,r=A.03.95.021" is already
NOTE: The fileset "ISEE-Chorus.MADHPSERVICES,l=/,r=A.5.1.395.021" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Availability.CODE,l=/tmp,r=0.00.00979" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CPS.CPS-32SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CPS.CPS-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "CPS.CPS-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Contrib-Tools.CONTRIB,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Contrib-Tools.PDCINFO,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Contrib-Tools.PIMTOOL,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Cpumap.CODE,l=/,r=A.00.02.006" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Curses-Color.CURS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Curses-Color.CURSES-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Curses-Color.CURSES-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SRV,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DiskQuota.DQUO-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DiskQuota.DQUOTA,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-CLIENT,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-COMMON,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"DistributedPrint.PD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"DistributedPrint.PD-JPN-E-MAN,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"DistributedPrint.PD-JPN-S-MAN,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"DistributedPrint.PD-SERVCOMMON,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "DistributedPrint.PD-SPOOLER,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"DistributedPrint.PD-SUPERVISOR,l=/opt/pd,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "EGBridge.EGB-RUN,l=/opt/egb,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-CORE,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Core.EMS-MX,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-Config.EMS-GUI,l=/,r=A.04.20" is already
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-RUN,l=/,r=A.11.11.05" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-CMN,l=/,r=A.11.11.05" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-DRV,l=/,r=A.11.11.05" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-MAN,l=/,r=A.11.11.05" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "EMS-MIBMonitor.MIBMON-RUN,l=/,r=A.04.20" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "GLib.GLIB-MAN,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GLib.GLIB-NOTES,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GLib.GLIB-PRG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GLib.GLIB-SHLIBS,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GLib.GLIB-SRC,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GSS-API.GSSAPI-SHLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-MAN,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-MSG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-NOTES,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-PRG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-SHLIBS,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "GTK+.GTK+-SRC,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-MAN,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-MSG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-NOTES,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-PRG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-SHLIBS,l=/,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Gettext.GETTEXT-SRC,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-COMMON,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-DCE,l=/opt/dce,r=B.11.11"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "International.ARABIC,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.BULGARIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.CHINESES,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.CHINESET,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.CZECH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.DANISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.DUTCH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.ENGLISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.FINNISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.FRENCH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.GERMAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.GREEK,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.HEBREW,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.HUNGARIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.ICELANDIC,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.ITALIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.JAPANESE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.KOREAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.NORWEGIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.POLISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.PORTUGUESE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "International.RUMANIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.RUSSIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SERBOCROATIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "International.SLOVAKIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SLOVENIAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SPANISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.SWEDISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.THAI,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "International.TURKISH,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.RELEASE-NOTES,l=/,r=B."
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-CATALOGS,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-MAN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UI-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Sup-Tool-Mgr.STM-UUT-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Isee_EmsListener.ISEE-EMSLSTNR,l=/,r=A.11.09.05"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Isee_EmsListener.ISEE-EMSCONF,l=/,r=A.11.09.05"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-COM,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-DEMO,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-PA11,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk13.JDK13-PA20,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-COM,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-DEMO,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA11,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20W,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PNV2,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PWV2,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-COM,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-DEMO,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PA20,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PA20W,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PNV2,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jdk15.JDK15-PWV2,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-COM,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-COM-DOC,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi13.JPI13-PA11,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-COM,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-COM-DOC,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jpi14.JPI14-PA11,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-COM,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-COM-DOC,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11-CL,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA11-HS,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20,l=/opt/java1.3,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20-CL,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre13.JRE13-PA20-HS,l=/opt/java1.3,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM-DOC,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11-HS,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20-HS,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20W,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"Jre14.JRE14-PA20W-HS,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PNV2,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PNV2-H,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PWV2,l=/opt/java1.4,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PWV2-H,l=/opt/java1.4,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-COM,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-COM-DOC,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20-HS,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PA20W,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"Jre15.JRE15-PA20W-HS,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PNV2,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PNV2-H,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PWV2,l=/opt/java1.5,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Jre15.JRE15-PWV2-H,l=/opt/java1.5,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Judy-lib.JUDY,l=/,r=B." is already
NOTE: The fileset "Judy-lib.JUDY-COMMON,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-64SLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-PRG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "KRB5-Client.KRB5-SHLIB,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Keyshell.KEYS-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Keyshell.KEYSHELL-RUN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-JPN-E-MAN,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSRV-JPN-S-MAN,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-ADMIN,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-RUN,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-SERVER,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "LSSERV.LSSERV-SHLIBS,l=/opt/ifor,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"LdapUxClient.ADMIN-RUN,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is already
NOTE: The fileset "LdapUxClient.CORE-RUN,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"LdapUxClient.LDAP-C-SDK,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"LdapUxClient.LDUX-ENG-A-MAN,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"LdapUxClient.NATIVELDAP-RUN,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"LdapUxClient.PAM-AUTHZ-RUN,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-MAN,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-NOTES,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-PRG,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-RUN,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-SHLIBS,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Libiconv.LICONV-SRC,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "MCPS-COMMON.BIN,l=/,r=A.01.01.01" is already
NOTE: The fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOS-UTILS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MSDOS-Utils.DOSU-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MailUtilities.MAIL-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MailUtilities.MAILERS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-COM,l=/opt/mozilla,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-COM-DOC,l=/opt/mozilla,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Mozilla.MOZ-PA11,l=/opt/mozilla,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "MozillaSrc.MOZ-SRC,l=/opt/mozilla,r="
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-SRC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-RUN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PVT,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-PRNG,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MIS,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-MAN,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-LIB,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-INC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-DOC,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CONF,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"openssl.OPENSSL-CER,l=/opt/openssl,r=A.00.09.07e.012" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE-COM,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-MAN,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "WBEMServices.WBEM-MX,l=/,r=A.02.00.07" is already
NOTE: The fileset "NParProvider.NPAR-DOC,l=/,r=B."
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NParProvider.NPAR-RUN,l=/,r=B."
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NPartition.NPAR-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=A.01.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NPartition.NPARCMDS-RUN,l=/,r=A.01.02" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"NisLdapServer.YPLDAP-SERVER,l=/opt/ldapux,r=B.04.00.02" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "NonHP-Terminfo.NONHPTERM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "OBAM.OBAM-BIN,l=/,r=B." is already
NOTE: The fileset "OBAM.OBAM-JVM,l=/,r=B." is already
NOTE: The fileset "OBAM.OBAM-WEB,l=/,r=B." is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_22958.FIRST-BOOT,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_23263.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.15" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_23263.ARRAY-MGMT,l=/,r=B.11.11.15" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_24173.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_24173.UPS-TOOLS,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_25311.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.15" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_25311.ARRAY-MGMT,l=/,r=B.11.11.15" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_25831.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_26951.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27100.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27185.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_27758.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_28160.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_28998.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_28998.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_29379.LVM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_29379.LVM-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30514.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30514.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30514.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30598.INETSVCS-BOOT,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM,l=/,r=1.0" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30598.SAM-HELP,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_30598.UX-CORE,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_31878.CORE-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHCO_31878.SYS-ADMIN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23298.KERN-DEV-KIT,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_23300.KERN-DEV-KIT,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27177.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHKL_27177.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHNE_23289.C-INC,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_22898.CORE-64SLIB,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_22898.CORE-SHLIBS,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_22898.LANG-64ALIB,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_22898.LANG-MIN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_25983.KERN-RUN,l=/,r=1.0" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-RECORD,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-MBX,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-HPCR-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-HPCR,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DPMS-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DPMS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DBE-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.XEXT-DBE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.X11-SERV-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.X11-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-UTILS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-SLS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-SAM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-LOAD,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-ENTRY,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.DDX-ADVANCED,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Xserver.AGRM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.AGRM,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-ADVANCED,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-ENTRY,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-LOAD,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-SAM,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-SLS,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.DDX-UTILS,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.X11-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.X11-SERV-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DBE,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DBE-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DPMS,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-DPMS-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-HPCR,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-HPCR-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-MBX,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PHSS_32939.XEXT-RECORD,l=/,r=B.11.11.29" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.WEBPROXY,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is already
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_JK,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP2,l=/opt/hpws/apache,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-RUN,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-DOC,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-DOC-COM,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-UILIB,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SysMgmtHomepage.SMH-UILIB-COM,l=/,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR,l=/,r=B." is already
NOTE: The fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-HELP,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-MAN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"PartitionManager.PARMGR-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Perl5-32.PERL-MAN,l=/opt/perl,r=D.5.8.3.B" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Perl5-32.PERL-RUN,l=/opt/perl,r=D.5.8.3.B" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Perl5-64.PERL-MAN,l=/opt/perl_64,r=D.5.8.3.B" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Perl5-64.PERL-RUN,l=/opt/perl_64,r=D.5.8.3.B" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PrinterMgmt.LP-SPOOL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "PrinterMgmt.LPSP-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SOE.SOE,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SOE.SOE-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SOE.SOE-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SOE.SOE-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"Secure_Shell.SECURE_SHELL,l=/opt/ssh,r=A.04.00.002" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.AUDT-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.SEC-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SecurityMon.SECURITY,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SourceControl.SRC-CNTL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SourceControl.SRC-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SourceControl.SRC-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SourceControl.SRC-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "Spelling.SPEL-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Spelling.SPEL-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Spelling.SPEL-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "Spelling.SPELL,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemComm.SYSC-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "SystemComm.SYSCOM,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-C-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-C-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-FONTS,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-FRE-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-FRE-I-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-GER-I-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-GER-I-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-JPN-E-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-JPN-S-HELP,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-RELNOTES,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-SERV,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TechPrintServ.TPS-SHLIBS,l=/,r=B.11.11.0412" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-MNGR-MIN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TERM-MNGR-NHP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TSM-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TerminalMngr.TSM-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextEditors.EDIT-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "TextEditors.EDITORS,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "UUCP.UUCP,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "UUCP.UUCP-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "UUCP.UUCP-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "UUCP.UUCP-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VJE.VJE-RUN,l=/opt/vje,r=A.03.00" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VParProvider.VPAR-DOC,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "VParProvider.VPAR-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSob.VEAS-FILESET,l=/,r=" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSfspro.FSPRO-PRG,l=/,r=3.5-ga08" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSobgui.VEA-FILESET,l=/,r=" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvlic.VLIC-RUN,l=/,r=3.00.007e" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvmdoc.VXVM-DOC,l=/,r=3.5m" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VRTSvmpro.VMPRO-PRG,l=/opt/VRTSvmpro,r=3.5m" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-ENG-A-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-FRE-I-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-GER-I-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-ITA-I-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-JPN-E-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-JPN-S-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-KOR-E-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset "VUEtoCDE.V2C-RUN,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-SCH-H-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-SPA-I-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-SWE-I-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-TCH-B-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"VUEtoCDE.V2C-TCH-E-MSG,l=/opt/Migration,r=B.11.11" is already
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsTOMCAT.TOMCAT,l=/opt/hpws/tomcat,r=A." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsWEBMIN.WEBMIN,l=/opt/hpws/webmin,r=A.1.070.04" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset
"hpuxwsWEBMIN.HPDOCS,l=/opt/hpws/webmin,r=A.1.070.04" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.XMLTOOLS,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.BATIK,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.COCOON,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.FOP,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00" is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.XALANJ,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "hpuxwsXML.XERCESJ,l=/opt/hpws/xmltools,r=A.2.00"
is already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-RUN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-COMMON,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ENG-A-MAN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FCA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FCA-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FRE-I-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-FRE-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-GER-I-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-GER-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-HKG-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ITA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-ITA-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MAN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MAN,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-JPN-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-KOR-E-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-KOR-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SCH-H-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SCH-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SPA-I-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-SPA-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-B-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-E-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
NOTE: The fileset "iCOD.ICOD-TCH-U-MSG,l=/,r=B." is
already configured.
* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 948 of 948 filesets will be Skipped.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.
* Beginning the Configure Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 0
* Running config clean command /usr/lbin/sw/config_clean.
* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 948 of 948 filesets were Skipped.
* The Execution Phase succeeded.
======= 11/06/19 03:20:47 EST END configure AGENT SESSION (pid=7407)
* Run_SD_Configure_Scripts: Complete
* Run_Postconfigure_Scripts: Begin
* Applying the networking information.
* Creating the manifest.
* Run all specified post-configure scripts.
* Run_Postconfigure_Scripts: Complete
======= 11/06/19 03:21:24 EST Installation complete: Successful
####### # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # ###
# # # #
# # # #
####### # #
NOTE: Rebooting system.
sync'ing disks (0 buffers to flush):
0 buffers not flushed
0 buffers still dirty
Closing open logical volumes...
Connection closed by foreign host.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ exit
Script done on Wed Nov 6 08:43:49 2019

Initial Install - QEMU Monitor Log:

[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # -----------------------------------------------cat r.shvi cat -net nic,model=helpversion
QEMU emulator version 4.1.50 (v4.1.0-2221-g36609b4fa3-dirty)
Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ./qemu-system-hppa -version# -----------------------------------------------cat r.shvi cat -net nic,model=help
Supported NIC models:
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ./qemu-system-hppa -net nic,model=helpversion# -----------------------------------------------cat
# Launches HP PARISC emulator and drops to QEMU monitor prompt
# Telnet to port CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM to access console
# -boot d -> Boot from CD ROM; -boot c -> Boot from Hard Disk
./qemu-system-hppa \
-boot d \
-m 512 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk,format=raw \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk,format=raw \
-cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \
-net nic,model=tulip \
-net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \
-serial telnet::${CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM},server \
-serial mon:stdio \
-nographic \
-d nochain ### -smp cpus=2 ### \ -accel tcg,thread=multi
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ./
qemu-system-hppa: -serial telnet::54321,server: info: QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:telnet::::54321,server
QEMU 4.1.50 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) iininfinfoinfo info binfo blinfo bloinfo blocinfo block
scsi0-hd0 (#block123): ./hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[0]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-hd1 (#block352): ./hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[1]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-cd2 (#block564): ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso (raw, read-only)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[2]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
Cache mode: writeback
floppy0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
sd0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
(qemu) cchchachanchangchangechange change schange scchange scschange scsichange scsi0change scsi0-change scsi0-cchange scsi0-cdchange scsi0-cd2change scsi0-cd2 change scsi0-cd2 Ichange scsi0-cd2 ISchange scsi0-cd2 ISOchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpuchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpuxchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux1change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-0change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.ichange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.ischange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.iso
(qemu) change scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.isochange scsi0-cd ISO/hpux11-02.isochange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-02.isochange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-0.isochange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-03.iso
(qemu) iininfinfoinfo info binfo blinfo bloinfo blocinfo block
scsi0-hd0 (#block123): ./hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[0]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-hd1 (#block352): ./hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[1]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-cd2 (#block901): ISO/hpux11-03.iso (raw, read-only)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[2]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
Cache mode: writeback
floppy0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
sd0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
(qemu) info blockchange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-03.isochange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-0.isochange scsi0-cd2 ISO/hpux11-04.iso
(qemu) iininfinfoinfo info binfo blinfo bloinfo blocinfo block
scsi0-hd0 (#block123): ./hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[0]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-hd1 (#block352): ./hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk (raw)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[1]
Cache mode: writeback
scsi0-cd2 (#block1145): ISO/hpux11-04.iso (raw, read-only)
Attached to: /machine/unattached/device[6]/scsi.0/legacy[2]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
Cache mode: writeback
floppy0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
sd0: [not inserted]
Removable device: not locked, tray closed
(qemu) [localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ---------------- TAKE A BACKUP OF THE INITIAL INSTALL
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls at rchive/
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm archive/*
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ tar cvjf archive/ z3 2 
HP-UX networking related tools and commands - nixCraft.pdf
Running HP-UX 11.11 on qemu-system-hppa.pdf
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ tar cvjf archive/first-boot.tar.bz2 hppa-firmware.img *dsk q
er e mu-system-hppa
a hppa-firmware.img
a hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk
a hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk
a qemu-system-hppa
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ----- CONVERT DISKS TO QCOW2
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ----- CONVERT DISKS TO QCOW2 tar cvjf archive/first-boot.tar.bz2 hppa-firmware.img *dsk qe
emu-system-hppa Me-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm archive/*
M[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm archive/*            
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.
.dsk hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk[1@8[1@g[1@n[1@b[1@-disk-1.8gb.raw[1@q[1@c[1@o[1@w[1@2
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.
.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
M[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.ra.8gb.raw.dMlocaluser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.[1@dMumtuk@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.ra
.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1[1@2
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls -lh *dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1.5G Nov 3 14:36 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1.4G Nov 3 14:37 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 8.0G Nov 3 14:17 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 8.0G Nov 3 14:17 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm hpux-striped-disk-
hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm hpux-striped-disk-*dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm hpux-striped-disk-*dskls -lh *dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1.5G Nov 3 14:36 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1.4G Nov 3 14:37 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ------- ADJUST for 1cow    qcow2 disk and SMP   2 Processore s +A  Acce
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ vi
## Launches HP PARISC emulator and drops to QEMU monitor prompt
# Telnet to port CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM to access console
## -boot d -> Boot from CD ROM; -boot c -> Boot from Hard Disk
./qemu-system-hppa \-boot d \-m 512 \-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk,format=raw \-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk,format=raw \-cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \-net nic,model=tulip \-net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \-serial telnet::${CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM},server \-serial mon:stdio \-nographic \-d nochain ### -smp cpus=2 ### \ -accel tcg,thread=multi unmodified: line 1M -drive if=scsi,bus=,index=,file=./
Copying file for recovery...
/hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk, format=qcow2 \,index=,file=./h/hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk2Mk,k,format=qcow2 \
 M Msync;sync;sync
 Mexit 0
:wq 23 lines, 703 characters
[?1l>[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cat
# Launches HP PARISC emulator and drops to QEMU monitor prompt
# Telnet to port CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM to access console
# -boot d -> Boot from CD ROM; -boot c -> Boot from Hard Disk
./qemu-system-hppa \
-boot c \
-m 512 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \
-net nic,model=tulip \
-net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \
-serial telnet::${CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM},server \
-serial mon:stdio \
-nographic \
-d nochain ### -smp cpus=2 ### \ -accel tcg,thread=multi
exit 0
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ # ---- B FIRST BOOT FROM HARD DISK -0 ----------
-rw-r--r-- 0 localuser localuser 783724 Oct 13 12:53 hppa-firmware.img
-rw-r--r-- 0 localuser localuser 8589934592 Nov 3 14:17 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk^C
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ cd ..
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls ( ( *dsk
hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm -o   i ( ( *dsk
remove hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk? y
remove hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk? y
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cd archive/
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ tar xvjf first-boot.tar.bz2
x hppa-firmware.img
x hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk
x hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk
x qemu-system-hppa
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ mv *dsk ..
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$
(reverse-i-search)`': c': cd archive/o': # ------- ADJUST for qcow2 disk and 2 Processors + Acceleration
(reverse-i-search)`con': qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2
2.dskMrse-i-search)`con': qemu-img v': qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow[1@2Meverse-i-search)`conv': qemu-img e': qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qco[1@wMeverse-i-search)`conve': qemu-img r': qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qc[1@oMeverse-i-search)`conver': qemu-img
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.[38@8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcMualMachines/hpux/archive]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-
.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
M[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk- hpux-striped-disk-
M[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-.8Mlocaluser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.[1@8
.8gb.raw.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2[1@1
qemu-img: Could not open 'hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk': Could not open 'hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk': No such file or directory
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ ls *dsk
ls: *dsk: No such file or directory
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ cd ..
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cd *dskqemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.
.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.
.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
M[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.ra.8gb.raw.dMlocaluser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.[1@dMumtuk@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.ra
.dsk hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1[1@2
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls -al
total 6090184
drwxr-xr-x 4 localuser localuser 1024 Nov 6 03:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 localuser localuser 512 Nov 2 16:08 ..
-rw------- 1 localuser localuser 98611 Oct 20 04:53 HP-UX networking related tools and commands - nixCraft.pdf
drwxr-xr-x 2 localuser localuser 512 Oct 13 07:25 ISO
-r-------- 1 localuser localuser 12351131 Oct 13 07:11 Running HP-UX 11.11 on qemu-system-hppa.pdf
drwxr-xr-x 2 localuser localuser 512 Nov 6 03:27 archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 598 Oct 20 04:38 change-cd-rom-qemu.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 localuser localuser 426 Oct 24 02:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 783724 Oct 13 12:53 hppa-firmware.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 244071 Nov 6 03:20 hpux-inst-console.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 47313 Nov 6 03:33 hpux-inst-qemu.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1596784640 Nov 6 03:29 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1471414272 Nov 6 03:32 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 8589934592 Nov 3 14:17 hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 8589934592 Nov 3 14:17 hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 343 Nov 1 01:51 qemu-supported-network-adapters.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 localuser localuser 36997400 Nov 3 02:50 qemu-system-hppa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 localuser localuser 36875104 Oct 13 07:23 qemu-system-hppa.bak
-rwxr-xr-x 1 localuser localuser 696 Nov 6 03:23
-rwxr-xr-x 1 localuser localuser 988 Nov 2 01:37
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ rm -i *raw.dsk
remove hpux-striped-disk-1.8gb.raw.dsk? y
remove hpux-striped-disk-2.8gb.raw.dsk? y
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cd archive/
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ ls
first-boot.tar.bz2 hppa-firmware.img qemu-system-hppa
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ rm -i *
remove first-boot.tar.bz2? n
remove hppa-firmware.img? y
remove qemu-system-hppa? y
remove y
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ sync
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ ls
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux/archive]$ cd ..
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ s ls
HP-UX networking related tools and commands - nixCraft.pdf
Running HP-UX 11.11 on qemu-system-hppa.pdf
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cat
# Launches HP PARISC emulator and drops to QEMU monitor prompt
# Telnet to port CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM to access console
# -boot d -> Boot from CD ROM; -boot c -> Boot from Hard Disk
./qemu-system-hppa \
-boot c \
-m 512 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \
-net nic,model=tulip \
-net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \
-serial telnet::${CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM},server \
-serial mon:stdio \
-nographic \
-d nochain ### -smp cpus=2 -accel tcg,thread=multi
exit 0
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls -l hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1596784640 Nov 6 03:29 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ls -l hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk[1@2
-rw-r--r-- 1 localuser localuser 1471414272 Nov 6 03:32 hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ###########################################
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ##########################################
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ########## STAT RT $$  #########################
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ##########################################
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ##########################################
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ cat
# Launches HP PARISC emulator and drops to QEMU monitor prompt
# Telnet to port CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM to access console
# -boot d -> Boot from CD ROM; -boot c -> Boot from Hard Disk
./qemu-system-hppa \
-boot c \
-m 512 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-1.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1,file=./hpux-striped-8gb-disk-2.qcow2.dsk,format=qcow2 \
-cdrom ./ISO/hpux11-01.iso \
-net nic,model=tulip \
-net tap,ifname=tap4,script=no \
-serial telnet::${CONSOLE_TELNET_PORT_NUM},server \
-serial mon:stdio \
-nographic \
-d nochain ### -smp cpus=2 -accel tcg,thread=multi
exit 0
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ./                     
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ ./
qemu-system-hppa: -serial telnet::54321,server: info: QEMU waiting for connection on: disconnected:telnet::::54321,server
QEMU 4.1.50 monitor - type 'help' for more information
(qemu) iininfinfoinfo infoinfini[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ exit
Script done on Wed Nov 6 08:43:43 2019

Post-Install First Boot - Virtual HP 9000/778 Console Log:

This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Script started on Wed Nov 6 12:58:36 2019
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ telnet localhost 54321
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Firmware Version 6.1
Duplex Console IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 1
Memory Test/Initialization Completed
(c) Copyright 2017-2018 Helge Deller <> and SeaBIOS developers.
Processor Speed State Coprocessor State Cache Size
--------- -------- --------------------- ----------------- ----------
0 250 MHz Active Functional 0 KB
Available memory: 512 MB
Good memory required: 16 MB
Primary boot path: FWSCSI.0.0
Alternate boot path: FWSCSI.2.0
Console path: SERIAL_1.9600.8.none
Keyboard path: PS2
Available boot devices:
1. DVD/CD [lsi 00:00.0 2:0 Drive QEMU QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+]
2. lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
3. lsi 00:00.0 1:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Booting from lsi 00:00.0 0:0 Drive QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+
Boot IO Dependent Code (IODC) revision 153
HARD Booted.
ISL Revision A.00.43 Apr 12, 2000
ISL booting hpux
: disc(8/0/0/0.0.0;0)/stand/vmunix
8818940 + 1040384 + 641920 start 0x14c268
WARNING: can't enable implementation specific instructions
NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 3.
NOTICE: autofs_link(): File system was registered at index 6.
NOTICE: cachefs_link(): File system was registered at index 7.
System Console is on the Built-In Serial Interface
Logical volume 64, 0x3 configured as ROOT
Logical volume 64, 0x2 configured as SWAP
Logical volume 64, 0x2 configured as DUMP
Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks)
entry 0 - major is 64, minor is 0x2; start = 0, size = 2097152
Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1
Checking root file system.
file system is clean - log replay is not required
Root check done.
Create STCP device files
$Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:05:38 PST 2000 $
Memory Information:
physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes
Physical: 524288 Kbytes, lockable: 396828 Kbytes, available: 457048 Kbytes
Checking for LVM volume groups and Activating (if any exist)
Volume group "/dev/vg00" has been successfully changed.
vxfs fsck: sanity check: root file system OK (mounted read/write)
Checking hfs file systems
/sbin/fsclean: /dev/vg00/lvol1 (mounted) ok
HFS file systems are OK, not running fsck
Checking vxfs file systems
/dev/vg00/lvol8 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: /dev/vg00/lvol8 OK
/dev/vg00/lvol3 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: root file system OK (mounted read/write)
/dev/vg00/lvol4 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: /dev/vg00/lvol4 OK
/dev/vg00/lvol5 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: /dev/vg00/lvol5 OK
/dev/vg00/lvol6 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: /dev/vg00/lvol6 OK
/dev/vg00/lvol7 :
vxfs fsck: sanity check: /dev/vg00/lvol7 OK
Cleaning /etc/ptmp...
(c)Copyright 1983-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Rights Reserved.
(c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of the Univ. of California
(c)Copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(c)Copyright 1989-1993 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corp.
(c)Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University
(c)Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland
(c)Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Mentat Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Isogon Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.
Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set
forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2).
/sbin/auto_parms: DHCP access is disabled (see /etc/auto_parms.log)
. i
[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25h l ===  GeoCustoms (lo (1)  k
x x
x Select your language: x
x [ ENGLISH ] x
x [ FRANCAIS ] x
x [ DEUTSCH ] x
x [ ITALIANO ] x
x [ ESPANOL ] x
x [ SVENSKA ] x
x Working... x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [Clse ] [?] ENGLISH  ENGLISH   Wrking...   >[?7h[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25h
 l  GeoCustoms (localhost)  k
x x
x GeoCustoms: Set System Language x
x x
x x
x Default System Language: [ English ->] x
x Language Variant: [ SET_NULL_LOCALE ->] x
x x
x Multiple languages are installed on HP-UX systems. Up to 40 x
x MBytes of disk space may be freed at next boot by selecting x
x unused languages for removal. x
x [ ] Specify unused languages for removal x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
x [ Next > ] [ Cancel ] [ Help ] x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Working...          
9 [Next>][Cancel][Help]Working...           [Next>][Cancel][Help]English->
SET_NULL_LOCALE->SET_NULL_LOCALE-> Specify unused languages for removalXWorking...           [Next>][Cancel][Help]XSpecify unused languages for removal Next >  Next >  Next > English->Working...        [Next>][Cancel][Help]AdditionalSelections
functionaliy. If a languagemightbe used, moveittothe 
list of langugestokeep.Languagesmarked for removal 
more information.         
Languages to Kep  LanguagestoRemove
lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk   lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x [ <--Add--- ]x 
x x 
x [ -Remove-> ]x 
Working...          French
<  >
 [Next>][Cancel][Help][<Back] < Back  < Back  Next >  Next >  Next > Working...            [<Back][Next>][Cancel][Help]Confirm Languae Sttings 
Your system languages will bset o:      
* English (default)     
Tochangesystemlanguagelater, run /usr/sbin/geocustoms. 
Working...              English (default) 9additionallanguageswillberemovedatthenextboot. [ < Back ][Next>][Cancel][Help]Finish < Back  Finish  Finish  Finish Working...            

l ===  GeoCustoms (lo (1)  k
x x
x Select your language: x
x [ ENGLISH ] x
x [ FRANCAIS ] x
x [ DEUTSCH ] x
x [ ITALIANO ] x
x [ ESPANOL ] x
x [ SVENSKA ] x
x Working... x

l ===  GeoCustoms (lo (1)  k
x x
x Select your language: x
x [ ENGLISH ] x
x [ FRANCAIS ] x
x [ DEUTSCH ] x
x [ ITALIANO ] x
x [ ESPANOL ] x
x [ SVENSKA ] x
x Working... x

Welcome to HP-UX!
Before using your system, you will need to answer a few questions.
The first question is whether you plan to use this system on a network.
Answer "yes" if you have connected the system to a network and are ready
to link with a network.
Answer "no" if you:
* Plan to set up this system as a standalone (no networking).
* Want to use the system now as a standalone and connect to a
network later.
Are you ready to link this system to a network?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
If your network contains a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) server, you may want to use the DHCP server to
supply your networking setup information.
It is best to answer "Yes" to the following question only if
you're sure that DHCP service is available.
Do you wish to use DHCP to obtain networking information?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] n
Before you begin using this system, you need to obtain the
following information from your local network administrator:
* Your system name (host name).
* Your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
* Your time zone.
If you do not have this information, you may stop now and restart
your system once you have it.
Do you wish to continue (answering no will HALT the system)?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
For the system to operate correctly, you must assign it a unique
system name or "hostname". The hostname can be a simple name
(example: widget) or an Internet fully-qualified domain name
A simple name, or each dot (.) separated component of a domain name, must:
* Start and end with a letter or number.
* Contain no more than 63 characters.
* Contain only letters, numbers, underscore (_), or dash (-).
The underscore (_) is not recommended.
NOTE: The first or only component of a hostname should contain 8
characters or less for compatibility with HP-UX `uname'.
The current hostname is unknown. You cannot configure networking
or run HP-CDE if the hostname is unknown. Please choose another name.
Enter the system name, then press [Enter]. Just pressing [Enter] will
keep the (not recommended) name "unknown": hpux.sanyalnet.lan
You have chosen hpux.sanyalnet.lan as the name for this system.
Is this correct?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
The following procedure enables you to set the time zone.
Select your location from the following list:
1) North America or Hawaii
2) Central America
3) South America
4) Europe
5) Africa
6) Asia
7) Australia, New Zealand
Enter the number for your location (1-7) then press [Enter] 4
Select your time zone from the following list:
1) Greenwich Mean Time - British Summer Time
2) Portuguese Winter Time - Portuguese Summer Time
3) Western European Time - Western European Summer Time
4) Middle European Time - Middle European Summer Time
5) Iceland time
6) Turkey, Finland, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria / Summer Time
7) Western Russia (Moscow) - Western Russia Summer Time
8) Unlisted time zone
9) Previous menu
Enter the number for your time zone (1 - 9), then press [Enter] 1
You have selected:
Greenwich Mean Time, British Summer Time (GMT0BST).
Is this correct?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
This section enables you to set the system clock.
The current system time is Wed Nov 6 13:04:53 GMT 2019
Is this correct?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
This section enables you to set the "root" password for the system.
The "root" account is used for system administration tasks. To insure
the security of the system, the root account should have a password.
Do you want to set the root password at this time?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
New password:
Re-enter new password:
If you wish networking to operate correctly, you must assign the
system a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. The IP address must:
* Contain 4 numeric components.
* Have a period (.) separating each numeric component.
* Contain numbers between 0 and 255.
For example:
Warning: Leading zeros within a component signify an octal number!
If you have not yet obtained an IP address from your local system
administrator, you may use the default address of by
pressing [Enter].
Enter your IP address, then press [Enter] or just press [Enter] to select
the default address (
You have chosen as the IP address for this system.
Is this correct?
Press [y] for yes, [n] for no or [c] to cancel then press [Enter] y
You may configure some additional network parameters at this time:
* Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway
* Domain Name System (DNS)
* Network Information Service (NIS)
Your local network administrator can tell you which if any of these
parameters should be configured for your system, and provide you the
appropriate values.
If you do not have these values now, you can configure them later.
Do you want to configure these additional network parameters?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
Additional Network Parameters: Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway
This section enables you to specify the subnetwork mask and default
network gateway. This information is necessary if your network has
gateways and you wish to communicate beyond your local subnetwork.
You will need to know the following information:
* Subnetwork mask
* Default gateway IP address
Do you wish to specify this information?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
Additional Network Parameters: Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway
Enter the subnetwork mask and default gateway information.
Subnetwork mask:
Gateway IP address:
Current Settings:
-> Subnetwork mask: (default)
Gateway IP address:
The subnetwork mask shown above is the system default value and possibly
should be changed. Enter the new subnetwork mask, then press [Enter]
or just press [Enter] to use the default value above: 0
Additional Network Parameters: Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway
Enter the subnetwork mask and default gateway information.
Subnetwork mask:
Gateway IP address:
Current Settings:
Subnetwork mask:
-> Gateway IP address:
Enter the gateway address, then press [Enter] or just press [Enter]
to select the current gateway address (
Additional Network Parameters: Subnetwork Mask and Default Gateway
Enter the subnetwork mask and default gateway information.
Subnetwork mask:
Gateway IP address:
Current Settings:
Subnetwork mask:
Gateway IP address:
Are the parameters above correct?
Press [y] for yes, [n] for no or [c] to cancel then press [Enter] y
Additional Network Parameters: Domain Name System (DNS)
This section enables you to configure the Domain Name System
or DNS (also known as BIND), which enables this system to query
a DNS server for names and/or addresses of other network systems.
To configure DNS you will need to know the:
* Local domain name
* DNS server IP address
Do you wish to specify this information?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] y
Additional Network Parameters: Domain Name System (DNS)
Enter the domain name and DNS name server information.
Domain name:
DNS server address:
Current Settings:
-> Domain name: (not set)
DNS server address: (not set)
Enter the domain name, then press [Enter]: sanyalnet.lan
Additional Network Parameters: Domain Name System (DNS)
Enter the domain name and DNS name server information.
Domain name:
DNS server address:
Current Settings:
Domain name: sanyalnet.lan
-> DNS server address: (not set)
Enter the DNS server address, then press [Enter]
Additional Network Parameters: Domain Name System (DNS)
Enter the domain name and DNS name server information.
Domain name:
DNS server address:
Current Settings:
Domain name: sanyalnet.lan
DNS server address:
Are the parameters above correct?
Press [y] for yes, [n] for no or [c] to cancel then press [Enter] y
Note: DNS has been successfully configured on your system. However,
in order to make use of DNS, your local network administrator must
first register your system with the server.
Press [Enter] to continue...
This section enables you to configure the system as a Network Information
Service (NIS) client in order to access the various information provided
by an NIS server.
* You will need to know the NIS domain name. The NIS
domain name is not related to the DNS domain name.
* You may specify an NIS server by name or IP address.
This is not required, however.
Do you wish to specify NIS client information?
Press [y] for yes or [n] for no, then press [Enter] n
Note: As installed, your system does not have all of its disk space
available for immediate use. If this system was factory
installed, this was done to allow flexibility in configuring
your system. You may use the LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
portion of SAM to allocate more disk space for your use.
You currently have a total of 8436 megabytes of disk space unallocated
in 1 Logical Volume group(s).
After the system has finished starting up, you may run /usr/sbin/sam
to allocate this space to your needs.
Press [Enter] to continue...
Congratulations! Your system is now configured for networking, with
system name hpux.sanyalnet.lan, and IP address!
You may later want to set up (or finish setting up) additional network
parameters for routing (gateways), DNS, and/or NIS. If so, please run
the following command (you may want to note this for later reference):
/sbin/set_parms addl_netwrk [Enter]
To fully utilize the capabilities of your system, you may have to
perform some additional system configuration tasks using the HP-UX
"sam" (System Administration Manager) command. Consult your local
administrator or the "Managing Systems and Workgroups" manual for
more information.
The system will now complete its boot process, and allow you to login
as 'root'.
Press [Enter] to continue...
HP-UX Start-up in progress
Configure system crash dumps ........................................ OK
VxVM device node check .............................................. OK
VxVM general startup ................................................ OK
VxVM reconfiguration recovery ....................................... OK
Mount file systems .................................................. OK
Update kernel and loadable modules .................................. N/A
Initialize loadable modules ......................................... OK
Setting hostname .................................................... OK
Start Kernel Logging facility ....................................... N/A
Set privilege group ................................................. N/A
Display date ........................................................ N/A
Copy processor logs to /var/tombstones ..............................
** WARNING **: SeaBIOS: Unimplemented PDC proc PDC_SYSTEM_INFO(143) option 0 result=8b4640 ARG3=0 ARG4=0 ARG5=0 ARG6=0 ARG7=0
** WARNING **: SeaBIOS: Unimplemented PDC proc UNKNOWN!(134) option 513 result=8b4640 ARG3=0 ARG4=0 ARG5=0 ARG6=0 ARG7=0
Save system crash dump if needed .................................... N/A
Enable auxiliary swap space ......................................... OK
Start syncer daemon ................................................. OK
Configure Loopback interfaces (lo0) ................................. OK
VxVM volume recovery start .......................................... OK
Configuring all unconfigured software filesets ...................... OK
Recover editor crash files .......................................... OK
Clean UUCP .......................................................... OK
List and/or clear temporary files ................................... OK
Clean up old log files .............................................. OK
Start system message logging daemon ................................. OK
Start pty allocator daemon .......................................... OK
Configuring OLA/R interface ......................................... N/A
Start network tracing and logging daemon ............................ OK
Configure HP Gigabit Ethernet interfaces ............................ OK
Configure HP Ethernet interfaces .................................... OK
Create PCI FDDI device files. ....................................... OK
Configure HP 100BASE-T interfaces ................................... OK
Configure VLAN interfaces ........................................... OK
Configure LAN interfaces ............................................ OK
Start name server daemon ............................................ N/A
Starting HP-UX Secure Shell ......................................... OK
Start NFS core subsystem ............................................ OK
Start NIS+ server subsystem ......................................... OK
Start NIS+ client subsystem ......................................... OK
Start NIS server subsystem .......................................... OK
Start ldap client daemon ............................................ N/A
Start NIS/LDAP server subsystem ..................................... N/A
Start NIS client subsystem .......................................... OK
Start NFS client subsystem .......................................... FAIL *
Start the Trusted Mode with NIS+ subsystem .......................... N/A
Configure pseudo devices for MAC/LLA access ......................... OK
Start multicast routing daemon ...................................... N/A
Start Internet services daemon ...................................... OK
Start dynamic routing daemon ........................................ N/A
Start router discover protocol daemon ............................... N/A
Configuring PPP Interface ........................................... OK
Start RARP protocol daemon .......................................... N/A
Start remote system status daemon ................................... N/A
Configuring man pages for Internet Services ......................... OK
Starting mail daemon ................................................ OK
Starting outbound connection daemons for DDFA software .............. N/A
Start SNMP Master Network Management daemon ......................... OK
Start OSPF MIB Network Management subAgent .......................... N/A
Start SNMP HP-UNIX Network Management subAgent ...................... OK
Start SNMP MIB-2 Network Management subAgent ........................ OK
Start SNMP Trap Dest Network Management subAgent .................... OK
Start DCE daemons ................................................... N/A
Start SNMP PCI FDDI Network Management subAgent ..................... OK
Start RPC daemon if needed .......................................... OK
Start CIM cimserver subsystem ....................................... OK
Start Isogon License Server Daemon .................................. N/A
Initialize Instant Capacity ......................................... FAIL *
Starting ISEE hpservices mad daemon. ................................ N/A
Start Runner ........................................................ OK
Start remote boot daemon ............................................ N/A
Starting X Font Server at TCP port 7000 ............................. N/A
Start vt daemon ..................................................... OK
Starting kks daemon ................................................. FAIL *
Starting HP EGConvert daemon ........................................ FAIL *
Starting VJE-r daemon ............................................... FAIL *
Starting UDC server ................................................. N/A
Start time synchronization .......................................... N/A
Start accounting .................................................... N/A
Install/Load XF86 DLKM Helper Modules ............................... OK
Starting the password/group assist subsystem ........................ OK
Starting HP Disk Array Manager daemons. ............................. OK
Starting disk array monitor daemons. ................................ OK
Start print spooler ................................................. N/A
Starting HP Distributed Print Service ............................... OK
Start clock daemon .................................................. OK
Start diagnostic subsystem .......................................... OK
Start auditing subsystem ............................................ N/A
Start audio server daemon ........................................... N/A
Start Distributed Single Logical Screen daemon ...................... N/A
Start USB hub daemon ................................................ OK
SAM System administration configuration ............................. OK
Starting ObAM Application Server .................................... N/A
Initialize Software Distributor agent daemon ........................ OK
Copy processor logs to /var/tombstones .............................. OK
Starting Event Monitoring Service ................................... OK
Start EMS SNMP subagent ............................................. OK
Configure HP Fibre Channel Mass Storage interfaces .................. OK
Starting the RST EMS listener ....................................... N/A
Configure HP Fibre Channel Tachyon TL/TS Mass Storage interfaces .... OK
VVR - Starting Communication Daemon ................................. N/A
VVR - Starting VRAS daemon .......................................... N/A
VVR - Starting VxRSync daemon ....................................... N/A
Starting VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service (vxsvc) ........... OK
Start NFS server subsystem .......................................... OK
Start X print server(s) ............................................. N/A
Starting HP-UX Apache-based Web Server .............................. N/A
Starting HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine .......................... N/A
Starting HP-UX Webmin-based Admin ................................... N/A
Starting the HPUX Webproxy subsystem ................................ N/A
Starting HP-UX XML Web Server Tools ................................. OK
Starting the System Management HomePage server ...................... OK
Start CDE login server .............................................. OK
Starting PRNGD (Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon) .............. OK
* - An error has occurred !
* - Refer to the file /etc/rc.log for more information.
The system is ready.
GenericSysName [HP Release B.11.11] (see /etc/issue)
Console Login: root
Please wait...checking for disk quotas
. i
(c)Copyright 1983-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Rights Reserved.
(c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of the Univ. of California
(c)Copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(c)Copyright 1989-1993 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corp.
(c)Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University
(c)Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland
(c)Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Mentat Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Isogon Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.
Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set
forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2).
You have mail.

Value of TERM has been set to "vt200".
# export TERM=vt100
# ls /usr/sbin/sam
# /usr/sbin/sam
Starting the terminal version of sam...
To move around in sam:
- use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements
- use the arrow keys to move within screen elements
- use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam
On screens with a menubar at the top like this:
|File View Options Actions Help|
| ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---|
- use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar
- use the arrow keys to move around
- use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item
- use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a menu item
- use the spacebar to select an item in the list
On any screen, press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the keyboard.
Press "Return" to continue...
[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25hl ===  System Administration Manager (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xSAM Areas x
x x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ^ x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Working...(/)InitalizingSAM...-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\    Working... SourceArea
SAM Accounts for Users and Groups -> 
SAMRoutineTasks->SAM Accounts for Users and Groups -> 
SAM Auditing and Security -> SAM Auditing and Security -> 
SAM Backup and Recovery -> SAM Backup and Recovery -> 
SAM Disks and File Systems -> :DisksandFileSystemsWorking... ..(go up) 
Disk Devices  
File Systems  
SAM Logical Volumes 
    ..(go up) 
SAM Disk Devices SAM Disk Devices 
SAM File Systems SAM File Systems 
SAM Logical Volumes SAM Logical Volumes 
SAM Swap SAM Swap 
SAM Volume Groups Working...>[?7h[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25hl ===  Disks and File Systems (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile List View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
x x
x x
xVolume Groups x
x x
x x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ^ x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Working... Working...(/)Retrevingvolumegroupinformation...Scanning the hardwae... -system for volumegroups...\      Retrievingallfilesysteminformation...|current swap information... /-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/Gtng PVG info...       




vg00 LVM 8436 of 16376 2 8 1vg00 LVM 8436 of 16376 2 8 0vg00 LVM 8436 of 16376 2 8 1ile
x Exit x
  x< > Disk Devices x
  x< > FileSystemsx
  x< > LogicalVolumesx
qqqqqx<>Swap x
Volumx<*> VolumeGroupsx
mj<>Disk Devices
<>File Systems<>File Systems
<>Logical Volumesist
e Groups   
qqLgical VlumesWorking... 08
Logical Volume VolumGroupType Use MbytesCopiesDir
lvol1 vg00 LVM HFS 300 0 /sta
<  >ileileist
x<>Disk Devices x
x< > Swap x
x<> VolumeGroupsx
mj<>Disk Devices
<>File Systemsist
qqFile Systems Working...Automounter:NotRunning(/)Retrevingallfilesysteminformation...-current swap information...      7
Diretory Type Reote Directory     
/ VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol3     
/hmeVxFS /dev/vg00/lvol5    
/opt VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol6     
/standHFS /dev/vg00/lvol1     
/tmp VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol4     
/usr VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol7     
/ar VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol8     
xView SAM Log... x
xRefreshList x
  x Run Veritas Enterprise Administrator...x
  x Add LocalFileSystem->x
  xAdd Remot File System ->x
qx qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq x
xEnableAutomounter x
x ======================================= x
x (nothing selected) x
Run Veritas Enterprise Administrator... 
Add Local File System -> 

Add Local File System ->Using the Logical Volume Manager... x 
NotUsingtheLogicalVolumeManager... x 
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj ctions
PressCTRL-K for keyboard help.  x 
utomounr: Not Running     x     
urce Device or   
mote Directory  

===l  Add a Local File System (hpux.sanyalnet.lan)  k
x x
 xUnusedLogical Volumes:   x 
xVolume Group  Mbytesx 
x lkx
x x ^x
x x  x
 xx    x 
xx   vx 
x mjx 
x  x 
xMount Directory:  x 
x  x 
x[ModifyFile System Defaults...]x 
x  x 
xDefaults: x 
x  x 
x [ OK ] [ Cancel ] [ Help ] x 
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  Working...      CreatingNewFileSystem,


[  OK ]   [ Cancel ]  [ Help]  Add a Local File System (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) 

l  Error (hpux.sanyalnet.lan)  k
x  x
x No unusedLogicalVolumeswerefoundonthesystem.AnewLV can be x
x the"List" menu.   x
x       [[ OK ]]  x
   OK  OK  Add a Local File System (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) 

ount x x  
qqqqqqqx           xqqqqqqqq
  x          x   
home  x Mount Directory: x 
opt x x 
standx[ModifyFileSystemDefaults... ]x 
tmp x x 
  Working...      [ OK ] [Cancel][Help] Working...      [ OK ] [Cancel][Help]===  Disks and File Systems (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  
View Options Actions 
 VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol5   
 HFS /dev/vg00/lvol1    
 VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol7    
x Run Veritas Enterprise Administrator...x
xdd Remo File System ->x
x qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq x
xEnableAutomounter x
x ======================================= x
x (nothing selected) x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjRun Veritas Enterprise Administrator...
Add Local File System ->lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
Add Local File System ->Using the Logical Volume Manager...x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqjUsing the Logical Volume Manager... 
Not Using the Logical Volume Manager... 

PressCTRL-K for keyboard help.  x 
utomounr: Not Running   x  
urce Device or  
mote Directory 
Working... === Disks and File Systems (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1) 

l  Select Disk to Add (hpux.sanyalnet.lan)  k 
x x
x Selectadisktoadd.Thelistofavailabledisksisbelow.x
x Unused Disks: x
 xHardware   Totalx 
x Path Dscripton Mbytesx 
x lk x 
xx  ^x 
xx   x 
xx   x 
xx   x 
xx  vx 



(/)Retrevinglistofunuseddisks...Scanning the hardware aneterminingdiskusage...Retrieving all file system information...  -current swap information... \Dermining disk usage... Gting PVGinfo...    Searchingfordeviceswithmultiplepaths...      UnusedDisks:
x8/0/0/0.2.0 QEMU QEMU CD-ROM (Read-Onl ^
m<  >j [ OK][Cancel][Help] OK  OK  Cancel  Cancel  Cancel === Disks and File Systems (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1) 

Automounter: Not Running 
stems           0 of 7 
tory TypeRemote Drectory   
  VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol3    
d HFS/dev/vg00/lvol1   
 VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol7   
VxFS /dev/vg00/lvol8  

Working... ile
x Exit x
File Systems Working... 




>[?7h[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25hl ===  System Administration Manager (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xSAM Areas:Disks and File Systems x
x Source Area x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ..(go up) ^ x
xx SAM Disk Devices   x
xx SAM File Systems   x
xx SAM Logical Volumes   x
xx SAM Swap   x
xx SAM Volume Groups    x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x Working... x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25h
l ===  System Administration Manager (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xSAM Areas:Disks and File Systems x
x Source Area x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ..(go up) ^ x
xx SAM Disk Devices   x
xx SAM File Systems   x
xx SAM Logical Volumes   x
xx SAM Swap   x
xx SAM Volume Groups    x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x Working... x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  Working... SAM Swap 
SAM Volume Groups SAM Logical Volumes 
SAM Swap SAM File Systems 
SAM Logical Volumes SAM Disk Devices 
SAM File Systems ..(go up) 
SAM Disk Devices     Working... SAM Accounts for Users and Groups -> 
Auditing andSecurity->
Backup and Recovery->
SAM Disks and File Systems -> 
SAMRoutineTasks->SAM Disks and File Systems -> 
SAM Display -> SAM Display -> 
SAM Kernel Configuration -> SAM Kernel Configuration -> 
SAM Networking and Communications -> SAM Networking and Communications -> 
SAM Partition Manager SAM Partition Manager 
SAM Performance Monitors -> SAM Performance Monitors -> 
SAM Peripheral Devices -> SAM Peripheral Devices -> 
SAM Printers and Plotters -> SAM Printers and Plotters -> 
SAM Process Management -> SAM Process Management -> 
Other Resource Management -> Other Resource Management -> 
SAM Routine Tasks -> uditingandSecurity  
Backup and Recovey  
Diss and File Systems
Kernel Configuration
Ntworking and Communications
Partitio Mager  
eformace Monitors->
ipheral Devices 
rinters and Plotters 
ocess Magemen 
OtherResource Management
SAM outine Tasks 
un SAMon RemoteSystems Backup and Recovey 
Diss and File Systems
Kernel Configuration
Ntworking and Communications
Partitio Mager  
eformace Monitors->
ipheral Devices 
rinters and Plotters
ocess Magemen 
OtherResource Management 
SAM outine Tasks 
un SAMon RemoteSystems 
D-UXSoftware Managemnt ->Diss and File Systems
Kernel Configuration
Ntworking and Communications 
Partitio Mager   
eformace Monitors->
ipheral Devices 
rinters and Plotters
ocess Magemen 
OtherResource Management
SAM outine Tasks 
un SAMon RemoteSystems  
D-UXSoftware Managemnt -> 
AM Time  :TimeWorking...
..(go up) 
NTP Broadcasting  
NTP Netwrk Time Surces  
System Clock    
..(go up) 
SAM NTP Broadcasting Working...>[?7h[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0 [[?25hl ===  NTP (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile List View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xNTP: Running Authentication: Enabled x
x x
xNTP Broadcasting x
x x
x x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ^ x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj Working...DisabledNot running 

0of0selected ReceivingTimeBroadcasts:Disabled(/)RetrevinglistofBroadcastentries...      BroadcastNTPAuthentication
=== NTP (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1) 

l  Note (hpux.sanyalnet.lan)  k 
x x 
x[[ OK ]]x 

 OK  OK === NTP (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1) 

 Version Key Number  

Working... ile
x Print... x
x Exit x
NTP: Not run
NTP Broadcast



>[?7h[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25h[?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25hl ===  System Administration Manager (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xSAM Areas:Time x
x Source Area x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ..(go up) ^ x
xx SAM NTP Broadcasting    x
xx SAM NTP Network Time Sources   x
xx SAM System Clock   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x Working... x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [?7l[?42l=[?6l[?25h[?10l(B)0[?25h
l ===  System Administration Manager (hpux.sanyalnet.lan) (1)  k
xFile View Options Actions Help x
x Press CTRL-K for keyboard help. x
xSAM Areas:Time x
x Source Area x
xlqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
xx ..(go up) ^ x
xx SAM NTP Broadcasting    x
xx SAM NTP Network Time Sources   x
xx SAM System Clock   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx   x
xx v x
xmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
x Working... x
mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj  Working... ile
x Print... x
x qqqqqqqqq x
xExit SAM x
Exit SAMile
SAM Areas:Tim
 Source Ar



>[?7h[?25h# df -h
df: illegal option -- h
usage : df [-F FStype] [-V] [-egiklnvfb] [-t|-P] [-o specific_options]
[special | directory ...]
# df
/home (/dev/vg00/lvol5 ): 44192 blocks 695 i-nodes
/opt (/dev/vg00/lvol6 ): 1945552 blocks 30619 i-nodes
/tmp (/dev/vg00/lvol4 ): 401744 blocks 6313 i-nodes
/usr (/dev/vg00/lvol7 ): 2772848 blocks 43620 i-nodes
/var (/dev/vg00/lvol8 ): 2726688 blocks 42911 i-nodes
/stand (/dev/vg00/lvol1 ): 486432 blocks 32208 i-nodes
/ (/dev/vg00/lvol3 ): 248816 blocks 3897 i-nodes
# df -g
/home (/dev/vg00/lvol5 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
3072 total blocks 2783 total free blocks
2762 allocated free blocks 704 total i-nodes
695 total free i-nodes 695 allocated free i-nodes
1073741829 file system id vxfs file system type
0x10 flags 255 file system name length
/home file system specific string
/opt (/dev/vg00/lvol6 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
311296 total blocks 122535 total free blocks
121597 allocated free blocks 65888 total i-nodes
30619 total free i-nodes 30619 allocated free i-nodes
1073741830 file system id vxfs file system type
0x10 flags 255 file system name length
/opt file system specific string
/tmp (/dev/vg00/lvol4 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
25600 total blocks 25306 total free blocks
25109 allocated free blocks 6336 total i-nodes
6313 total free i-nodes 6313 allocated free i-nodes
1073741828 file system id vxfs file system type
0x10 flags 255 file system name length
/tmp file system specific string
/usr (/dev/vg00/lvol7 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
285696 total blocks 174506 total free blocks
173303 allocated free blocks 73344 total i-nodes
43620 total free i-nodes 43620 allocated free i-nodes
1073741831 file system id vxfs file system type
0x10 flags 255 file system name length
/usr file system specific string
/var (/dev/vg00/lvol8 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
195584 total blocks 171736 total free blocks
170418 allocated free blocks 52704 total i-nodes
42911 total free i-nodes 42911 allocated free i-nodes
1073741832 file system id vxfs file system type
0x10 flags 255 file system name length
/var file system specific string
/stand (/dev/vg00/lvol1 ) :
65536 file system block size 8192 fragment size
36878 total blocks 34090 total free blocks
30402 allocated free blocks 32256 total i-nodes
32208 total free i-nodes 32208 allocated free i-nodes
1073741825 file system id hfs file system type
0 flags 255 file system name length
/stand file system specific string
/ (/dev/vg00/lvol3 ) :
8192 file system block size 8192 fragment size
25600 total blocks 15665 total free blocks
15551 allocated free blocks 5984 total i-nodes
3897 total free i-nodes 3897 allocated free i-nodes
1073741827 file system id vxfs file system type
0 flags 255 file system name length
/ file system specific string
# shutdown 0
11/06/19 13:45:24 GMT
Broadcast Message from root (console) Wed Nov 6 13:45:24...
/sbin/auto_parms: DHCP access is disabled (see /etc/auto_parms.log)
System shutdown in progress
Stop CDE login server ........................................ OK
Stopping HP-UX Apache-based Web Server ....................... OK
Stopping HP-UX Tomcat-based Servlet Engine. .................. OK
Stopping HP-UX Webmin-based Admin ............................ OK
Stopping the HPUX Webproxy subsystem ......................... OK
Stopping HP-UX XML Web Server Tools .......................... OK
Shutting down the System Management HomePage server .......... OK
Stop X print server(s) ....................................... N/A
Stop NFS server subsystem .................................... OK
Stopping Event Monitoring Service ............................ OK
Unload/Uninstall XF86 DLKM Helper Modules .................... OK
Stopping ObAM Application Server ............................. OK
Stopping USB hub daemon ...................................... OK
Stopping Distributed Single Logical Screen daemon ............ OK
Stopping audio server daemon ................................. OK
Stop auditing subsystem ...................................... N/A
Stop diagnostic subsystem .................................... OK
Stop clock daemon ............................................ OK
Stopping HP Distributed Print Service ........................ OK
Stop print spooler ........................................... OK
Stopping HP Disk Array Manager daemons. ...................... OK
Stopping disk array monitor daemons. ......................... OK
Stop accounting .............................................. N/A
Stopping time synchronization ................................ N/A
Stopping UDC server .......................................... N/A
Stop vt daemon ............................................... OK
Terminating X Font Server .................................... OK
Stop remote boot daemon ...................................... OK
Stopping HP-UX Secure Shell .................................. OK
Stopping Instant Capacity .................................... N/A
Stop CIM cimserver subsystem ................................. OK
Stop Isogon License Server Daemon ............................ OK
Stop RPC daemon .............................................. OK
Stopping SNMP PCI FDDI Network Management subAgent ........... OK
Stop DCE daemons ............................................. OK
Stopping OSPF MIB Network Management subAgent ................ N/A
Stopping SNMP HP-UNIX Network Management subAgent ............ OK
Stopping SNMP MIB-2 Network Management subAgent .............. OK
Stopping SNMP Trap Dest Network Management subAgent .......... OK
Stopping SNMP Master Network Management daemon ............... OK
Stopping outbound connection daemons for DDFA software ....... N/A
Stopping mail daemon ......................................... OK
Stopping remote system status daemon ......................... N/A
Stopping RARP protocol daemon ................................ N/A
Stop PPP configuration ....................................... OK
Stopping router discover protocol daemon ..................... N/A
Stopping dynamic routing daemon .............................. N/A
Stopping Internet services daemon ............................ OK
Stopping multicast routing daemon ............................ N/A
Stop the Trusted Mode with NIS+ subsystem .................... OK
Stopping Internet Services ................................... OK
Stop NFS client subsystem .................................... OK
Stop NIS client subsystem .................................... OK
Stop ldap client daemon ...................................... OK
Stop NIS/LDAP server subsystem ............................... N/A
Stop NIS server subsystem .................................... OK
Stop NIS+ client subsystem ................................... OK
Stop NIS+ server subsystem ................................... OK
Stop NFS core subsystem ...................................... OK
Stop Runner .................................................. OK
Stopping ISEE hpservices mad daemon. ......................... OK
Stopping name server daemon .................................. N/A
Unconfigure LAN interfaces ................................... OK
Unconfigure HP Gigabit Ethernet interfaces ................... OK
Stop network tracing and logging daemon ...................... OK
Stop pty allocator daemon .................................... OK
Stop system message logging daemon ........................... OK
Stop Software Distributor agent daemon ....................... OK
Unconfigure Loopback interfaces (lo0) ........................ OK
Stopping VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service (vxsvc) .... OK
Stop syncer daemon ........................................... OK
Stop Kernel Logging facility ................................. OK
Killing user processes ....................................... OK
Unload loadable modules ...................................... OK
Update kernel and loadable modules ........................... N/A
Unmount file systems ......................................... OK
Stopping all Volume Manager I/O Daemons ...................... OK
Transition to run-level 0 is complete.

Wait for transition to run-level S (allow 20 seconds).
INIT: New run level: S
. i
(c)Copyright 1983-2000 Hewlett-Packard Co., All Rights Reserved.
(c)Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985-1993 The Regents of the Univ. of California
(c)Copyright 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(c)Copyright 1989-1993 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corp.
(c)Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University
(c)Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland
(c)Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Mentat Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc.
(c)Copyright 1991-2000 Isogon Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS 252.227-7013.
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.
Rights for non-DOD U.S. Government Departments and Agencies are as set
forth in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1,2).
You have mail.

Value of TERM has been set to "vt200".
# sync;sync;sync;halt
sh: halt: not found.
# syncls^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?
sh: syncls^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?^?: not found.
# stty erase ^?
# sync;sync;sync;poweroff
sh: poweroff: not found.
# pwd
# shutdown -h now
11/06/19 13:54:20 GMT
Broadcast Message from root (console) Wed Nov 6 13:54:21...
/sbin/auto_parms: DHCP access is disabled (see /etc/auto_parms.log)
The system is ready.
Executing "/sbin/reboot -h ".
Shutdown at 13:54 (in 0 minutes)
 *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@hpux.sanyalnet.lan ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY
System shutdown time has arrived
sync'ing disks (0 buffers to flush):
0 buffers not flushed
0 buffers still dirty
Closing open logical volumes...
Connection closed by foreign host.
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$
[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ top
last pid: 28445; load averages: 2.08, 1.67, 1.06 up 4+15:35:2414:24:03
58 processes: 1 running, 57 sleeping
CPU: 20.2% user, 0.1% nice, 0.3% system, 0.0% interrupt, 79.4% idle
Mem: 559M Active, 10G Inact, 66M Laundry, 1747M Wired, 1353M Buf, 4041M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free
27870 localuser 7 20 0 821M 402M select 2 12:11 100.68% qemu-system-hppa
28148 localuser 5 20 0 1517M 194M select 4 5:57 100.00% qemu-system-hppa
1138 root 1 20 0 28M 8332K select 0 2:59 0.00% snmpd
1193 root 1 52 10 22M 9948K nanslp 1 2:14 0.00% perl
1060 localuser 1 20 0 17M 5020K select 2 2:07 0.00% ssh
964 root 1 20 0 11M 1744K select 2 1:24 0.00% vde_switch
1059 localuser 1 20 0 11M 1768K select 5 0:58 0.00% vde_plug
33144 root 1 20 0 29M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51 0.00% ntfs-3g
1383 root 1 20 0 12M 2368K select 5 0:45 0.00% hald-addon-storage
1321 haldaemon 2 20 0 21M 5136K select 5 0:37 0.00% hald
967 root 1 20 0 11M 1824K select 4 0:29 0.00% vde_plug2tap
877 root 6 20 0 26M 5088K select 5 0:10 0.00% rsyslogd
1198 www 1 20 0 16M 4360K kqread 5 0:04 0.00% lighttpd
1247 root 1 20 0 17M 4716K select 0 0:04 0.00% sendmail
1254 root 1 20 0 11M 1980K nanslp 1 0:01 0.00% cron
931 root 3 20 0 22M 6432K select 7 0:01 0.00% stunnel
1195 root 9 20 0 150M 54M select 3 0:01 0.00% Xorg
7847 localuser 1 20 0 20M 8592K select 1 0:01 0.00% sshd
87225 root 3 20 0 24M 5168K select 1 0:00 0.00% upowerd
1326 root 2 35 0 19M 4568K select 7 0:00 0.00% hald-runner
28157 localuser 1 20 0 17M 6044K select 0 0:00 0.00% telnet
27879 localuser 1 20 0 17M 6044K select 0 0:00 0.00% telnet 2.08, 1.67, 1.06 up 4+15:35:2614:24:05
25.3 0.0 0.174.5600
814851517M 194 5:59778707 821M 4026 12:13 100.62
28445 localuser13M 3256K CPU7 7 0:00 0.16% top3820 8M 8332K select 3 2:596% snmpd858520M 85240:002% sshd13832M 23687 0:451% hald-addon-storage607M 50202 2:071% ssh
9611M 1744K select 3 1:241% vde_switch21 haldaemon 221M 51362 0:371059 localuser 111M 17687 0:58vde_plug6124117M 47167 0:04sendmail8637 localuser1M 2024K select 70script198 www 6M 4360K kqread 2lighttpd8646 localuser2024K select 50script11931 52 19948K nanslp 1 2:14perl
331441 29M 19M fu_msg 7 0:5ntfs-3g 877 root 66M 50885 0:10rsyslogd
1254111M 1980K nanslp1cron 9313 2022M 64321stunnel
1195 root 9150M 54M31Xorg
784720M 859211sshd Command not understood
 2.08, 1.67, 1.06 up 4+15:35:2914:24:08
24.7 0.275.1
7 6:0246 100.38
1138 root 28M 8332K select 6 2:59 0.05% snmpd
28445 localuser13M 3256K CPU3 0:004% top3121 haldaemon 221M 51363 0:37383 root 2M 23680:45hald-addon-storage2060 localuser 117M 50202:0ssh 967 root 8242912tap1059 localuser7687 0:5818646 localuser1M 202460cript1198 www 6M 4360K kqread4lighttpd3 root52 10 22M 9948K nanslp 1 2:1perl
33144 root 29M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 8776 20 6M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd
124717M 4716K select04sendmail1254111M 1980K nanslp 1 0:01cron 931322M 6432K select 7stunnel11959150M 54M3Xorg7847 localuser1 20M 8592K1sshd
87225 root 34M 51680upowerd 2.07, 1.67, 1.07 up 4+15:35:3114:24:10
24.9 0.175.0832
24 100.819M 41038 100.56
28445 localuser13M 3256K CPU6 0:004% top
1321 haldaemon 221M 5136K select 7 0:372% hald 964 root 11M 1741:242% vde_switch83 root 112M 23686 0:45-addon-storage060 localuser7M 50202:07ssh8585 localuser20M 8523 0:00sshd 967 root 1M 18247 0:29vde_plug2tap1059 localuser7686 0:58247 root 7M 4716040% sendmail33820 8M 8332K select 6 2:59snmpd
119352 12M 9948K nanslp 1 2:14perl
3314419M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 87626M 50885 0:10rsyslogd28453 2.07, 1.67, 1.07 up 4+15:35:3314:24:12
6261 0.374.891
76 100.6620 100.40
1193 root 31 10 22M 9948K piperd 7 2:14 0.12% perl138 root 18M 83323 2:597% snmpd
28445 localuser3M 3260K CPU2 2 0:005% top 9641M 17443 1:242% vde_switch21321 haldaemon 21M 51362 0:37hal8585 localuser20M 856 0:00sshd383 root 2M 233 0:45hald-addon-storage059 localuser1M 17686 0:581% vde_plug 967 root 187 0:291% vde_plug2tap8646 localuser1M 2024K select0script98 www 16M 4360K kqread 2 0:04lighttpd 69820 0 10M 1060K select 5 0:00devd477M 4716K select 74sendmail1254111M 1980K nanslp 1cron 9313 22M 6432K7stunnel1195 root 9150M 54M3Xorg
7847 localuser10M 85921sshd28470 2.06, 1.68, 1.07 up 4+15:35:3514:24:14
24.6 0.1 1.174.2
8 100.8362 100.3842367241060 localuser7M 50202 2:07ssh 964 root 1M 17443 1:241% vde_switch83 root 112M 23686 0:45-addon-storage3059 localuser1M 177 0:58vde_plug321 haldaemon 221M 51362 0:37hald6077
87225324M 51687upowerd
28204 localuser12M 3100K pause 00screen
3314419M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 87626M 50885 0:10rsyslogd477M 4716K select 74sendmail1254111M 1980K nanslp 1cron 9313 22M 6432K7stunnel1195 root 9150M 54M3Xorg28488 2.06, 1.68, 1.07 up 4+15:35:3714:24:16
585725.1 0.5 0.473.98
3 6:10 100.7014 100.415nanslp 269
28445 localuser13M 3272K CPU2 2 0:005% top
10607M 5020K select 0 2:073% ssh 964 root 1M 17441 1:24vde_switch1321 haldaemon 221M 51362 0:372% hald13828M 83322:592% snmpd1383 root 12M 23686 0:45hald-addon-storage28585 localuser 10M 85243 0:00ssh211247 root 7M 471624endmail8646 localuser1M 2024K select0script
1198 www 116M 4360K kqread 24lighttpd
33144 root 29M 19M fu_msg51ntfs-3g
87766M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd1254111M 1980K nanslp 1 0:01cron 931322M 64321tunnel1959150M 54M select 3Xorg7847 localuser10M 8591shd
87223 24M 5168K70upowerd 2.06, 1.68, 1.08 up 4+15:35:3914:24:18
25.4 0.0 0.274.4
2 101.0436 100.503820 8M 8332K select 3 2:59 0.08% snmpd1 1321 haldaemon 221M 51360:32% hald13832M 23682 0:451% hald-addon-storage8585 localuser 10M 85243 0:001% ssh 96411M 17443 1:241% vde_switch060 localuser7M 50203 2:07ssh864620240 0:00script 967 root 11M 181 0:29vde_plug2tap1059 localuser7681 0:58198 www 6M 4360K kqread 0lighttpd1193 root 52 10 22M 9948K nanslp 2 2:14perl
33144 root29M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g
87766M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd124117M 47162 0:04sendmail 2.06, 1.68, 1.08 up 4+15:35:4114:24:20
24 101.2028 100.0563 3 964 root 111M 17443 1:241% vde_switch8585 localuser20M 85240 0:00sshd106017M 50202:0713832M 23680:45hald-addon-storage 967 root 1M 18240 0:29vde_plug2tap105917681 0:58vde_plug1247M 47160 0:040% sendmail321 haldaemon 221M 51360 0:370% hald8646 localuser1M 2024K select 20script8 www 20 0 16M 4360K kqread 3 0:0lighttpd
119352 12M 9948K nanslp 2 2:14perl
3314419M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 87626M 50885 0:10rsyslogd 2.05, 1.69, 1.08 up 4+15:35:4314:24:22
24.7 0.175.1
78707 829M 4101 12:30 100.97814851517M 194 6:16 100.94
28445 localuser13M 3272K CPU3 0:004% top
1138 root 28M 8332K select2:591% snmpd1321 haldaemon 221M 51360 0:37hald106017M 50202:07 964 root 1M 17441 1:24vde_switch28585 localuser20M 852 0:00sshd 967 root 8242 0:292tap059 localuser1M 17683 0:581% vde_plug8646 localuser 111M 202400script1198 www 6M 4360K kqread 34lighttpd3 root52 10 22M 9948K nanslp 2 2:1perl
3314420 9M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g
87766M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd124117M 47160 0:04sendmail 2.05, 1.69, 1.08 up 4+15:35:4514:24:24
814851517M 1943 6:18 101.1578707 829M 4103 12:32 100.45
1138 root 28M 8332K select 0 2:596% snmpd
28445 localuser13M 3272K CPU2 2 0:003% top383 root 2M 23681 0:45hald-addon-storage3060 localuser7M 50203 2:07ssh1059 localuser7680 0:580 967 root 8242 0:2902tap2 2.05, 1.69, 1.08 up 4+15:35:4714:24:26
7 6:20 100.6364 100.20 964 root 1M 1744K select 1 1:24vde_switch060 localuser 117M 50201 2:03% ssh
28445 localuser3M 3272K CPU6 6 0:003% top7824 0:292plug2tap591M 17686 0:582% vde_plug1383 root 12M 23681 0:45hald-addon-storage858520M 85242 0:00sshd1198 www 6M 4360K kqread 7 0:04lighttpd1321 haldaemon 221M 513637hald8646 localuser1M 2024K select 00script24720 0 17M 4716K select 0 0:0sendmail
119352 12M 9948K nanslp 2 2:14perl
3314419M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 87626M 50885 0:10rsyslogd 2.05, 1.69, 1.09 up 4+15:35:4914:24:28
24.9 0.075.1
62 100.87762
28445 localuser13M 3272K CPU1 1 0:005% top8585 localuser20M 8526 0:002% sshd383 root 2M 23687 0:451% hald-addon-storage
1321 haldaemon 221M 5136K select 0 0:371% hald4740 1:241switch607M 50201 2:071% ssh 9671M 18244 0:290% vde_plug2tap105911M 17686 0:58vde_plug38 root28M 8332K select 0 2:59snmpd8646 localuser 111M 202400script1198 www 6M 4360K kqread4lighttpd19352 10 22M 9948K nanslp 2 2:1perl
3314420 9M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g
87766M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd124117M 47160 0:04sendmail 2.05, 1.69, 1.09 up 4+15:35:5114:24:30
25.0 0.174.8
4 100.7668 100.41
1138 root 28M 8332K select 0 2:596% snmpd
284413M 3272K CPU7 74% top 9641M 17441 1:24vde_switch8585 localuser20M 8520:00sshd13832M 23687 0:451% hald-addon-storage1 96711M 18247 0:21% vde_plug2tap6247 root7M 4716K selectsendmail
28204 localuser20 0 12M 3100K pause 0 0:00screen
1198 www 16M 4360K kqread 0 0:04lighttpd11931 52 12M 9948K nanslp 2 2:14perl
3314429M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 877626M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd1254111M 1980K nanslp 1cron 9313 22M 6432K7stunnel1195 root 9150M 54M3Xorg
7847 localuser10M 859211sshd 2.04, 1.70, 1.09 up 4+15:35:5314:24:32
6 100.671 12:4096 6060 localuser 117M 50201 2:0ssh1383 root 12M 23681 0:45hald-addon-storage858520M 85240 0:00d 9671M 182429vde_plug2tap8646 localuser201 0:000% script1321 haldaemon 221M 51360 0:37hald198 www 6M 4360K kqreadlighttpd
1193 root 52 10 22M 9948K nanslp 2 2:14perl
33144 root29M 19M fu_msg 7 0:51ntfs-3g 8776 20 6M 5088K select 5 0:10rsyslogd
124717M 4716K select 0 0:04sendmail1254111M 1980K nanslp 1 0:01cron 931322M 6432K select 7stunnel11959150M 54M3Xorg7847 localuser1 20M 8592K1sshd
87225 root 34M 516870upowerd[localuser@dell-poweredge-2950 ~/Qemu-VirtualMachines/hpux]$ htop
[?1h=[?25l[?1000h 1 [ 0.0%] 5 [ 0.0%]2 [ 0.0%] 6 [ 0.0%]3 [ 0.0%] 7 [ 0.0%]4 [ 0.0%] 8 [ 0.0%]Mem[|||||||||||| 2.26G/16.0G] Tasks: 60, 0 thr; 2 runningSwp[ 0K/4.00G] Load average: 2.04 1.70 1.09 Uptime: 4 days, 15:35:56
27870 localuser 20 0 829M 409M S 100. 2.5 12:43.11 ./qemu-system-hppa -boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=28148 localuser 20 0 1517M 193M S 100. 1.2 6:28.75 ./qemu-system-hppa -m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow28489 localuser 20 0 13084  3404 R  0.0 0.0 0:00.00 htop
28204 localuser 20 0 12404  3100 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.25 screen -r DEBIAN-PARISC-CONSOLE
28157 localuser 20 0 17236  6044 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.26 telnet localhost 20856
28155 root  20 0 14060  4440 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 screen -m -d -S DEBIAN-PARISC-CONSOLE telnet localhost 20856
28146 root  22 0 13460  3900 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 SCREEN -m -d -S DEBIAN-PARISC-QEMUMON ./qemu-system-hppa -m 127879 localuser 20 0 17236  6044 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.26 telnet localhost 20855
27877 root  20 0 14060  4440 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 screen -m -d -S HPUX-CONSOLE telnet localhost 20855
27868 root  20 0 13460  3900 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 SCREEN -m -d -S HPUX-QEMUMON ./qemu-system-hppa -boot c -m 518647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.06 script hpux-postinstal-console.log
 8638 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i
 8637 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 script hpux-postinstal-qemu.log
 8586 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 -bash
 8585 localuser 20 0 20608  8524 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.15 sshd: localuser@pts/4
 8583 root  23 0 20228  8264 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.02 sshd: localuser [priv]
 7958 localuser 20 0 13124  3524 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 -bash
F1Help F2Setup F3SearchF4FilterF5Tree F6SortByF7Nice -F8Nice +F9Kill F10Quit|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85.8||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.9%||1.1|||||||14.174.6230.26244  34618 0||9 0.09.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%1096.11.7868  3472| 5||1.56:007.643.29 029.14.81|5| 05350.656.32|6|3.70|99.5152.17.83|5|1.05100.063.669.34 06085.1740.86 0.553196.682.37||1.5|5 08.4118.13.89| 0 09.529.695.401.0043:01.16.91|5|0.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.55| 37.9%262.708.42| 0|||||||||||||100.0%0|1 050.595.751.452|1|||||||||||||26.2 72.8%8.4% 0||92207.222.97|||6.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||93.5|  1.09.5%|5| 1.028.804.56 0.0||1100.0%|0.50 00.5310.316.07 0 0|5 0351.827.59|58.5 063.409.1|1.0|99|59.0|5881481517M 193M S 99.3 1.2 7:00.76m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 829M 409M S 98.8 2.5 13:14.97boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=|0.5100 0239100.2.34100.6.54||5313.928.11|1.08.4325.459.6393 root  30  10 11352  2340 S 0.11 vmstat -n0 1 24893268  3472 R 02 htop||2.1|99.5 09.5|||4.2|5446.9721.1482|1.6|18.4|| 2.1|2.158.502.6651544H 1 2963|5||4.4100.0||||5.40|1.5|559710.114.2
 119352  10 22668  99481 2:14.08 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pandora_agent /usr/local/e|||5.8 0.0 38.9% 0.0100 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||55481.635.770 0.5|5  0.0|5|99||||||||||||||||99.0%403.207.34 0 0|510024.728.8|1.0036.2330.35|5|0.5557.741.8|0%69.253.37 0||1.0%5 1.15820.774.8|5| 692.286.38|5||1.0|0.55|99.53513.897.97 0 0|||||||||||||||29|0|||||9.9| 60.6%225.429.5146||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 08.4 0.0|  1146.9641.03|||||8.4 58.6%|||||||||||||||||33.59.0058.482.54 0.0|||||||||||||25.9  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.3%5|5| 0.5799.530.0499.24.10||||||||||||||51.7 0.0%0||||||||||||||||||||||||48.88100.1.6100.5.69||||6.4  0.0|||||||||||22.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 80.8 69.3%| 20.41.067:003.257.30 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|||100.0%  0.0  0.0|5 014.798.830 40.8%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||59.5 033R6.3850.415| 13.6  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86.9265S7.901.927.9%  0.0|1.5100.0%|569.443.455||2.99.5% 0.0 0841.035.03 1.58.0|592.646.6 0.09.5|5|609 1.78 1.171199.44.1699.18.140|5||1.0 02100.5.68100.9.65 0 0|1499.67.2099.24:01.17|58.4885100.8.73100.2.68|9.5|5 0750.3199.94.2501.1981.84100.5.77|8.9 0.0|99.5||1.1203.36317.284100.0| 14.888.79||1.09.5||||||||||||||||||||||||48.9 45.0% 0.03793R6.4110.31 0 31.1%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||69.5|||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0|524S8.021.926  0.0||||||||||99.0%69.533.4|55 03678:01.05R 4.95|0%|1.6292.57S 6.4 05%|5 0.0304.087.968.4%||5|18025.599.4M||1.6|5 80.1%||||||||||19.8 00.5437.1120.98
28542 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2316| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||77.1 0 17.2|  1.1||1.058.622.4642
1||||||99.5%|1.5  0.0| 30.9%| 5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||64.1 05520710.1627M 4054.02479
 7958 localuser 20 0 13124  3524 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 -bash0| 1.5%||2||||6.1  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||93.4|||||||||||100.0%|||40287870 827M 4052.5 14:25.58boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 1931.2 8:11.74m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow5210|||4.2 0.0 0.0| 0.5|1100.0% 0407.103.257||||||13.3|||||8.9|1.0|0.5| 76.8%|9918.694.86  0.0|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 0 0| 0.55330.216.38 08.5|51.0100.041.767.94|59 01 1.2163.39.55|1.68.4 0|574.8721.07||09.5 0|596.412.61 0|1.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||52.9 50.8% 04507.94.130.5|||||||||||||||||100.0%|5  0.029.435.658.4||5340.97.1751 0252.58.788|59 0.074.1030.35 00||1.6 085.61.875|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||63 36.2% 0.0|5|538:007.183.450||||||||||||100.0%  0.0 0 018.725.005|5350.266.550 02 1.2341.798.085 1.0%|||4.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||95.681481517M 193M S 99.5 1.2 8:39.66m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.4 2.5 14:53.36boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=|50 0 0.0|59.5%77870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 14:54.87boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 8:41.18m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow5|5|100.0981481517M 193M S 99.7 1.2 8:42.70m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.5 2.5 14:56.3boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=|0 0 0107870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 14:57.89boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 8:44.21m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow9||3.0529.475.79| 0.5035:00.97.305|552.498.82 00||1 064.0050.35||1 0.5|5||||||||||||23.4 82.7%592 1.83 1.2485.581.93||||||||||||||||||38.75 0 0|||||||||||||||||||61.8|5 0.597.093.44||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%0  0.0 0 0218.614.975|1210.126.490 041.638.005|553.169.54074.689:01.06|99.5 0.0%||1.1|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%586.192.58100.0|2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||73.5 0 9.5%307.64.0910|98.9 1|||||||99.5%|5|5||2.08.4%|2.163320.727.13304M5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||54| 1 46.2%|6|
28590 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 221100.0|||||||||||||||||99.0%1|  0.5| 0.5|0.563.7410.166034H 1 244
 7958 localuser 20 0 13124  3524 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 -bash 0|99.50 0 0.0 0.0 0.0| 1.04 1.2696.773.21100.05|50.5418.24.730||3.1 029.806.25 39.5%5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.7 0.0|1 0431.317.771  0.00||||||||||||100.0% 052.829.28|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||66.75 35.2%|5|574.320.80||||||||||100.0%0  0.0 0 0|5|585.92.4|5||||6.81507.43.91 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.8|5||||||||||||30|1.060319.005.49|5||2.1|||||||||100.0%|  0.0 0.52381481517M 193M S 99.4 1.2 9:27.01m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.2 2.5 15:40.51boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 01.0 0|747870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 15:42.02boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 9:28.54m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow| 0.5|99.5681481517M 193M S 99.5 1.2 9:30.05m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.3 2.5 15:43.53boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=||3.1 0 1.1%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||95.8377870 827M 405M R 100. 2.5 15:45boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 9:31.57m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow 0.0|55|5|0.5100.0%2981481517M 193M S 99.6 1.2 9:33.09m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.4 2.5 15:46.56boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 00 0|559:007870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 15:48boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 9:34.63m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow2|5| 46.8%||||||||||||||||||||||||||52.7 0|99.529.66.2|||6.3  0.0|2.1||||||||||||||||||93.2100.0351.17.75||||15|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84.2 0.5| 0.5|552.759.30  6.8||92.1 0 036R4.2640.82 0.09.0% 0||185.782.347|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58.35|5 0|5 42.5%289S7.293.86||||||||||||||100.0%0 0 0  0.0118.805.38|55|536:00.396.97 0 1.1%8.9|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79.7||3 0|541.88.49 0.09.5|||100.0% 0|1.5|5 063.4150.0200 074.951.56||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||935 4.6%|596.503.113100.0%0 0.0|9208.044.675|||5281481517M 193M S 99.7 1.2 9:56.26m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.4 2.5 16:09.63boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=8.4% 0 0 03100.7.78100.11.159.5%|5599.89.2999.52.660 0|5366100.10:00.81R 100.4.175|1.0282.34S 99.85.700 093.86100.7.215||2.2|5|1.1|1315.388.72 0.0%0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0 0.00.55926.9620.297M|5|15 71.8%||2.1|||||||||||||||30.3|16348.501.83
28631 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 0|0.58|  1.5| 1.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%| 0030610.113.4542
 7958 localuser 20 0 13124  3524 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 -bash|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0% 0.0| 0|99.5 093.196.500 00 0100.01.0404.718.05|1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.4 33.2% 026.229.51 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84.7 0 20.6|||||||||||||||||||||| 79.1|137.7431.0|5||99.5%  0.0||||100.0%0.559.252.53|0||3.1 01620.864.12 05||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||64.7| 0.5 27.7%382.37R 5.648.4%|||||||||||100.0% 0  0.0|5293.89S 7.19.0%|1.07515.418.665|5|99||126.9240.11.18.9100 0.5 047870 827M 4052.5 16:41.68boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 99.0 1.2 10:28.44m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow||||||||||||||||30.2||1|||||||||16.7 43.8%|96.9%|||||||||||||||||33.9|4|1.676053.19100.9.95
28669 localuser 36 0  130M 52476 S 6.4 0.3 0:00.25 Xephyr -screen 980x640 -ac -query :3
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  8592 S 0.4 0.1 0:01.05 sshd: localuser@pts/1|  1.0| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|  2.6 24.9%|  1.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.1||2.174.7098.831.4728508 S 5.5857| 0.59| 0.5|||||||||||||||56.0 0 41.4| 0.586.21100.2.9954.41.01.64||1.0||||||||||||||||99.5%|5  0.0|40:007.7399.24.5143.3||607.9%8.4%||1.0219.25100.6.0422.3| 0.5||68.4%| 0.5100.0% 0| 0.5381481517M 193M S 99.3 1.2 10:37.56m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.2 2.5 16:50.76boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=12 S 1.621.0 0.59.047870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 16:52.28boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 10:39.09m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow128 S 0301 0||2.65|1.6| 26.7%|||4.3|||3.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||66.08681481517M 193M S 99.5 1.2 10:40.61m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.3 2.5 16:53.80boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=297106 0.00|||||||||||||||||||||43.5||  4 0.5|||||||15.2| 59.577870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 16:55.3boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 10:42.12m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow432M 56388 S 14.35661512||2.1 79.5%|||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0|||||||13.1  5.8|  098M 406M S 99.46.8299.43.63392 S 12.574|1.6 0.0|  1.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 010100.8.34100.5.152 9.63|||7.4||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||71.6|5|0.5 20.5%|53299.59.899.36.6618.23||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 77.6 14.1 0  0.0 03100.7:01.36100.8.186.1 0.0|||||99.5%  0.5 0|5|5599.52.8799.29.6906 S 4.90|5100.0 08.9| 0786100.4.3100.51.2127M 5170019|1.6| 19.6%||2.1| 53.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||46.1||||4.7|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81.783M 401M S 99.65.8999.52.738M 52224 S 3.361| 0.5|| 5.0||4.2|  0.5||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0||||99.5%|1.19100.7.40100.4.25331M 54836 S 15.98415 0  0.5 1.6||2.1| 193M S 99.8 1.2 10:55.77m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.6 2.5 17:08.91boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=240 S 13.46377||0.5| 0.6100.09.0|27870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 17:10.42boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 10:57.28m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow10.52 0 0 0|99.5|5||1.6481481517M 193M S 99.8 1.2 10:58.80m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.7 2.5 17:11.93boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 8.81|||||||13.7|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.4 20.2% 08.4| 0.557870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 17:13.43boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:00.32m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow06.0|  1.6|1.0  0.0  0.09.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%4781481517M 193M S 99.9 1.2 11:01.8m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 827M 405M S 99.5 2.5 17:14.95boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=5.37|| 0.5|1.6|5||||||||||||23.60 74.3%87870 827M 405M S 100. 2.5 17:16.47boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:03.3m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow27M 52100 S 4.48|5||||||||||16.8|||||||||||||||||34.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58.4|9|  1.5 49.3%| 42.9303M 4018.084.968M 52624 S 3.690| 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85.0| 28.5 15.8||4.5|||8.0| 15.4||||||||||||65.519.666.55330M 54844 S 17.81.14422M 0|| 29.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.5%|  0.9 1.0| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||73.9|  14321.28.16252 S 14.953
28679 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231|5|  1.09 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||66.5|2.1| 37.4052.779.6812.328332
 0|||2.67.9%|1.1||||||||||100.0%|1.6|  0.5|2.16664.2811.20 9.41558
 8585 localuser 20 0 20608  8528 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.17 sshd: localuser@pts/4|1|88.0||||||11.0||4.2 0|0285.792.71088 S 8.06||6.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||55| 28.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||62.9| 18.9%||||||||14.4||2.1||||||||||16.997.344.2728M 52396 S 6.57|7.4| 16.3|||||||||||||||||||||||72|  1.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|  3.7||||7.9||  4.73418.855.7919M 52340 R  2.224| 1.6|  1.6|  3.16| 1.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%||||10.629 1.35230.367.30331M 55208 S 17.8447|  0.0 0.0| 0.5 09.5  0.041.878.8224.430.5 0100.0|553.3920.3412.21.0|5|5|99.0|574.81.86 9.8510.5|||3.4 0|55 07.9%|1.686.403.37028 S 8.0 0 1.8100.08.5% 0.0507.9999.04.929M 52744 S 6.97M||5|||||||||18.3||||||12.6 82.1%| 81.7%||||||||13.6319.52100.6.4933276 R 21.360
 1060 localuser 20 0 17628  5028 S 0.1 0.0 2:06.97 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl9|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%  3.8 ||2.1| 3  0.02341.099.18.0031M 55736 S 18.073
 784720720  86124 0.1 0:01.32 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  50280 2:06.97 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl100.08.4 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.034R2.54100.9.5224.343 76.9%9.5|||||||||||22 0||126681481517M 193M S 99.3 1.2 11:31.0m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 823M 401M S 98.9 2.5 17:44.05boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=12.528  0.00||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|1.1| 0.57100.2.56100.5.56 9.81||||7.3 61.3%|99||6||3.6||||||||||||||27.7999.04.0899.07.0740 S 8.653| 3.1||1.4|  1.51.8%||||7.7 0.01.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.5%31:007870 823M 401M S 100. 2.5 17:48.62boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:35.63m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow29M 53432 R  7.0717.001.0||||||||||||||29.0|||4.7| 28.4||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85.4|5|0.5 72.8%281481517M 193M S 99.8 1.2 11:37.16m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 823M 401M R 99.6 2.5 17:50.16boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=432M 55888 S 23.32.01250| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.9 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.01.0|1.6  1.5237870 823M 401M S 100. 2.5 17:51.67boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:38.69m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow317.934810.59.0% 0| 0.5 0.0581481517M 1931.2 11:40.21m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 823M 401M S 99.9 2.5 17:53.1boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=25.3220 08.4|99.5|51.267870 823M 4012.5 17:54.69boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:41.72m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow12.641|59.5| 12.3%|5 00.9||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||888881481517M 1931.2 11:43.24m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 831M 410M S 99.9 2.5 17:56.20boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 9.80||1.08.4||1  0.0||2.199.5%97870 831M 4102.5 17:57.72boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 11:44.75m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow08.95269.5 0||||7.1 0| 5377.16
 106017628  50281 0.0 2:07.04 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86121 0:01.38 sshd: localuser@pts/1| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%0 0 0.028:00.747.795.470|1.6 18.3%||||||||15.29.5||2.6||||||||||18.8||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.3|57427M 4062.269.31231M 56068 S 20.030
 784720720  86121 0.1 0:01.40 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  50280 2:07.04 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl0  0.0|  2.50 0.0  0.0||||||||||||100.0%||19053.8150.8716.92335|6 0.05|||||8.3|1|98.3| 075.332.3913.220.5|50%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.9%0.5| 3.3%||1.686.843.911.331|2.6|5% 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%0208.355.420 8.60 1||||||||||||||||||||||43.61.0| 58.4%|1.0| 79.3%||||||||||21.219.876.9529M 53560 S 7.7561|||  1.9|2.1 1.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||96.8| 6 0.0||||||||||||44311.398.464080 S 5.96
 106017628  50281 0.0 2:07.08 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86121 0:01.43 sshd: localuser@pts/1|||6.8||||||||15.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||70.2 30.5 29.8||||||||||||||||||||||||||49.7|||||||12.2|  1.042.909.98332M 56640 S 18.75915 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|||||||||99.5%  0.0|  3.1|  1.0|  0.5| 0.564.412:01.50288 S 15.161
 784720720  86123 0.1 0:01.48 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  50280 2:07.08 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl5.7%0|||||||||17.1 0.0 0.5||1.6875.93.0112.620 0.05|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|5 0 0.097.434.52 9.7219||||||||||||21.1 26.8%0|||||||||||||||||||||||||50.3|5308.956.0608.0|  2.6||||||||||||||||||||||||47.7  1.6 63.6%|||||||||||||||||||99.0%1.6220.477.580M 5406.9410M|1.0 10 0.0||||||74.5|| 21.6%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||55.9|||||||||||||23.7432.009.10344 S 5.45
28733 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 213176|||4.7|||||| 9.4||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82.2| 15.7|2.4|0|7.5|||||32.3853.510.6133M 56856 S 19.090
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  86124 0.1 0:01.53 sshd: localuser@pts/1
28738 root  33  10 11352  23401 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 222
 0.0| 1.0|||99.5%|  1.0|||||31.1 0|  1|||||||||||||||||67365.012.1326.33247
 8586 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 -bash0||||5.8||  2||0|||||||||||99.5%70286.533.64131258|0.55 0.0 0.0 0408.085.210.71|8.9|1100.019.596.73096 S 8.603100.0|0.5||2.1|5|99.59331.118.2429M 54140 S 7.03||1.6|99||||||||13.5|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.0| 16.1%452.639.7730M 54664 S 5.145|1.6||||7.34.2% 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||74.9||||6.3 29.3|5.2664.1521.2933M 57444 S 183.1948 0.0| 0.58.5%|1  0.5| 1.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 87  0.075.742.824.420339.0 0 0| 0.5|99.5%|197.254.4111.82||1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67 32.1%|5|||||||||||||||||||||41.8 0| 57.0% 0508.765.93 8.916 0|||||||||||99.5%  0.0 0||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0||3.31 1.40240.277.4407.0|||2.6 34.2%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||57.9| 37.4%|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.9|1.531.78.950M 54416 S 6.22|||||||||||||26.7  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.3| 23.0  0.0||1.6||||||||||||||99.5% 0.053.2830.474.47|  2.6|1.6||||||||||||||||||96.3  1.6||||6.2||||8.41.1%||1364.811.992344 R 20.6368| |||4.2 8.9||3.1||||||||||||||35||||15.18.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||47.42886.33.5133M 57356 S 17.949463| 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|  1.09.5  0.097.825.0324.239||||||1||||||||||||||||||35.9100||2.6| 61.9%||1832:019M 4079.34R 6.5412.424|  5.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%| 31.8%|||||||||||||||32.8|  0.4||||||||||||||||||35.42250.90S 8.11 9.5501| 1.0| 68.7%  0.05||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%481481517M 193M S 99.3 1.2 12:39.64m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 829M 407M S 99.1 2.5 18:52.42boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=07.90||6||||||8.4|5|  1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.9%|5 04.2%7157870 829M 407M S 100. 2.5 18:53.93boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:41.15m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow10M 54624 S 6.1220M2.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%||1.1 0.02.9%1.1|||||||||||||23.6| 3.1781481517M 193M S 99.4 1.2 12:42.67m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 829M 407M S 99.2 2.5 18:55.44boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=05144 S 4.53967 root  20 0 11236  1824 S 0.1 0.0 0:28.97 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug2tap -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -d tap110||||||14.0| 2.2||||||||||||||||||||||63.9|||||||||||||||||35.687870 824M 402M S 100. 2.5 18:56.94boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:44.18m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow33M 57560 S 19.976
 7847 localuser 20720  86122 0.1 0:01.65 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 967 root 11236  18240 0:28.97 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug2tap -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -d tap121.0  1| 0.50|  1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%1081481517M 193M S 99.5 1.2 12:45.70m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 824M 402M S 99.2 2.5 18:58.47boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=26.2848| 68.4 01.0| 0.509.517870 824M 402M S 100. 2.5 18:59.98boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:47.23m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow13.33||9.0|| 018.4381481517M 193M S 99.7 1.2 12:48.75m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.4 2.5 19:01.49boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0.792||||||||17.58.5||||||||16.2 0.5|5 0.5 65.5%47870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 19:03.08boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:50.34m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow0 8.135  0.09.0|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0 0|1.0  0.0681481517M 1931.2 12:51.86m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.2 2.5 19:04.59boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0M 5497.08008|18.4 0 0.5|5377870 4 0 828M 406M R2.5 19:06.11boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:53.38m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow5.214||65.3%||3.1|96.3%|||4.2|5||4.1 09814820 0 1517M 193M S1.2 12:54.90m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 824M 402M S 99.6 2.5 19:07.63boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=1M 54936 R  1.84965 0.0||||||13.9| 4.07 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.5%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.122207870 824M 4022.5 19:09.23boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 12:56.50m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow24M 57936 S 174.07473|2.6|||||||||||||||||||37.4|  1.0| 0.7 0.0|54%| 63.2210.748.024.783|1|||||||||56.2 0|||||||||||||||||||||41.2 09.5%|  0.532.259.5412.32| ||||||||||||||||98.4%  0.0|1.1 79.5%||||||||||18253.73:01.05 9.717||089.5%||||||10.5 0.0| 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%65.262.5708.4032||5.2| 2.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75||2.1|||||||||||||||||||38.7||||7||||||||||||||28.0 44.5%86.784.081M 55260 S 6.8109.008 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.9|  2.1 1.9||||||||||||61.8|6.6|||||||||||||53.3|||  5.2198.295.60780 S 5.01
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.29 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 7847 localuser 20720  86121 0:01.73 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 967 root 1236  18240:29.01 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug2tap -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -d tap16||||||||||||||26.7 19.2 0.0|||||||||||||25.2| 3.7|||||62.6| 0.5319.817.114.120|  2.6||||||||||||||46.7||1.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%| 45.3| 1.0| 12.81.65221.338.6434M 58252 S 16.735
 784720720  8612 0.1 0:01.76 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  5030 2:07.29 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl30M| 1|||||||||||||||||||||99.5%| 00|  1.0||6||  3.10.542.8510.1626 S 13.6738
28787 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 229|||||8.9100.0|| 56.7% 0| 0|||||||||||||||||||||||44.054.361.6711.3298004H 1 23043
|| 2.1|99.5|6  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|||||6.3175.83.19 9.5805220
 8637 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 script hpux-postinstal-qemu.log|||||8.9| 26.7%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||64.9 09.5| 1.187.374.7007 0.0|  2.5||||||||||||99.0%|5|58|0.53408.956.295.8912 0.05|1.69 0230.477.811M 56116 S 4.241
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.33 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  8611 0:01.79 sshd: localuser@pts/1|1.6||||||||||||2391.1%|8 0|| 79.1%||||||||||||22.531.989.3334M 58684 S 20.0 0.464
 784720720  8612 0.1 0:01.82 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  5030 2:07.33 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl7 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 0.0 0.0|2.1| 2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%53.4920.85215.364438.4|51.0| 0.5100.064.92.372.6729.0 0 0||1.086.513.891 9.704|57.9%|5|5 0|99.598.025.418.851.08.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||69.6|5||1.0|1.1| 29.5%519.546.9201M 55860 S 6.9 0.38M||3.2 9.9%| 11.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||73.5||1.6||||||||18.3|  1.0241.08.442M 56388 S 5.370
 1059 localuser 20 0 11224  1768 S 0.1 0.0 0:58.74 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl64| 0.5 0.0|  3|99.0%| 31.8||4.8||||||||||||||||||||||60.4||||||||||||22.4442.579.9644M 58584 S 20.8 0.494
 784720720  86122 0.1 0:01.87 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 105911224  17681 0.0 0:58.75 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl||2.6| 15  0.0 0.0||  3.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%534.0931.48317.664900 0.0 0.0|5||1.6|1.0|2.18.4||||||8832M 4117.114.5312.128 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||46.7|5| 52.5% 0.5||1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75.9| 25.6%3:0081481517M 193M S 99.2 1.2 13:36.13m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 98.8 2.5 19:48.71boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 9.30|||2.6| 24.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.7|  1.4||4.9 0.5||||||99.0%|  9.4||||| 17870 832M 411M S 100. 2.5 19:50.22boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:37.65m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow1M 56072 S 7.8 0.388|| 1|  2.1|  1.6| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||54.5 0| 80.1%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||61.8381481517M 193M S 99.3 1.2 13:39.17m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.1 2.5 19:51.74boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=02M 56596 S 6.29
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.40 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86121 0:01.90 sshd: localuser@pts/1591224  17680:58.76 /usr/local/bin/6 1.0 1.7|||||8.2|||||||||||||||||||||||46.4||7.9|1 45| 56.4||||||47870 832M 411M S 100. 2.5 19:53.29boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:40.72m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow35M 59136 S 21.0 0.4 0:05.23
 784720720  8612 0.1 0:01.92 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  5030 2:07.40 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl||6 0.0| 1.1|||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|  2.1 0|  3||||||||||||||||99.5%681481517M 193M S 99.8 1.2 13:42.25m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.5 2.5 19:54.80boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=217.7535 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84.1|0.5 10.9% 0.0| 0.5577870 832M 411M S 100. 2.5 19:56.32boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:43.77m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow14.3277 0||99.5% 0  0.0||1.5||2.00981481517M 1931.2 13:45.33m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99. 2.5 19:57.8boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=2.01 2.5%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||91.1 0.0| 1100107870 832M 4112.5 19:59.38boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:46.85m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow0 9.76|||||7.9||||||||||23.1|57.9||||||||||19.4|||||||11.9||||||||||||22.5 43.5%||||| 0281481517M 1931.2 13:48.36m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.8 2.5 20:00.88boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=2M 56464 S 8.6 0.379|| 2.6||||||||||||||||54.01.6 39.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|  1.6|  0  037870 832M 4112.5 20:02.40boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:49m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow984 S 7.09
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.43 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  8611 0:01.95 sshd: localuser@pts/188| 3.7  0|||||||||||||||||||||41.4||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%| 57.2%2.1|||3.4||||||||15.2||||||581481517M 1931.2 13:51.39m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.8 2.5 20:03.92boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=44M 59164 S 21.7 0.452
 784720720  8612 0.1 0:01.98 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  5030 2:07.43 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl 2.0| 17.80|||||||||||| 81| 1.5 0.0|  1.067870 832M 4112.5 20:05.51boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 193M S 100. 1.2 13:52.99m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow218.0432.00|1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79.9  0.0 24.1%|||100.0%||0.5||||| 807.064.545.124 0| 16.8||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.2  0.0 0.0398.576.0612.55199|5|  1.6|||97.9|||3.1|99.5|5||1.02110.087.59 9.7733||29.0% 0.0100.0 0 0721.599.1102M 56676 S 8.8 0.3825M|2.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.3% 14.7%|||5.2| 56.3%||1|||||||||||||||30.343.104:00.627192 S 7.0601
 967 root 1236  182410:29.10 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug2tap -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -d tap1 964 root 144  177611:24.83switch -t tap0 -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -1060 localuser 20 0 17628  5032 S 0.0 0.0 2:07.46 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 1059 localuser 24  176858.80 /tmp/vde-ip.ctl|1.6 0.0%|||20.9|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||91.6 29.7|||||||15.7||||||||||||||||||67|||4.288 1.94 1.4654.612.1345M 59720 S 24.2 0.48335030 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.5|  1.6 47.5||||||||||||53.1|  0.5 44.9|| 1.676.133.6534 S 18.6558047|||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0  3.9||||||||||||| 79.2||1.0 15.0| 0.5787.645.1626.04 0 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||||98.4%   0309.16.681362||1.6||1 67.1% 0|||||||||||||||||32.4120.668.190.5181|2.1 0|99.5  0.0|1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|2.113732.179.7108 S 8.60130M|||3|5|5| 67.0%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86.9||||||||||||||||||34 16.2% 0.04253.6811.222M 57000 S 6.9 0.38
28835 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 25921 1.6||||3.3|||||||||||97.4|87.5  0.5||||23||2.6628M 4065.202.743M 57520 S 5.29484H 1 22650243
||||5.7| 0.5||||||7.8100.0%|| 66|1.6||||||34.9||||5.203876.714.2636M 60048 S 19.9 0.4 0:06.14R  0.311522
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.07 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0.5 0|| 1.6|99.5||||||||||||99.5% 0.5  0.0| 0.52698.225.7726.7S 31| 0.0100.0 0|1.0419.737.2913.4521|| 78.2%|1.5||||||||||20.4231.298.851.111||||7.6|5|95.7%|||||99.5% 0.0  0.00.5542.8120.380 8.8073M||||4.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||95.8||||||||||18.0 0.0 70.0%||||5.9||||||||||||23.5||2.1154.331.902M 57284 S 7.5 0.37
28870 localuser 45 0 12404  3100 S 2.5 0.0 0:00.25 screen -r HPUX-CONSOLE4324| 0.5 62.6|  1.6|5 64.2| 1.6||||30.7||||||||||||||||||37.275.843.413M 57804 S 6.181.9
 1060 localuser 20 0 17628  5032 S 0.1 0.0 2:07.53 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 1059 localuser 20 0 11224  1768 S 0.1 0.0 0:58.84 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl48||  1.0|||6.31.0  0.0||||6.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%||||||||||||||||||||||||||9373867.354.931264 R  22600|2.1||||||||||||||28.8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.0|2|||11.09.5%| 2.6825508.866.4436M 60276 S 18.0 0.4443
 784720720  8614 0.1 0:02.18 sshd: localuser@pts/1607628  50322:07.54 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 105911224  17680 0:58.84 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|  0.5 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||70.5|  0.5 28.1%| 1.0140.407.9924.90392|1.6 72.0% 0|||||9.4|||||||||99.5%|||||||||||20.4  0.0 039M 4071.919.5112.50.829 0.5  0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%8|  1.0||1.543.4531.05 9.761 0||||||||||||||||||||||43.3 56.7%9 0|3.48681481517M 193M S 99.7 1.2 14:32.66m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 829M 407M S 99.5 2.5 20:45boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=085405||1|||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|5  0.00|5 0.57100.4.17100.6.56655 0| 82.1%|||||||||||20.4|1.0795.7299.88.113M 57572 S 5.2 0.363590| 0| 57.8%|||||||||||||||||||||42| 46.8||||||||15.2||||||||||39.5|144:007.23100.9.68096 S 4.172026
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.57 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  8611 0:02.19 sshd: localuser@pts/16|  0.0|5|||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|||||||||||||||||||||98.8%|  0.5 12.90.528.8251.203.3810611.0||||||||||||||||||36.61.6% 6.8%||||5.3|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75.3|||5.8837870 828M 4062.5 20:52.71boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481517M 1951.2 14:40.33m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow36M 60324 S 16.1 0.471
 784720720  86122 0.1 0:02.21 sshd: localuser@pts/1
28872404  31000:00.26 screen -r HPUX-CONSOLE
 106017628  5030 2:07.57 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl||3.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 77.9 5.8 5.7||||||||||||||||||||||||55.5||8.9  0.0| 1.0||||||954.222043 14:41.8523.6344 0.5|| 62.3  0.0|||||||||||||||33.2 14.6| 1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||87.20.565.74113.3711.5383||||||||16.2|  0.5| 11.5||||||||32.7 0.0 76.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.33087.28M 2154.88 8.942  0.5|5|  0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%  0.0||||||||99.0%998.756.4007.71|1.0||1 0 05111:00.327.976.00 0.5||||9.9|1|5 40.3%|||||7.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58.2 81.7%21.839.4864 S 4.19772||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|0.5 0  0.0| 0.5||||||||||||||100.0%| 2.12943.3551.013M 578036||1.02.3% 0|||||9.5||||||||||||23.81.6| 77.6%| 0.530354.872.534M 58324 S 3.07
 106017628  5031 0.0 2:07.60 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86121 0:02.24 sshd: localuser@pts/1
28872404  31000:00.26 screen -r HPUX-CONSOLE83||||7.9 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||42.2|||||||||||||||||||||50.8  0.0||1||||||98.4% 02974M 4026.404.052.1018||||14.3|1|||||||||||||68.0||||||||||69.5||||||||||||||||||||37.2|||||9 14.4%||||6.998.05.6626M 60776 S 13.2 0.4 0:07.03
 784720720  86364 0.1 0:02.29 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  5030 2:07.61 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl||  3.1 0  0.5|||||||||||99.0%||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0  0.0| 1.0209.517.180.62144 1.6| 39.5% 45.1%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.7211.08.691 8.80 0.0|  1.0  0.0||||||||||||100.0%||||||||||||||99.0%32.535:00.217.002|5 0 0554.041.7205.2|1.6|99.505065.53.233M 58148 S 4.3 0.3499||||6.30||1|||||||||17.8| 81.7%100487.064.754M 58380 R  3.46R 4905 0.0| 0.5|1.6 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||65.2|5 35.6|99298.586.27668 S 247S 6|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%6| 10.8||1.1|  4.3| 7.9%23120.07.7836M 60864 S 15.33243420|||||11.1 63.2% 53.2% 0|||||||||||||36.3 0.5||||||||||||||||35.7 0.021.599.2923.43M  8.9||||  3.1| 15.9|1.1|||||||||||||||||||75.4 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||1.630543.1010.8110.2
28892 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 25313 0.0| 1.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%||2 21.5|1.6|99.3| 054.622.33 8.7316325
||2.1|||||||13.6|89.5%|||8||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||89.0||| 3.5%||||||||12.6291376.13.85080 S 6.078R 4
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i||6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||74.2|| 42.4||||||10.4|| 1.6||||5.2|||||||||||||||27.7||||||||||||||||43.7287.635.374M 58384 S 5.3 0.356115S || 5 56.0  0.0|||||||||28.2||||8.1||||12.4| ||||||||||63.84081481518M 215M S 99.2 1.3 15:16.97m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 824M 402M S 98.9 2.5 21:29.24boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=900 S 44678 0.0 15.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86|  2.6 1.6  0.0|| 15.2|||||||||||||99.0%10 1.97 1.5117870 824M 402M S 100. 2.5 21:30.75boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 15:18.48m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow37M 61376 S 18.86149827|  1.0|99.0% 0.0|0  0.0530381481518M 215M S 99.3 1.3 15:20.00m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.0 2.5 21:32.27boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=25.22|5 05|5 0|5047870 832M 411M S 100. 2.5 21:33.77boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 15:21.52m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow13.121||||||||||18.7|1.1 24.2%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75||2.5|||||8.8 70.3%699.15.2999.03.040.305  0.0 0.0  0.0 0||||||100.0%| 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|  0.5097100.6.81100.4.560 8.7996|5|1.5|5|991.05|981481518M 215M S 99.6 1.3 15:26.10m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 832M 411M S 99.5 2.5 21:38.34boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=4M 58724 S 6.94||1 0.0|1.5||1100|0.59|2.1507870 832M 411M S 100. 2.5 21:39.88boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 15:27.65m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow9252 S 5.35
 106017628  50321 0.0 2:07.71 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86361 0:02.39 sshd: localuser@pts/1335.00 0.0||1||||||12.0 0.0|98.4%|3.7 87.4%|||||9.438281481518M 2151.3 15:29.17m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 407M S 99.8 2.5 21:41.41boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=25M 59280 R 21.177040||22.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.5%|||55.5%||6.5 0.0 0.0237870 828M 4072.5 21:42.99boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 15:30.76m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow37M 61748 S 17.391
 784720720  86364 0.1 0:02.45 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  50320 2:07.71 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl 0| 09| 1.69.0%| 1.054.512.2924.321 0100.0 0.08.4 0|1.1266.023.8112.52|99.5|59.0 0.0387.545.34 9.621448.9|1.1 63.7%||3.7||||||||||||||||29.1||1.1299.066.86083|59.0|2.0||||||||||||98.5%| 0.5  0.0| 0.55:0150.638.444M 58968 S 6.7407|1.5|2.0 26.9%| 19||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.67362.2240.035M 59488 S 5.255552||4.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||86.9| 15.3|0.6| 17.4%|||||||13.0|||||7.9||5.4473.731.5437M 62016 S 18.08.20450 0.0|99.4%  0.0|||||||14.4|  1.6  0| 0.5|||||||99.0%65.243.0725.43||2.1 1.8%|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.9%| 0|||||9.4|2.4%76.754.5912.523 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.9 0.0%0.5| 3.6 0 9.81169.0% 0| 1.1109.797.6408.60|||||||13.3|94.7% 73.8%|||||||||||||26|5||||||||15.7|5|5622:01.339.1820 S 6.866  0.0 0.0|||||||99.0%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|  0.5 0|32.8450.704M 59256 S 5.0374|||||7.3|||||||||||||||||||||||||49.82.7%| 40.6%1.01.0|||2.6|54.352.215M 59776 S 4.14877 0.5| 18.19.5%|  3.0|||3.713.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||96.9365.873.7237M 61992 S 16494558 0|  0.51.6 0.0|||5.0 0.09.4%87.385.2423.6503||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||96.98.4 0.0|1.6 2.6|5 0.0%98.906.7711.3299.5%9.50 0.0 0|12110.428.29 8.818.0| 42.1%|1.10.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||57.4|522.019.802032 S 7.40||2.6 72.0%|  1.0|||||||||||23.2 0|5|||||||||||||||99.0%0.5481481518M 215M S 99.8 1.3 16:01.4m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 407M S 99.6 2.5 22:13.53boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=6 S 5.9180886 0.0  0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 057870 828M 407M S 100. 2.5 22:15.05boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 16:02.94m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow5M 59572 S 4.22||1.6 0.5|95.8%5|||4.7781481518M 215M S 99.9 1.3 16:04.46m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 407M S 99.8 2.5 22:16.55boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=620 S 3.90|||5.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.9%| 2.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||71.8|5 15.7%| 2.1387870 828M 407M S 100. 2.5 22:18.09boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 16:05.98m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow6M 59556 R  1.75
 106017628  50321 0.0 2:07.82 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 784720720  86361 0:02.55 sshd: localuser@pts/1997 6|||||||||||||||36.12.1%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||73.8||| 15.7||3.1  2.6|||6.323081481518M 2151.3 16:07.4m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 407M S 99.9 2.5 22:19.59boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=38M 62620 S 15.379
 784720720  86364 0.1 0:02.60 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 106017628  50320 2:07.82 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl9 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%100.0%  0.0|  1.0| 1| 0.5 0.0317870 828M 406M R2.5 22:21.10boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481518M 215M S 100. 1.3 16:09.01m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow23.131M9.0|99 0|||3|2.1|55212 1.99 1.5439M 407M S2.6110.5310.51
28940 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2315|5100| 36.1%|||||8.9|||||||||||||||||||||||||||54.944.132.04 8.680
28944 root  33  10 11352  23400 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2
 784720720  86360 0.1 0:02.60 sshd: localuser@pts/1
 1060 localuser 20 0 17628  503202:07.83 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl82
|3.1|99.5  0.0|5||||7.6|| 2.1|||||||||||||||||92.21.02365.6522M 2193.5706.956
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i 1.6 4.0%|1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|||3.7 0.0||3.111277.173M 2284 16:15.095.1647|||||||||16.8|||9|||4.7|| 69.6 67.0%| 1.0||||||||||||||||29.31.029 2.00 1.5598.684M 2375 16:16.615M 59804 S 4.2149.0030|  2.1|||||19.4| 1.6|||||| 7|||||||||| 84.3 0 13.5 034030.20458.1260060 S 3.325191.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0| 78.0| 0.5|5  1.0||||||||||||||||||||38.2421.715M 2546 16:19.64324 S 2.43165.3%|||||||||16.1 3||||||||||||||||||||||||||50.8||3.1||||||||||||25.5 25.0526 2.02 1.5633.236M 26321.1638M 62860 S 16.29.08456| 58.5%  0.0 0|  1.5||||9.4|  1.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||88.654.87M 2682.7822.8931040|04||||||||||||||||||36.4 0.0 3.1||6| 54.5666.3435M 277 16:24.2910.71|0.5100.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0| 0.5  0.0487.8895.84 8.97 0|99.5|5|1.5|5 0509.39817.3906.068100.0 0|99.50 0|17140.936M 2878 16:28.915M 60164 S 5.4118221|||4.5|93.5%|2 47.4%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.5||2.60.5|5238M 4062.499230.496M 60684 S 43
 106017628  50321 0.0 2:07.89 ssh vde0@pandora vde_plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl
 967 root 1236  182410:29.33 /usr/local/bin/vde_plug2tap -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -d tap1 964 root 1144  177611:25.12 /usr/local/bin/vde_switch -t tap0 -s /tmp/vde-ip.ctl -m 666 -784720720  86361 0:02.66 sshd: localuser@pts/1
28870 localuser 2404  310000.26 screen -r HPUX-CONSOLE
 1059 localuser 224  17680:59.02plug /tmp/vde-ip.ctl| 1.1 45.3|0.5 3.7|||||72.11.0||||||||||||25.6|843.97M 2992.013.60000.5  0.0 0|||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||||||99.0% 0  0.065.513039 16:33.522.45|5|1.677.0345.031.717 0 0.59098.5466.550.67|2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||66.8|1 30.2% 60.4%||||||||||||||||||||4|1.16:0050.0378.08 0.5|||||||||||98.2%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 76.7 11.1|| 26|5  | 0.5321.559.6139 0.0% 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0 0218733.0741.138||1.07.9%||1.554.598M 3102.6548| 0.5|5 66.9%|1||||||||||||||||||36.1| 066.064.17| 0  0.00.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%1787.605.692 0||||||||||||22.9||1.0 84.2%||599.067.20|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%| 0.5 0.0| 0113:00.618.71||2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79.6| 17.4% 0 0522.07350.230 0.0|||||98.0% 30.7%||||||||||||||||||||||||||69.5|540481481539M 319M S 99.9 2.0 16:51.83m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.6 2.5 23:03.64boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=902|17.9  0.0||||||||100.0% 0524M S 100.3.36100.5.20 09.5%||1.61740M 3304.8899.86.73|5|5|99| 0.534851 16:56.42100.8.275R 1.07.9%|51.025201M 3387.93R 9.79R |5|0.59.0% 47.8%|5|||||||||||||||||||||||46.50.5219.45S 11.26S 930S 9 0||2.6% 0 28.41.0||||||||||||70.3 03383407:00.98R 2.77|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%8.4%|7|  1.0 0  0.0||12422.50S 4.29|5100.0%9.5 0 0 0644.025.75 00|5||1755.537.34||2.1 60.2%||||||||||||||||||36.2|5 0 0|52967.058.833 0.0  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 0|5 03308.5720.3635 02810.101.796M|1||3|5||1|15131.693.3
28986 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231
0.5 00 0|  0|143593.27R 5.029043
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i
||1.6|||2.68.4%||||5.2||6|||2.6 00274.80S 6.50
 119352  10 22664  99481 2:14.29 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pandora_agent /usr/local/e8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.08 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0 0.09.5% 0.0| 0.5 0.00 2.0186.327.9800.57.9%||1.6 0||9402M 3507.849.51M||||||||13.59.5% 0.0 013112 17:19.3531.04
29024 root  40 0 12108  2900 R  2.0 0.0 0:00.20 screen -r DEBIAN-PARISC-CONSOLE||  3.60|520993320.882.52localuser 45404  3100 S 64||||7.9 0.0 24.7%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.5|5452.404.041.7 0.0  0.0| 34.9 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||65.563.925.5547|5  0.0||||||||||||99.0%|1.0438775.507.141 05|0.5297870 828M 4065 23:38.61boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481543M 363M S 99.0 2.2 17:27.02m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow0.9|1055040.1452M 368M S 100. 2.3 17:28.547 0||1.63281481566M 369M R 99.4 2.3 17:30.09m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.1 2.5 23:41.61boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=5||||7.27.8% 0.52370M S 100.1.60100.3.154||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|1.1 0.0%|1.1599.43.1299.24.69335.9%||0|||||||||||21.6| 0.5762M S 100.4.63100.6.172025 30.9| 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||73.0|7889M 391M S 99.5 2.4 17:36.1599.27.6518|5|1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|  0 092M S 100.7.68100.9.180 0 0|99.0%|7:014M S 99.89.2299.550.65| 31.8%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58.6||1.6290M 397M S 100.40.74100.2.22|5||2.6  0.0 0|||||||||||||||98.4% 0849M S 99.92.2599.63.66 0 0.0|57.50.595408M S 100. 2.5 17:43.83100.5.28|5|8.9%|66071M 4145.356.79 0|4% 05082M 4196 17:46.868.2|59.0||110268.399.7 0|100.0% 0113M 4347 17:49.904:01.29|98.4%||1.6234M 44051.432.8762||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.5| 31.8%||||||12.8462.924.33||1  0.0|1.1 0  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%365M 4518 17:54.445.91| 0.5 0.0|55775.977.38||||7.8|5|5||||||10.6||1.6 79.4%496M 4617.508.93| 4.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.2 0  0.0 0.0| 36.62039.0210.39 0.0  0.0|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 77 20.727M 4679 18:00.51.92|5|1.0| 34.3|||||||||||||||||||||6354742.073.45 0 49.2%|||||||||||||||||||||41.4|5||||9.6  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.8| 48.2435627M 481M R3.604.9620||2.6|  7.1|||||||||||||||||||| 78.5||||||11.3 0.0|5|||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.052476M S3.0 18:05.136.4 0.5 0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.9%|1.1||1896.648.007||||||||||||||||||||40.1| 51.3%|||||||15.8|91.1%| 30908.159.431 0  0.0|||||||||||||||||||97.4%|  1.1100.0% 019.621.00M|1| 81.2%||||||||||18.7|65311.162.45
29026 root  30  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230||||5.2|1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||93.8 0.0|  1.6|1.042.694.013021
| 0.5||09.0%|5 0.0|3.745164.215.492
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i 0| 5||||6.2|6|1|||4.11275.757.01
 1193 root  52  10 22664  99481 0.1 2:14.30 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pandora_agent /usr/local/e29024 localuser 20 0 12404  31000 0:00.26 screen -r DEBIAN-PARISC-CONSOLE108.4|| 2.1 00.5 09.5 0.0 03408.8030.03|||||||12.8|5|86.7%220.361.608| 0.7 0 0.0||1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 77.5||2.131.923.12  0.0|5|||7.4||||||99.5%| 1.445595M 459M S 99.8 2.8 18:23.5199.84.714|||||||11.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.0|||||||||17.3||||15.2| 12.9%|0.5| 38.2%||||||||15.267M 460M S 100.4.92100.6.24  0.0| 23.3  0.5|  3.1  0.01.0||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||7087870 828M 406M S 99.8 2.5 24:37.71boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481 0 1597M 460M S 98.3 2.8 18:26.38m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow|1  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.2 0|  1.6981481597M 461M S 100. 2.8 18:27.85m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow78700 0  828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:39.25boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=2 0||||||||||||||26.81.6| 23.0||||||||||||22.5|||||||||||24.0517870 828M 406M S 99.9 2.5 24:40.72boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481597M 461M S 97.4 2.8 18:29.27m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow||1.6| 10.2|2  9.3||||||||||||||||||57 0281481599M 465M S 100. 2.8 18:30.83m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:42.26boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||76.4 1.0 2.1 15.3|  2.647870 828M 4065 24:43.7boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481599M 465M S 97.9 2.8 18:32.33m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow1.6  0.5|||||||||20 0.0||||||||||||38||||||||||||||||||||42.42581481598M 4648 18:33.87m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:45.29boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=||3.7||||9.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||77.5|5|  7  0.077870 828M 4065 24:46.74boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481598M 464M S 98.4 2.8 18:35.36m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow9|||||11.4|11.2  2.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||54.4||||14.7||||5.6881481 0 1598M 4648 18:36.88m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:48.33boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=  0.5  0.0| 0.5||||||||||72.1|||8.4|6.328:0078700 0 828M 4065 24:49.7boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481598M 464M S 98.7 2.8 18:38.37m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow 0||||||||99.0%|  1.6| 0.5181481598M 4648 18:39.90m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:51.32boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=3 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86 13.5%| 0.537870 828M 4065 24:52.8boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481598M 464M S 99.3 2.8 18:41.4m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow|99.5%  0.0 0||1.1481481602M 4689 18:42.93m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:54.34boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=4|58.9 0.067870 828M 4065 24:55.81boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481602M 468M S 99.6 2.9 18:44.45m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow9.5||3.5781481602M 4689 18:45.97m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 24:57.29boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=5.5%||||||||16|1.097870 828M 4065 24:58.82boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481602M 468M S 99.9 2.9 18:47.48m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow 0 1.8||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.9%|6| 0.51081481602M 4689 18:48.99m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 100. 2.5 25:00.35boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=||3.7|||||||||||23.2|5| 1.5% 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||71.7250.511.84| 1.0|  0.5|0|||||||||99.5%32.033.354500.5|||||||||||21 06||||||||||||||27.8 47.6%053.544.82||1.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0  0.0| 17.9%|1.1 72.6%|||||||||||||||28.386.577.77 0.09.0% 0.0|  0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%98.109.3|5219.7110.96|1.6 039:01.232.47100| 0.51342.753.96|5|99.5 064.275.41 08.9|5|575.796.965||19.0 0|97.308.41 0.5 17.3%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79.4 0308.839.971 0  0.0|||||99.0%210.3521.41M||2.1|4|1| 71.3%|||||||||||||||28.15531.902.97
29073 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2311| 1.0 0|||  0.5|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%59M 4753.434.467322|||5.2|||3.7| |||3.15%6364.956.03110529716  91566 0.16 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/tentacle_client -v -a pand52
| 0.5 0.0||6 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85.0 0 17.3%5186.477.473
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i| 0.0||3.2 22.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.598.008.9564 0||1.6|5| 0.5|||||||||||||||||||60.5| 34419.5230.48|||||6.8| 0.5||||||||||20.0 0 51.1 25.8221.051.96| 0.5 0  ||1.1  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%44M 4712.563.48|6|5 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75.2 20.1%454.094.972 0|||||9.2 0||||||12.1 3  4.075.626.50|1 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%|  1.0 087.157.97|||50.7% 0|||||9.3508.699.50 0| 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%4130.2141.077 0|5.8%31.672.52||||||10.3 0|||||1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||64 14.543.14.08|  4.7|||||||||||||||||31.8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.4  0  0.064.695.63|7.3||1.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||90.6|5  0.0|576.17.12 0.5 0.0 41.9||||||||||||||||||||||||||52.4|1.1957.648.603|3.2|5  0.0|||||62.1||||||||||||||||32.39:009.1550.11 0.5|5  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%240.671.64||5.8|||7.9|||||||||||||||30.7|5 54.5%32.163.08 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.8  0.5 0  057870 828M 4065 25:54.65boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481604M 471M S 97.5 2.9 19:43.63m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow8 0 52.4 0|||||||||||||||||||||||45.5|2.166.13100.5.12|5  0.5|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.3  0.0||||||||||||||||||39.4899.07.6598.06.66|3.7 0|5 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%9100.9.20100.8.1 0.5 0 0501199.26:00.6498.39.684 0|1|5|||4.68.4%2100.2.13100.51.20||10.5 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.9% 0.0%499.23.6698.62.754| ||5 37.3%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58.35100.5.13100.4.228||2.1| 0|5 2||||||||73.95799.36.6798.95.73 0.5|1.6 15.2 2.38100.8.15100.7.259|1.0|1|5| 0.5  0.0||||||||98.5%52099.59.672M S 99.58.790.5 0.0 09.5%1100.11.24100.20:00.31|5 00399.62.6899.51.82 0|58.4%4100.4.24100.3.33|5|9.5%681481604M 472M S 99.7 2.9 20:04.85m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.6 2.5 26:15.68boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index= 0||1.08.9%7100.6.36100.7.24 0 09.0%93M S 99.97.8899.68.68|5%30100.9.39100.20.175|5|5 0%299.910.9199.71.69M 0|1.1|||2.7|||||||||||||||||||||||46.9|5 43.1%53100.2.42100.3.26
29116 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 23130 0||2.1 0.0|| 1.0|||||||||||||||||||||98.4% 0  0.053.9499.74.6920325
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i|||||4 30.7%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.61286.997.7253|2.1 0| 0.5| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||95.9  1.13958.519.28|||1 0 09.0% 0.024120.0330.80 0.0 0| 80.3%||||||||||18.821.552.297||1 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%6463.093.83 0554.615.311|||||||||||||||||33.27.7%7720M 4923.0 20:26.126.83|5|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0817.658.316|1.6 00509.169.85|50.5 71.3%||||||||||||||26.7130.6841.33| 0  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%32.202.87||1.6043.714.34 0|1 0.08.465.225.87|5|0.5|576.747.35 01.0 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||65.2 18.2%98.258.872M|5|6|||2.6||||||||| 82.0 4.550:009.7750.36
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  863620:02.72 sshd: localuser@pts/1
28669 138M 631441 0.4 0:09.33 Xephyr -screen 980x640 -ac -query :3
 1193 root  52  10 22664  99481 2:14.35 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pandora_agent /usr/local/e29024 localuser 20 0 12404  3100 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.26 screen -r DEBIAN-PARISC-CONSOLE 0.0 0.0| 30.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.0241.281.83180 0|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 032.793.3604 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81.4|1.2 17.0%|954.334.89|5||||99.5% 0.0  0 0765.846.357 0|587.387.89|||54.0% 0||1.5|5108.969.47|7.9 0.||3.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||91.6 0150.487:01.01| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.8 46.4|||3.631.992.48|||||||13.7||||||||||19.5|||||||65|  1.0 0.0433.514.01|  0.5|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%  0.0 0|565.035.53 0|18|5 0|99.576.607.025|5| 09 0100.098.128.541.0 09.0|5209.6810.130.5 0|5|521:01.191.5985||1 032.723.16 07.4%| 1.157870 828M 4062.5 27:14.61boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481621M 493M S 99.0 3.0 21:04.24m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow|59.5%||1 0.0|566.17100.5.756|5 0 0.5 087.6599.07.261.0||2.60|2.1|5699.1213M 485M S 100.8.78247 0 0.0 0.0|53120.6899.110.301||1.6|1 0.5%|||2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%|||4.122.1100.1.81379M|||3.1||2.1||3.7|| 1 31.8%|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||73.85481481613M 485M S 99.3 3.0 21:13.34m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.1 2.5 27:23.66boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=682342
29159 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2315| 1.0||||||||||20.4|| 2.1 0.7|||||||||||||||||||||||| 78.9 0  0.05100.4.86100.5.19416342|||3.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||97.4 0| 0.5|5|||4.233799.46.3899.16.67
29196 root  82  10 16848  6360 R  0.2 0.0 0:00.02 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/tentacle_client -v -a pand8669 localuser 20 0  138M 631484 0:09.42 Xephyr -screen 980x640 -ac -query :3569
 1.59.5%|1.0||6 0.0128100.7.96100.8.21307
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i 0.0% 0 0 0|5409.509.732%|5 0121.0231.301|1.4 0||3.6832.562.7803|1.6 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 0.544.084.33 0.0100||1.065.605.754|97.4%|1 077.127.34|1.18.9%698.648.80523|15030.1640.36|5| 021.681.8 0 0|533.203.360|554.724.794 0|66.256.37587.767.868.9|1.1 099.289.39|1|||||9.489.8% 0.01:0140.8550.93 0 0.099.5%|122.372.40|5|58.9||1|543.883.939.0% 0.0||1.055.405.371.0|6 0%|1.1 076.926.945|||||||||||||||||||||41.7| 56.0% 0.0||1.688.438.410.5|||7| 4.2|5 0.0109.959.9461.0||||||||||||||||||||99.0%  0.0|5151.478:01.40 05|5 0 08 2.02 1.6932.982.941||3.1 044.504.42 0.07.9%|5|166.025.96|5 32.9%|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.10.57867.587.43|1.0  0.0 0||||||||||98.4%||1.1 099.109.006 09.0| 0.5|5212:00.6210.45|5||22.141.97||2.17.9% 0|2.143.663.4|||||11.5|4|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84.8| 2.1|5  0.01.0||98.5% 0.5 0 076.766.54 0|88.358.109.0 0|6|5670302M 485M S 99.09.8899.09.678.4%|1.65 01100.11.40100.21.20|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||61.3 38.6% 0.0 0|15399.32.9299.12.677302M|||||||||||||98.4%||  2.1|1.6||614100.4.44100.4.13
29208 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22|5 46.8%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.6||9||| 1699.35.9699.25.672144H 1 248
|2.1|  0.5||||||||||||||||||99.5%|2.5|||5||90.5157100.7.50100.7.2559
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i 0.0 08.4 0.0| 0.5 0 0999.79.0299.58.71|59.5|540100.20.57100.30.24 00 0|1262.091.7675|0.533.613.25||3.60 0575.124.76 0.55|5|636.656.28|||||||10.9 0 55.2%|||||||||||||||||34.4|5888.187.743|  2.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86.1  0.0  9.3 0|499.779.37 0|98.5% 0.0|5|1.05131.3540.89|57.4%|5 0 622.882.47 0 5.4 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.7|5|||||||||||||25.5|0.544.504.05|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%  0.0 0  0.0|7696.015.56 0% 077.537.015 32.1%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.95900M 4762.9 22:39.058.499  0.0||||||||||99.0%|52:0040.6050.031.0|522.121.60 4.6%0.5|6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||95.43133.673.13||1| 0.5 0 09.5%575.194.614|||5.86 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.7 47.0%|94.2%66.706.16||9.4 0.0|5 45.4|9.11.1684M 4818.227.62 0.0|5 0  0.0|||||||||||||||||||99.5%100.0%99.759.16|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0%1199.251.2998.59:00.64 0|52100.2.81100.2.1950|5 0499.44.3298.83.64||55100.5.84100.5.17||3.11.0|50799.47.3599.26.66 0.5|0.5 0|99.528100.8.87100.8.15|| 0100.02099.43:00.3899.29.67 0 0|58.91100.1.90100.11.165|5|5|59.0399.53.4299.32.69 0 0 0 0|5|||||||||||||||||||||42.8 57.3%4100.4.93100.4.1|5|55 0||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.062M S 99.5 3.0 23:06.4599.35.711 0|1.6|||2.68.4%||2.1||2.67100.7.98100.7.194714 0.0 0.59.5% 0.0| 0.559599M 477M S 99.6 2.9 23:09.5099.38.7230|50% 030100.11.02100.20.2 0 08.9%||1299.62.5499.41.6605M|5||1|5|59.0|2.16538M S 100.4.06100.3.21
29247 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2831 0|2.1 05|5 0.0599.75.5999.54.68
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  86361 0:02.88 sshd: localuser@pts/1
29251 root  34  10 11352  23401 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22| 1.0||1.0|1.5836100.7.15100.6.27
29264 root  34  10 11352  2340 R 0 0:00.01 vmstat -H 1 2
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  86360 0.1 0:02.88 sshd: localuser@pts/14340
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i 0 0.0| 0.5 0.0100.0 0.0 0920.269.28 0|5|5411.7830.836|5 0|99.5 023.342.42|1.5844.923.9||6 04%656.445.4 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 77.7 22.1%|5798.027.01||2.6||||||99.5%  0.0|199.548.53|5 0.0| 56.9%||||||||||||||||||||||||46.1 050608M 4873.0 23:31.0540.05 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||74.3  0.0 24.7|522.571.53|5|||||||99.5%|  0.5 034.093.0278|0|555.654.557 0|1.7||2.1687.166.092908|58.9 0.0 0| 188.687.61174%||39 4R40.199.101 09.5%|5 0.023:0120S1.7050.579|58.4%||523M 4843.222.08 09.5% 0 044.733.57|18.4|1.1556.265.130.5%||2.077.776.579.5%| 0.5869.298.1464|||||||13.5|51050.809.59 0 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%1.1||1.012.3130:01.149.5%||0 00 1.73373.832.6088.4%|||||11.1|545.344.0660||3.7|5||||||||||||||||||||38.2| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||57.4 0686.855.618 0.0 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0% 0  0.0|578.467.25|15|3.094:00.078.790.5|5 0201.5910.260||17293.171.83 0 034.693.355 0|156.254.920.5747.866.56100.0 089.398.051|5|99.5|1.3||1.53010.949.562312||||||||||||||||||35 0 63.5%|5 0.0 0.0|51902.5221.17109M  0|5||||||||||||98.4%||2.1|11.05037870 828M 4062.5 30:22.65boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481604M 490M S 99.1 3.0 24:14.05m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow29290 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 09.0%| 1.60.5|0.544.13100.5.57
29294 root  33  10 11352  23400 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2
 7847 localuser 20 0 20720  86360 0.1 0:02.93 sshd: localuser@pts/133
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i| 1.59.0%||2.5|||5.50.51277.18100.8.683 0.08.4 0.0| 0981481604M 4903.0 24:20.21m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.8 2.5 30:28.76boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=5||2.6|401.74100.30.31|59.0 0.0|23.271.77 08.9|5|5|34.793.28
|54 0|056.314.79
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 09.0 0|||3.4||1.084620M 5061 24:27.96.404|||4.2||14.8%|5 0.0 089.447.8970 0.0 07.9|1.0|1930.969.408.4%|||4.70.5|5512.4840.91|57.4% 1.6 0|1.023.992.39|100.0% 0.5 045.543.91 0|99 0||157.065.448.5|1| 78.606.92|59.0 0 0940.128.475 08.5%4:001.7150.02|5||17.4%|523.221.50 0 08.5% 0|534.813.1219|5 035 4R6.334.61||||||||||||||||||35.1 66.3% 0|52620S7.856.12|||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%  0.087870 828M 42.5 30:57.66boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481620M 599.0 3.1 24:49.39m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow|50||1.099.211100.50.93||1.6 01181481621M 507M S 99.4 3.1 24:52.46m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 499.2 2.5 31:00.66boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=8.4%| 0|62100.3.97100.2.2261.09.5%0.5 0499.65.5099.43.669 08.4%|1.1 0|55100.7.02100.5.23|1| 55.2% 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||43.5 0799.78.5399.46.74||1  0.0||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%58100.5:00.05100.8.23| 07.9%|5|52099.81.5699.59.682||18.9% 01100.3.08100.11.1||4.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||66.84 0 33.5%399.84.5999.42.707 0.0||||||||||18.4|||||||||||100.0% 84.4%|5|5|  04100.6.11100.4.23||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0.0 0 0 0699.97.6399.75.70 1.1% 1.1%||||||||||||||||||||||||48.4||||||||||||||||||||||||||52.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%7100.9.14100.7.2670.5 0.0|||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.09.0910.718.81||65302.2220.29 05023.741.84M||2.1|||2.6|5|2.17.9%435.273.35
29334 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 1.0 0.0| 19.5%56.794.848423
 119352  10 22652  99441 2:14.45 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pandora_agent /usr/local/e8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0 0.0 0|| 1.0 09.0%89.867.8307.9%913M 49921.409.34|5|5 09.5%412.9330.878|1 0|||||||||||||||||||||||43.7||||||||||||||||||||38.9| 14.9%24.482.48 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%  0.0||5 067.535.508||1.5|5| 0.05|1.1100.0 0930.598.518.4 0.0|5502.1140.04||||6.82.7% 023.631.54 0.07.9||3.7||1.635.152.9997|5 50.0 0.0|||||||||||||||||||38 0 46.9|5||||||||||58.2|668.286.11|5|||||||||||||||||||||98.0%||5  0.0 0899.49.8799.17.64 07.9% 0 0|59100.41.39100.9.1|1 44.8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||54.2|5:012.950.72 0|5  0.0|5  4.7|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||89.824.532.26 0| 0.098.5%646.083.80||11.09.0%57.615.35 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||70.3|0.5|||||||13.4| 13.0%79.206.8970|||||||||98.5%|1.0|  1.0  08 2.02950.798.559.0|| 0|5102.342:00.085 0|5 023.921.56 32.1%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.7|735.453.09|5|||||||||||||56 42.4|1.0|5599.77.0699.54.71|1.0||||||||||||||||99.5%  0.0 0 06100.8.58100.6.24 08.4899.86:00.1099.57.769.0||1.59100.1.66100.9.301|55||1| 0|5213.1910.76|||||||||||||||||33.7| 66.3% 0.5 0 024.712.32|||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%  0.0 0|56746.243.79||2.6100.0|57.755.32 0.0|99 079.286.846||1|5810.798.35 01302.39.8620|58.4||1 013.9021.45||15|1||1435.452.93064  99482M|||||7.9 79.8%6||||||||||18.5| 0.5| 15546.974.4
29393 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 228| 2.1| 11||2.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||89.7||2.60.562M 4988.495.9440645H 1 2436
||||||||||||||||||||||||59.2||5.2 41.4|11.008920.027.42527
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|1.6|||||||||||||||98.4% 0.0  0.0| 1.0191.538.97| 0.59.0|0.5 0.0415003.0430.43|2.17.9%|24.561.97|1.08.4% 0|1.646.073.44| 9.0%|5||0457.584.9370.55|5 0 079.106.443 82.4% 0||||||||15.7830.617.99 0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.5%||1|1502.159.54|59.5% 00.5133.6740.98||1.00||1 035.182.46| 0.5|58.4|546.694.03 0 07.9% 0.5|||1.1|4.279.727.05|59.5%|0 0.03941.248.49 0 0|56:002.7750.054|5|5 024.281.57 00|535.793.05100 0 057.304.578|98.9%||1.668.826.03|5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.1 21.2%|5| 0.5850.337.57 0||||||||98.4%|5  0.0||1.691.859.09.0% 0 0113.363:00.528.4| 0.5||12824.872.07%| 146.383.58|57.9|1.6 0.057.925.115100.0%|5 0.079.436.59|99.0% 0||187:00.948.06 0%|5 0202.479.595.8%|5||||||||14.7|2.1|513.9911.12 0.5 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%|1.6 035.502.59 05| 0.547.014.139|58.4 0|1.668.525.61||||||11.6||||||||||||||||32.19% 56.9%||3|0.5710.047.13  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%7.4%|  0.52.1|1.091.558.609.5% 0.5 0303.0620.086M7.9% 0|5|2.6424.591.60
29430 root  30  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230|59.5%||1.0 0|58.4||3.7| 60.5|1.6357870 828M 4062.5 33:24.62boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481613M 500M R 99.2 3.1 27:17.65m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow5145H 1 2438
||1| 0.5||3.1|||4.2||2.10266.16S 100.9.1752191
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0 09.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0881481613M 500M S 99.2 3.1 27:20.68m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow7870 828M 406M S 99.0 2.5 33:27.64boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=0|1 20.6%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 78.59100.2.19100.9.16980 0|  0.5|||||||||||||25.3|| 82.94199.33.7199.130.64|||3|||||8.5|99.5|||||||||||19.8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.8| 11.4|5 0.012100.5.3100.2.27 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%100.0  0.0  0.0|  0.5 046.8299.93.757 0|558.35100.5.27|98.4|1 079.866.7599.0|50.5|5831.388.27|55 0 0502.899.75 00|5||1.6|1.114.4241.28| 56.8% 0||||||||||||||||||||||43.2 0.00.535.952.86  0.5||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%||1.0347.484.30|0 0.5269.015.871 0|5|740.607.4088||1.1 28.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||71.25|5| 0.0  0.0||||||||100.0%0 0 1.07:003.6350.42|50.525.151.95 0|55||1.0946.693.51|5 00%|5 0.558.214.99 05% 01.1079.726.51||1|5 29.3%|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.3 0.0851.237.97 0.5  0.0 0|||||||||||99.5%|5102.759.43 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81.3 0 11.5%01.114.264:00.989||1|||100.0%  0.05035.782.46 0|1.6 047.293.992|00%|568.815.52| 5% 078:00.357.04|5 0.0|191.888.5|18.4 0203.4010.01 067.9%|524.911.54 0.09.0%|36.433.02 057.954.5480|5|58.4|569.476.0 01.09.0% 00810.997.57|||||||||||||||||||||||||49.60.5 43.0%|192.519.09||3.1|||||||||||||||||||99.5%|  0 0314.0420.58M|1.6|1| 80.1%||||||||||20.2|5425.552.09
29473 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230 0.5 64.6|1.6|||||||||36 047.073.607213|1.60.5 27.8||||||||||||||||||70.7||1.658.595.089444H 1 24350
|||2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.0%||  0.0||||6.80720.116.6352111
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0 83.2% 08.4||||||||||1781.628.090| 1.0|55 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%4099.73.2199.59.73| 091100.4.73100.31.18||50399.96.2699.72.752 01.04100.7.79100.4.23|50.58.969.3099.95.77|5 09.5730.83100.7.31 0 0|592.358.774|503.8740.282 025.451.82|5316.963.37|5|8.958.474.84 0 0100.08069.996.318.00|5|5|5|99|99.5841.507.90|| 0100.093.029.37|||||||||||||||||||||||||50.0 0||||||||||||||||||||4100| 11.4%8:014.5397.950.88  ||3.2|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|5|98.4%  0.026.05100.2.34 0.0 0|547.5898.93.903|5|5 059.10100.5.385 0|1.09.0%||1|17704M 4920 28:50.6499.86.92|0.58.4| 0.5 082.17100.8.469.0103.739.94||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5% 0 0.0%|||1.125.245:01.420|99.5|5|5 0.036.752.945100.0 0 0 0|158.324.52100.0 069.846.06|99.5|589:01.457.6147.9% 21.5%||1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  0.0|1.0| 0.5||||100.0%32199.24.5299.010.7167.9%||||1.022100.6.06100.2.199.0% 0.5 0499.67.5899.33.74|55100.9.10100.5.2140|5|1.0710.6799.96.721.0100|0.5|8812M 5001 29:12.2100.8.38 0|98 0|1.0303.889.9459.5|5 015.4021.48||3.27.9%|5|1.6||1.1436.922.9430M| 0.56||2.1| 5|5|2.658.444.49
29524 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22|1.09.5%1.1 0 1.069.965.943744H 1 2427
|1 48.1%|||5.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.4||2| 0.50821.477.4553
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|0.5  0.0 0.0||||||||||||97.4%|1.6||1.192.998.94 08.4% 0.0| 0.5414.5130.509.0|26.041.956||2.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||70.3 30.6%|47.553.47 0.0|||||||||98.9%  0.0|1.1 0159.074.95|57.9%0.5730.586.49 0 1.9%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||93|82.098.01|5 0.09.5% 0503.619.48 0|58.4|515.1341.01 09.0% 09328M 5172 29:36.652.50|5||||||11.1|5| 83.3%|548.133.9773 0  0.5|||||9.4 5.0||1.5 067870 828M 4062.5 35:45.59boot c -m 512 -drive if=scsi,bus=0,index=81481628M 517M S 97.1 3.2 29:38.40m 1024 -drive file=./debian-hpparisc.qcow8||||6.3|3.7| 0.5 0.0|577.1384.2681 3.1 0.0 4.1||2|||4.61.92 1.98 1.8098.610.3939|||9.9|5 0.0|||5.7|5| 0.59:0050.1470.09.174 0 0.5|||3.6 021.6961.342 1.0|||3.1||||||8.9| 0.0|||3.585 1.9733.1559.567|2.6| 0.5 5.3 0||3.7||5.254.63290|4.7 0||7.9|||3.4 0.0|6|8.4 0.0||2.6 0|578 1.95 1.7987.6146.040| 0.5|11.5||2.5 0.0|99.205.462||||||||||||23.6|5  3.1 0.0|||2.6|||4.3 80.1%1198.66:00.680.9879  1||5.2|5.3||2.1 1| 1.0|||100.0%82 1.932100.2.2013M 501M S 41.3 3.1 29:41.15||4.5 0.04.1||3.5 0|||2.8499.63.7437.942|6.8|||3.7 2 2.6 0| 0.55100.5.218.267 4.2| 0.5|4.7 0.0||3.8 066 1.92 1.78799.76.755.190 0.0 2.6||3.6|1|||4.58100.8.2172.16|||2.6|||5.33.2 0.5 0.0|72099.99.783.040||7.4||||||||||24.9 2.0|||2.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.9| 0.5 3.0%1 1.901100.11.314669 4.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0 0|3.5  9.5 0 0332.83R 31.6912||||7.32.6| 0||1244.31S 32.43.1590|3.0 3.4||6.4||9||1||3.656 1.89 1.7765.940.641 2.1||||12.0 0.0 0 0| 0.587.461.464|6  5.8||||5.4||2.598.9529.689| 1.0|99.5 3.1||||12.0 0.03120.5230.84.13M|||5.8100.0||1|  0.5||||6.6||||4.74921.9629.039
29559 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230 2.1||3.0|||3.6|| 1.0|||4.6 2.643.5730.364632190| 1.6||||9.4| 2.1||||5.8| 0||55.0628.6888045H 1 2434
||||5.8|||||||||||6.8|| 3.7|||2.9 1.004 1.8776.539.75.125215
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.09 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 4.6||| 4.6|| 1.0| 0.5|||4.1||88.048.33801 0.0|||11.3|2.6| 1.0 0409.589.663||3  2.0|||7.41.0|3.9131.18.3872 1.5||||9.6 0.0 0| 0.5||2.50 1.86 1.76399.|5||2.7|4.24100.4.218.438 0 2.1|||||7.9 0.046 1.85699.95.787.0621|||||||11.9 0.0 0.0||2.9| 1.07100.7.368.487142.4|2|5| 0.50.598.947.37.13|  1.0|||||||14.5|1.0||1.5||3.0 02 1.83 1.755140.519.14||4.2  0.0|0.5|2.6||7.4|621.987.668|6|5|||4.71 2.6543.518.9922| 5.0|||||9 1.0 0.0| 0.555.147.78.17 0||||16.80.5 039 1.8276.676.341|  6.3 0||1.6|||5.2||3.788.157.866|1.65.8 0.0|7.4| 0.56:00:009.626.3902||||6.7 26.2% 2.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.4|||3.6| 2.66 1.80151.167.79.15|8.2  0.0 0.5||||||||||99.5%|1.5 0.0||5|1399.52.676.440|6.8|3.7100.0|0 4.2|14100.4.267.865 3 0.0 0|55||3.2699.55.736.388||||7.4||3.7 0.0| 1.03 1.79 1.747100.7.217.650.12 0.0|8.0| 1.1|||6.8||10.5999.68.686.4383||2.6||11.9 86.2%|0.5|||||15.7 0 0310100.7:00.27R 27.863 0.0||1|4.1| 0.5 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|52299.71.70S 26.486|||||9.3||3.6|||||||||||||||44.6||3.1 52.3%||3.10 1.783100. 0.0||6.8|||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0  0.0|5.3|||3.6599.84.726.5363|||14.0 0|||4.7 0.0 0.06100.6.218.062  0|||4.9||||9.5||2.628 1.76 1.73899.97.756.685|5||2.1||6.5 0.6||6.89100.9.318.02.11 0 0.0 4 0||2.5||||7.6 0.02110.796.836||||||||||19.2||2.4 81.3% 0.0|||3.6|||||11.1 0.0|56 1.7522.438.462410|||||30|1.0 69.8| 0.50.9|||4.7 043.867.18810  0.0||5.3||||||||100.0%||||8.0  0.5 0.055.418.43.11 0.5||||6.3| 0.51.0||1.6|||4.93 1.74 1.7276.897.0363|||7.2 4.2 0 0.0 3.088.478.3604 2.3|6.1|||4.66309.97.186|6.1 2.0|||4.1 0.0| 0.532 1.73221.528.54.10M||9.6|1| 2.0|||4.5|5||14233.17.337
29608 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 0.0|||||8.81 2.6||1.0||3.254.648.8611242
||1.1| 2.1||||||10.4||1|2.6| 0.5366.167.485465
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|5| 0.5|||||5.7|||||  6.1|||||5.9| 1|||5.2020 1.71 1.7187.658.65.0957 0|2.0|| 2.5| 0.5|||| 6.5|||5.7||3 0||3.4| 3.04.44130.7466155 2.6|||||9.2| 0.5 2| 0.5|518 1.7022.278.086 0.0 7.3 0|||5.8||2.643.836.76.10 5.6|||5.2|5| 0.5||5.255.378.135 0.5 3.6||3.6||||4.6 476.866.860|||6.2|5.3| 1.1 0.5 2.67 1.6988.388.184 0.0 0.5||4||||||12.9 1.55040.007.37.16||3.1|2.60|  6.8|||6.6|5 1.5 0.5 5.6|1.535 1.68 1.7033.06R 27.464|||2.6| 3.9 67.5%|||||||||||||||32|2.6||4.2 0.0|3.7254.50S 28.7896 3.1 0.0  5.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|3.17| 0.566.017.38.132|5.2 0.5| 1.0|1||2.1|1.62287.578.637|2.6||4.2 0| 1.0||7.4|99.07.362| 0.5||||13.1| 0.5 0.0|2.20 1.671:0150.528.686 0  8.9|||5.8| 0.522.047.29.09|||3.1| 3.1 2.6|||||6.2||2.643.638.6357| 0.5 1.5|4.5||4 0.5||||5.6 0| 1.0|||7.1 0.519 1.66 1.69799.66.706.48571.0|6|||2.6| 3|2.68100.8.287.830:00.10|||||7.9||7.3 0 0.0 1.6|1109.776.433 0.0 4.7|||||8.6 0.0| 1.07 1.6518:01.27.8594|||||6.8 0.0 7.2|50.532.816.482 5.6|||4.5 1.5 0|||3.5|44.367.91.08 0.0||8.4 0.0| 0||4.26 1.6465.846.530|||4.59|5||2.9| 1.677.468.156| 2 5|5|2| 0.5||3.399.057.082| 1.0||1 1.5|||||||11.1 0.0| 1.04 1.63 1.682110.588.62.0788|||5.6 0||4  0.0||||5.1| 0.522.17.23185.8||2.6||1 0.0|63 1.6243.655.956 0.0|6.7||6 0|555.227.381 0.0 0.0|||4.2|||||8.36799.36.686.03.04|||||||13.1| 2.1| 1.0 08100.8.217.329|5  7.4| 0.5||5|1.52 1.60 1.67309.776.254 0|6.6 03.5||5.1121.317.8796M|5| 3.1||||4.7||||6.3| 2.1| 0.541 1.5932.86.54.03
29649 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230
||5.2||||9.3| 3.0| 0.5| 1 044.407.928199
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.logM|6.88.9|||2.1||2.1 0.0||2.265.876.552
29670 root  44  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -H 1 2428
|||||||||14.1|4|||| 4.2|3.6||1|||3.1077.427.977519
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||  2 0 0.0| 0.5 0.0|||||||13.00 1.58 1.6698.96.55.0206|||4.2 0|||6.9|  0.54030.47.826||||||||||||||||||39.2|6 59.1%||3.1||||||8.8| 3.6|1.021.906.651  0.0||2.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  7.3 0.0| 0.5||6.20.533.458.176||5.1 1.6 0 1|2.609 1.5754.996.86.00|5| 3|2||2.6|5 0.0|||7.376.428.225 0 2.0|||10.0 0.0 0|1 2.588.057.05010.00||5.3  7|1|1.6 0725 1.60 1.67509.538.4751.008 0||4.2||||8.4|1.6 0.0141.067.27.001||8.4|2 0.0 0.0||5.232.548.626 0.0 0|1|||4.6|6||3.43 1.59 1.6644.137.450|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 2.1% 0 3.3||92.665.558.8755|||4.2|4.7|||3.7 1.0| 2.9 2.6|6.3 2.1|0.5 0.0||5.398.568.88.24||||10.3 3.6| 0.5 0|||4.1|3.61 1.582:0050.12056  9.0|5.0 0 0.0| 1.0299.41.666.78111| 0.5||8.9|||||6.7|2 03100.|4 0.0|1.1||3.6||2.119 1.57599.54.686.630 0 2.1|||3.1 0.0||7.56100.6.257.953|||4.2 0.0 0.6||2.1 2.9|3.6899.77.786.678 1.6||||7.3||||||||||||23|2.7| 1.0 0.0 26 1.589100.9.257.910.04||5.2 0.0%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|1.4 0 0.01199.89:00.726.528||8.7 3.6| 0.5|5|5|52100.2.267.952||4||6.36|2.1|3 1.57 1.6543.796.677 2.5 1|||5 0.0 055.318.11.022||7.6 2.0|1||2|5 076.906.92732 0.0|||||||||||||||||33.5||||||13.6 69.2%| 11.6 088.438.351||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|  7.1  0.0||0|2|5||3.62 1.56209.907.176||2.5 6.5|||5.5 0.0 0|1.5211.538.62.017|4.7 4.2 1.6||2.110 1.5533.017.326 3.2|6.8 0.0 0.5|| 0.0 0.0|5 0| 0.5||||||||||2.6 36.5%||2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||57.5|||||7.4|5|||2.6  0.087.568.599 0.0  0.0||8.0||||||||||||||100.0% 1.0 0| 3.0||434 1.5799.137.43.243|||13.1|0.5||1.5 1.1 03120.578.8483M|||3.1 0.9||1.0|2.1|0.6|1422.137.572
29692 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230||4.7  4.2| 3.8||3.19 1.58 1.6643.618.89662160|| 3|5.30.5||||6.6| 0.5|||2.655.147.54.2071344H 1 242
|4|4|||||5.9|| 5.4|||2.0|| 1.50799.76.776.346511
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0||||||12.0 0.0|| 2.1|| 1.6 0.08100.8.287.67006||2.1  5.8 0.0||4.9|||3.16 1.57 1.654099.99.76.496| 0.5||9.9||2.1 0.02.61100.|11.51.7||2.6| 0.532.806.544||||4.7  8.7|2.3||3.2|5 03 1.5644.37.8684 1.0 2.6||1| 0.5||||8.9|565.86.593|3.7||||10.5 0.0 0.5| 0.0  6.8||2||2.3|3.11 1.55 1.6498.836.541||2.1 0.5| 0.5||||6.6||4.2| 0.55040.367.965 0.5|||||12.0||1.0 0.5 0.0||2.621.836.790|  0||3.3|2.2|||||9.4 128 1.5433.358.17.15||2.6|||5.8 0.01.1 6.7054.826.7385|5.2|6|1 0.0| 0.5|3.266.318.061 0.0 5.2|||||||12.7 0|1.087.846.786|||5.8||9.4|  0.9|5|5 06 1.5399.38.08.105 2.1 7|||4.2|||1.53:0150.86.735 0.5||11.0| 1.0|||3.2 0|2.122.338.1592.0||||||||||||||||||||40.1|4 54.0%||5 0.0|9 1.543.947.085 0|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  9  0 0.0|||2.7 0|2.14 1.52 1.6355.418.39.08|||2.6|9|6 0.5|1.6|176.986.932 3.5 3.5|||||7.7 0.0 0.0||||9.4 0.0|3.7||12 1.511040:00.047.081|||||8.1 5.1|1.0 0.5|1.521.598.420.05|6|6|5 0|1.0 0.0|||11.0 0||2.6||3.60 1.50 1.6254.598.6546||||6.2  0|5 0.5||5.8|||4.866.167.478 0.0|||5.2 0| 7|3.687.696.21.02|||10.4|5||3.2 0.519 1.4999.187.5263 0||4.6| 1.5 02199.310.726.35172  6.5 0.00||||6.32100.2.287.8777||2.67.3||2.1| 0.5| 3.643.756.62.01 1.06.8|5 0.0|1||6.3755.287.925|2.1 0.0|||||9.3|2|0.6 0.076.826.549 0.0|5|8.9|0.5 0||||5.688.318.075|5||5.2 3.6||3.1||2.1 2.86 1.48 1.61309.846.73.007 0||8.9|4|1.5| 0.5 0.0221.508.324||2.1 0.5|||||10.8||1.0|1.5432.947.050304M| 1.6|||||12.0|5|  1.62.16 0.054.478.475
29743 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 222||||6.2  8.9 0 1.6 0.0|54 1.4766.047.24.005645H 1 2448
|||||||| 2.6||||6.8|0|5||||||9.2087.478.525523
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 3.1|| 1|| 2.16||||6 0.03 1.46 1.6099.057.149 0.0|5.7|5|6 0.0 2.1||2.64130.528.473|||||7.6 1.0 03.0 0.03.522.087.298|9.4||3.1| 0.5||2.1|5 0.02 1.4543.638.55.21 2.6 0.0|||4.4|||7.4||2.655.057.2478 0.0|||||||13 0.0 0.0| 0.5|576.588.570||||6.8  8.3||1.6|3.3 0188.157.294 2.69.8|5|2.1 0.0||2.1509.6966.22|4.7| 4.4||1.1 0.0|||||6.8| 0.5141.187.6469 0.0|||10.0 0.0| 3.7 032.676.270|5||2.6|1||3.5 0.0|50 1.44 1.5944.207.696 0  4.2|||2.6||7.9|5|65.666.37.20||||11.5| 1.0 0.5 0|||2.677.137.645  8.2|||7.7 0|5| 0.5999.38.746.470 7.7| 3.1||||||9.8 0 009 1.434:00100.||11 0.0 0.0|||3.5321.76R 26.8258  0.0||||||||14.5||1.1| 0233.2S 28.048|5||2.1|  4.1 0.0||||||11.42 1.5854.76.773101.0 0.03.6||3.1|||||9.1  3.166.338.198||3.7||||12.1 0.0 0.0| 0.587.766.79.22||3.2|5.3  2.6||1.6|||4.416 1.43 1.5999.338.046| 0.5|6.8||7.3|6 0.0 0.0111:00.806.770|||4.7 0.0| 3.5 0||2.5||||5.722.338.095|5.2|12.6|||4.4 1.0 2.143.766.730.20| 3.1||||9.9 0.5 0.0|0.5|35855.307.943||5.2 4.2||4.0||1 0 0.076.786.66710||||13.1 0.0 2.12.1||2.588.348.0921  0.5|||||14.2 0.5 0.0|53 1.42209.796.61.16||5.3|||||8.9  0.0 0|1111.357.939 0.0 4.1||||6.2||3.132.886.663|5||9.4 0.0|1.9|44.368.088|1.08|20.5 2.22 1.4165.886.72.12|2.1 0.5|||||10|2.6 0.0||1.077.348.035|4.7|||6.8  1.5| 098.886.7605.8 2.1||3.2 0.0||2.9||2.13020.368.085|||||14.9 0.0| 1.0 0.0| 0.59 1.4221.896.63.0921M|  2.5|5|||5||2.9||||5.5||||6.0443.508.235
29782 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2314||4.2|||7.3| 1 0.0 2.7|| 3.154.977.059632 0.0|5.9|||||6.7|5|6 28 1.4176.468.3849945H 1 243
|||4.7||| 4.1||| 3.1|||2.6|||||6.9|||6088.007.04.09525
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0 27.7%|5.8||8 0.5 0.0|| 3.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||74.9409.468.432|2  0.06.1||3.4|4.1 0.0||||||100.0%67131.087.158 0||||14| 0.5 0.0|532.568.682|1||3.5  6.86|5|||5.82.8 4.2|||||||||||||||||||||||46.3||2.6|5| 0.5 51.1%5 1.4065.608.7323932 1.6 0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.5|||6.7|||5.1|  0.577.17.356 0.0||3.2|3.1 0.09|||||8.498.548.7815|||2.6|||7.3|2||2.1 0.0 0.05040.037.36.05 0.0 0.0||||||12.5|1||2.122 1.4121.588.52930||2.6|||5.2|  2.6||5.6|1.0|7.9|||5.8 0.5|1|254.568.778|||4.78| 0.5 0 0||60 1.4066.057.37.02 0.0||1.1|||4.6||1.6 3.787.568.526 0.0|5||||8.5 0.0|||4.7|99.157.3514|||5.8|||||||||||||||||||||||||49.2|||||11.0 64.6% 0.0|6| 1.0 0.01865:0150.648.979 0.0||||||||||||||||||100.0%  2.1  0.5|||||8.9|2.5 0|522.097.58.033||6.8 0 1.0||5.9|5 043.658.928 0.0||||7.9 0.0 0|||||8.47 1.3955.117.552||||||10.8| 5.4|5 0.0799.56.686.477||4.7| 1.1|18100. 0.0 01099.79.746.425|5 1.1|1||2.9||2.15 1.381100.2:01.227.749||2.60.5 0| 0.5||2.1 0.0399.82.766.3725 1.5|  7.9||2.9 0|4100.4.337.897 0.0|||12.41.0||2.2 0.04565.816.440.21  6.8||||6.7 0.0|177.337.845|||||8.8 0.0| 5.2||698.846.5694|| 5.1|||4.5| 1.5|1.5|1.1|2.53 1.372010.458.094||7 2.1||4.6|0 0.0| 0321.97 4R 26.81.18||8.96 0.0 0|||3.2 0243.4420S 28.143| 1.5||6.9||2.5|5 0.5|||2.82 1.3655.077.068||||4.7 2.1 0.0|||4.7 676.588.4936 2.0|||||12.6 0 0.5| 1.0388.157.12.17|1.5  5.9||2|||4.4||2.52143099.59.7464310|2.14.7| 0.5|6.2|1.0 0.01100.21.287.6684|7.1|||2 1.5 0.5||3432.836.493306M| 1.0||||14.7|| 1||2.1||2.6 00 1.3544.387.93.20
29829 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 225|||||7.9|  0.5|6||||7.4 0.5| 0.5||3.165.866.644424H 1 243
||||||8.4 76.5%|||||||||||20.7|6.8|||2.2||||||7.4| 1.0077.387.969527
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 1.1  0.0||||||11.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0 0.0|| 3.10.509 1.3498.876.7947|||7.9  4.2||1.64030.308.04.18| 2.6||||||||||||||||||||||||47||||12.0 56.6%|1.1 0.50.521.876.6431 1|||||||||||||||||||100.0%  8.4  0.0||2.5|1.6|2.133.338.067||6.3 7|||4.2 0.6 0.0 0.58354.876.792| 1.0|||13.1 0.05|5|1.166.358.05.16 6  7.3||2.9|1.0 0||2.487.836.841|2 5.7 1.1| 0.5|||||7.8 0.0399.368.1656 0.0|7.02.0|||||7.0 0.5|55140.937.091|||3.6 2.6|||6.7 1.6|||3.1332.468.46.168| 0.5||||8.9| 1.0 0.0 04.42744.117.241|12.00.5||3.1|5| 0.565.568.6661.0|3.61.0| 0.6 0 077.057.289||||||10.5|  6.3 05|1.6|52 1.5298.588.57.14|  4.2|||12.0|7||1.6||2.1|6:0050.06742| 2.1|  6.8 0| 0.5|3.2||3.721.618.966|||7.3 0.0|5|1.1|4.72.66 1.3133.107.490||||11.5|5 0|0.5 2.6 0.054.538.78.1567  5.3|||7.9|566.127.3399 0.5 3.1||||5.3||2.2 1||2.187.578.663 0||7.3 0.5 0.5|0||6.399.087.3871|||||9.4 0.0||3.7 0 0| 0.5113:00.608.59.11|5 0.0|||3.7||| 0||2.1||2.2|5 0.5||||115 1.30 1.5143.568.5604|||5.2 1.6 0.0|2.1||6.0|  3.755.097.285 0.0|||||11.5 0.5| 0.5 276.618.550.08|5  6.8||3.4|||3.7|188.17.132|2.1|9.4||1.6 0.0 2.2 0.0209.628.656208||4.7| 5.8||3.8|5|1.0|||3.6111.097.281 0.5 2.14.5|||6.6 0.0332.638.51.04||2.6|||||12.6|| 2.11.1 0.524 1.2944.067.329 0.0  |||5.2||6||5|565.648.753|||3.7 39.8%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.7|2.6|||7.9 0.0||2.677.127.477 0.0  0.5|||||||||||||100.0%|5.2| 0.512 1.3198.598.62.01 0|||||8.7 1.0| 1.5|||3.9 03020.147.527|5 7.0 0 0.0|5.8299.81.736.3512M||2.6 1.1|||||7.9|5| 1.6|||||6.943100.3.27.876
29882 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2318081||3.7|||||5.8 70.2%0.5|| 1.1||||||||||||||||31.9||2.1| 11 1.30 1.50599.94.766.43.026429||||||13.1|| 2.2  0.02.0|||4.7|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0 0.06100.6.277.827994H 1 24
|||||  6.3| 1.1|||||9.7||1.6|1 82.4%||||4.7||||||||||||||||31.8087.806.451570
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.10 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 2.1||||7.5 0.0||||4.7| 9 0.0| 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%99.277.976|3 3.7||2.6 |0|4 00 1.294130.816.54.00 0.0| 0.5||||12.0 3 022.37.8251.0  9.9 0.0 0||||5.243.826.550||2.10.5 5.6|5|||4.1137 1.3155.38R 27.9742 0.0 0 1||1.15.9|6.3276.86S 26.69820||2.5||4.5| 0.5|6.8 3.488.398.25.24||||||10.4| 0 0.0 2.5|5 2.06 1.305040.067.455|  7||1.1|1.0|4.2 0|121.508.779|6.8|2||||6.8|0.5 0.5|1.633.057.46.052| 1.6||3||||13.6 0| 0.054.538.829| 0.5 0.0  4.2|1||||6.6||2.65 1.2966.097.654||1.6|7.7||2.1| 4.2 0.587.558.97932||||6.6|| 3.1|||6.8||2.6 0.5|5 1.73497:0150.658.827| 1.0 0|9.1| 0.5| 0|2.922.127.6521||2.5 28.9| 0.0499.93.756.478 0.0|1.1|11.6||2.6|1.1|52 1.285100.5.307.78.02 0.0  0.0|||||13.2 0.01.1799.96.766.326||2.6|||5.8  7.9|58100.8.237.851 0.5||1.1|7.3 0.0||||7.3 0.01109.776.476| 5||10.5 0.5|1.1||2.614:||2.6|6|  6.3||||4.8 0 0.0 0.532.826.423|5.8||8.4 0.5|1|3.7|99.50 1.2744.267.948 1.6|2 7.9|3.10.5|1.0100.065.806.6737|2.5| 0.5 1.0|4.0 0|5||||7.477.48.1981 0||||9.2| 2.1|5 0 2.17 1.2998.896.71:00.232|1.0 7.3|||6.31.6|1.02010.368.248 0|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||70.7|8.4|2.1|1.5 0 32.5%21.836.9721.0||||||||100.0%| 0.5||||10.9 0.0|||4.7  06 1.2833.428.297|0.5 0|  0.5|||||7.5 0.0||||8.454.957.11.2253 0||||5.6 0|||13.1 0.076.508.4471 4|5  0.0|5|||||9.25888.037.172|||5.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||60.9 41.7% 3.1||1.0 2.6309.518.696 2.5|||||||||||||100.0%  4.6 0.0|||6.2|1 0|1.5121.047.32.21||7.3|5.2| 0.5|2.6|5| 0434 1.2732.578.6453153M| 3.1|99.5|||||12.4|1.0 0.0||2.1||6244.057.471
29929 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22 2100.0|  8.8|2.1||1.5 0.0|||565.598.9964244H 1 24
|||||6.8|| 1.6||2.1||||||7.5| 4.7077.157.53.20523
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 1.0|||||||11.0 0.6||2 0.0| 1.6298.598.9456 0|  5|1.4|4.7||4.94030.1772||||5.6 1|2.6 0.0||3 0.0299.91.786.696| 0.54.2|4.7|16||3.21 1.26 1.473100.|8 0.0||5||7.854.736.544 0 0.0|5 0|||10.1|566.268.1704|5|||3|||4.9||1  4.0 2.5087.806.895 0||||11.6|2| 0.6 0 0.099.328.05.18||3.7  5.2 0.0 0|||||7.3|55140.806.743||5.2 0.0|||3.6||2.6 1.6||3.1522.378.1677||||13.0||1.6 0.5 0.0||643.826.792  3.1|||||8.9 0|5|3| 0.555.358.16.17||7 0.0||||7.1|6|2.1||||5.209676.846.741||5.9||2.5| 0.5|5|5 3.598.468.467|3.2|||||||16.8 0| 0| 08:0050.007.87.01 0.0 1.1 0||2 021.519.2255|5  6.3|||4.2|1.6|6|18 1.2433.057.750|||||11 0.0  5.3 6.7%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||89.1||2.1 0|5.81.1766.057.68.0084.7 0.0|5100.0%||6.7||2.6 0.0||687.528.9244||5.9 0.4 0|||3.9 2.1|7 0|0.5| 2.1||||4.7115:00.689.075||||10.2 2.51.06|  0.5|||||11.0 0||4.2|6499.13.696.4244 0|  8.6||||7.1|5| 0.5 05100.5.228.0506| 5.8 5.2 0 0||||5.56 1.23 1.45799.86.766.674|||11.5 3.0||1.4 08100.||2.6| 9.97 0.0|1.0209.866.825|5.8 2.6|4||3.1111.338.148 2.0|||||11| 2.5|5 0.532.886.973 0  7.5||6|||4.7 0 044.398.297|||4.2 2.0| 1.1 1.6||2|||2.65 1.2265.926.91.218 1.01.6||5|0.5|94.177.398.144|||7.3|||6.3| 0.5|3.1 0.4 1.698.926.870||11.5|5|||||||||25.4 72.8%||||4.2||4.2 0.043020.438.1947  0.0 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.0|57|||4.321.946.82.1930M|5|1||1|1.0||||4.7||5.2|5.6443.428.143
29968 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231|||3.9| 0.5|||6.1||| 6 0.0| 0.9455.067697242
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log0.5 0.0|||||9.2| 0||| 4.62.6||||6.8|5|93.2% 5.7||||6.8 0.0|1|1409.626.145| 0.5|||4100.0% 0.5| 1.6||7.0||2.51131.257.770 0 0.0|3.60 0||||8.9332.82R 26.596|5||||||10.4|4.2 0|1| 0.5244.35S 27.94.20|2.9 2.6|5 0 065.846.74518||1.0  4.8 0.0|||||8.2|5|5|||3.177.388.069 0 0.0|||||6.7 2.6 0||6.298.836.894|5||3.4| 0.5|4.1||||6.4|1 1.05040.428.25.19 0.0|||5.2| 2 0.0|||||6.911 1.2221.846.944 0.0|||||9.4||2.1||4.6| 0.533.378.268|1| 0.5|0 1.7||||||10.854.937.0936 0|||4.7 0 0|||||9.3|  0.9076.488.46.18 0|5 0.0|5|||4.2 4.2||||7.787.967.1422|5|||||11.3 0 3.1| 0.5| 1.09:009.558.466 0|  5.7||||5.2||||5.221.0 08 1.23151.017.29259|5 0.5 86.9% 0.0| 0.5||6.2|||||7.1|||||||13.132.628.57.16|||4.2||4.1| 4.7|11.6 0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%44.107.341|||8.7 0.5 2.1 0 0.0||||5.165.668.7667.3|1.0|3.6|5||3.6 2.2677.107.290| 1.5|2|5.1||||||||16.4|||||||||||||||||34| 0.5 54.9%999.08.646.18.165||3.6|6||8.9 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|  0.5 0  0.010100.6:00.197.541| 0.5 1.1|12.1 0299.01.66.1653 0|0  3||||||10.85 1.22 1.433100.3.157.589|5 0||||8.9|||4.7  0.0599.14.686.19.1330||4.2|5|10.5|5 0.06100.6.227.639 0.0|1.1  8.4|||3.7|1.1||2.14899.27.736.162|||3.1||||6.7|||16.2 2.6 85.9% 0.0|5|69100.9.247.588 0.0|5.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|5.2 2.6 0 3.72199.310.716.320.12| 1.0| 0.5 0.0||2.2|||||11.02100.2.27.536||2.1|||4.7||||5.2||1 0.0  2.72 1.21499.33.706.2594 0.0|||11| 1.6 0.5|5 05100.5.247.886|||||7.3  0.0| 0.5 0|||6.30.5799.96.756.41.09 0.0|5|||4.6||||7.4 0.5||4.2128100.8.267.9341|||4.2 0| 0.5| 0.6|3.7||7.4309.756.557||||12.66 0| 1.0 4.2121.307.982M|  2.1|2 0|5|||4.7|||10.54032.786.52.05
30007 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230| 1.0|0.5|5|1.6||||7.9|  5.844.327.9311121|0.5|||2.6|||4.2||||8.3| 4.4| 3.6065.796.6542844H 1 2425
|2.1|||||||13.12.6||| 3.4| 1.0|2077.328.080516
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0.5||||| 04.0| 0.5 0|| 3.598.906.93.060 0|  0.5 0 0||||8|||8094030.488.5339|1 0|||5.8 2.1 4.221.997.1552|||2.7 0.5|1.6||6.3 2.633.48.580 0.0|||3.1||4.8||3| 0.5|4.78154.967.24.05|5|||3.4 2.0| 1.0 4 0 3.076.548.831 03|1|||5.2|5.2|5 088.017.354 0.0 0.0| 0.5||||13.5 0||3.4509.559.18366|||5||||4.7  0.0|5||7.07 1.19141.117.85.08|6.3|1.1 0.0||3.1 3.632.599.032| 1.0 56.0% 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.3|1||||7.4| 0.5 15.2|||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0|5  4.7|||||9.3|577.177.86.06||2.6 0|7.3|6 0.0|||3.198.646.330||4.7|1|9.4 0|||3| 110:0050.17.958| 2.6||2.1 3.7|5.10.5621.686.5837||||||||||24.1 0.0||7.3|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||65 11.0%| 1.0||3.6|||4.733.18.07.08|   0.5|||||||||||100.0%  2.2| 0.5|||||8.3 0.5598.94.676.6326 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||54|2.6 39.5% 1.0||2.69.4|6100.6.187.956|||4.2||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.0|6||5| 0.6 08 1.40899.27.666.479|6.3|4.2||2| 1|1.9||19100. 0.5||||12.6 0.0 0.0 0.0| 0.51199.27:00.656.3281.0|  4.2|1.1|5|1.3|||||7.252100.2.217.7524|5|||||||||16.5 0.0|||||8 0.0499.23.736.376|2.6 0.0% 3.1||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|1|1.0 6.8|55100. 0.00.5|||6.2 5799.76.776.425|||||11.0|3.1| 0.5 0.0|78100.8.227.749  0.5||2.1 0.0|||||||12.8 02099.79.766.475|2.13|1.6|||5.7  0.0|||5.31100.11.227.930.00 0.0 0.0||||6.8 2.1||3.4|2.64399.72.796.5237|||4.7|9.9 0.0| 0.5| 0.54100.4.237.847|6.2| 0.5||3.56|||4.7699.95.786.572 2.1|||4.2||5.35 2.6397100.7.277.8965||5.2 2.1|||3.6| 0.5 03.7999.98.806.41.199 0.0 1.0||6.9|||2.6|||2.6230100.20.257.743|||4.7|||6.8 0.5 0.0 2| 0.5299.91.76.366M||5.3|| 1.1|3.6||3.1|5.51.143100.3.267.892
30054 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231|| 2.6|2.6|7 0.54.1||||5.654.776.42.168427
|||||6.3||||||8.9| 1.6||2.1|||||5.7| 4.2066.287.84156418
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 2.6|||| 7.7||2 0.0 0.0| 1.03 1.1687.846.6660 0.0||11.5 0|||2.1  6.8 0|5||4.7| 1.04130.836.63.14||5.2 2.1 2.8|||4.322.307.939406 0.0||6.8 0|5143.866.663|1|3|1.5||3.7|2.655.348.088 0|7|||4.10| 2.1| 0.5876.866.64.11|9.4| 0.5||3.2| 0.5||3.188.317.935|||14.7 0| 0.5 0 0.0509.886.559||3.1|5  1.0|5||||||9.7|||3.2141.317.984|1.0 0||4.2|2.1| 5.6| 0.5532.896.65.0850 6|||12.0 0.5 2.11.1||2.144.328.032 0.0|3.7 0 0.0||6 0.065.806.75617|||4.2  3.1|1.3||||6|177.338.1827||8.920.5| 0.5 0.0|3.1298.856.66.04 0.0|||9.4 0|5|||8.91:0050.338.333 2.1|||5.1 0|||7.7| 0.521.897.057|5 2.6||2.1 1.0||||7.433.388.382|||7.9 0.0 1|3.3| 1.654.86.87.05|||||||||||27.2 75.4%||3.7||3.8 1.0|||666.408.230  0.0 0.0|  0.5 0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||||14.187.876.753||2.1|5|||||9.9|||3.8  0.510 1.1699.388.1782| 0.5|6|10.00|1.0118:00.926.88.01|||4.71.5  3.1| 1.1|5||5.30922.388.126 0.0|0||||10.5 0.0|||4.7||4.3  7.3 0.055.378.17588 0.5 2.9|6.6|2|1.576.956.999 0| 0.5|||||14.7 0|2.616 1.1788.488.29.23| 3.0 0.0209.996.9473|5||  4.1|1|5||||||||12.8211.488.3721.0|||4|5 0|2.0  0.533.057.096|||5.2 0.0||8.8||2.1 023 1.1954.588.540.22 0.0|5||12 0.5||3.1 066.097.347|52.0  2.0|3.9|4.7|2899.37.67673 0 0|||5.8|||8| 0.51.11 1.189100.9.217.6979|||4.7|5 0.0|7|1.6 0.03199.420.686.41.224M||7.9|1.0|||4.7| 1.6 0.0||342100.2.207.847
30109 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230| 1.6|3.65.8||||5.2||1.6| 0.519499.53.776.5731321
0 0.5 0.0||||13| 01.15100.5.27.8962
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|2.6||||7.1|||||||11.3|  0.5||2||2.20799.96.786.52.2251803.7||| 5.4  7.4 01.1| 088100.8.267.8470||2.6| 1.0| 3.6||2.6 5|1409.756.672||5.8||2.3|4.2| 0.566131.287.9975| 2.1| 0.5 3.7|6||||||||||||23.1 0.0|93.9%||6.36 1.17 1.3732.796.63.2240||4||1.0|||9.3|1.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||99.5%||1 0.0 0.0344.32 4R 28.047 0.0||||9.9 0.0 0100.0| 0.5|||4.2265.820S 26.772|||||9.9| 1.6|5||2 2.6577.317.997 3.1 0.0|5||||9.4 0.0|198.856.64.208|4.72.0| 2.6||2.6|65040.367.9458|||11.11.6 0.5 0.0 0.021.836.670  4.2|||3.8||4.2 0|5||1.53433.31R 28.0946| 0.0||9.4 0.0254.87S 26.75.191 2.6|7 7.9||1.6||||4.266.418.044|4.7||2.1| 3.1 0.5||2.6 0.03 1.1687.856.768 0.0 0.0|5.2|1.0 0.0||||||11.5399.36R 28.395|5||2.1 0.0 0||3.2|0.122:0150.85S 26.96.19||||6.8| 1.4||5.8  2.422.338.2450||9.2 0.02643.876.86979||7.9||2.1|||4.7 0.0|555.338.193| 0.5 0.0 2.1|||4.2|5||||6.876.916.87.1811.6 0.0|||||13.11.9| 1.09 1.18 1.3788.438.243||||6.3|5||||4.7  2||2.6|||4.2109.856.868 3.6|2.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.5 0.6 38.5% 0.0|||5.5| 2.119:01.448.191 0.00.5||||||||||||100.0% 0|  0|5||9.9|||5.232.956.88.162||5.7||2.7 0 0| 1.0|7.37 1.1744.448.140 0.0||7.0||3.5||2.5 0| 0.566.027678|5|8.4| 01|||4.1 087.508.591||4.2 0.5 0|||7.9 0.0||2.699.057.19.15 0.0|2.1||||7.3 0.0||||6.3 0.5662110.518.541||||6.3 0.0| 1.0| 0.5|||||10.822.18767 0.0|||3.5||||6.5||2.5|  2.5499.43.706.493|52.6| 0 0.0|1.1||||12.155100.5.247.650.17 0 0.01.0||||7.83  6.2799.66.736.543|1|||5.3||||6.5 0.0 0.0 2.08100.8.308.0683 0|4.5 2.6|1|5|||7.3309.856.7939|5|||7.2|5.70.5 0.03 1.16121.338.11.17M 08.8|||2.6|2.6||1.0|||4.3432.906.742
30152 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230||||6.2| 0.4| 1.0||6.2|||5.2 0.044.378.166621| 2.1||1.1|2.1||9.9|||||6.3|565.936.9917344H 1 242
|||||7.5||||3 0.5|||| 6.0| 5.5||1.40277.418.32.15512
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||| 3.6 0.0 0| 0.5||| 6.1|||5.699.037.1410 5|99.5||||||10.2|5 0 0.0 2.134130.488.566| 0100.0||  4.1|||4.1||||||10.4|5 0.021522.037.2914|5||1.0 0.0|3.5  8.0|2.043.568.73.1650 0 2|||||9.2| 1.0 0 0||||5| 4.4 0|||2.9|40 1.15799.56.756.467 0.0 0.0|1.6 0.0||||13.18100.8.237.791||||6.8 0.0|||||9.8  0.5509.856.94.2| 0.5|1.6|7.4|||6.2141.378.345||1 0||||10.1|5 0.0 4.732.896.96920  6.5||5|6.254.438.494 |5 0.0 0 0|||13.60965.977.05.171|0.5 0|||4.2|||2.7  6.387.488.2405 0||17|||||9.1 0.0 0.08498.976.964|||4.5|||7.3|3.1 0.03:0150.488.289| 0.9|||6.8|521.977.06.14 06.6 4.1||2.2|1|543.548.338|1 1.5| 2.5 0.0|||3.5|||7.07 1.1455.17.264|||||10.8 0.0 0.0|5 7 2.176.618.690  0.0||1.5||||9.3||6.2|5 0.0 7.6 5.0||2.615 1.161099.09.726.2392||5.0|||||9.9| 1 0 0.01100.50:01.197.663|7.9||2.2 0.5 0.0|||||9.3399.22.736.38965 0|4.1|5| 0.54100.4.307.88.137 02.6||||6.2|5 03 1.1565.746.639 0.0||2.5||7.4 4.9 0||177.307.963 0.0 0.02||2.1|||7.398.786.6879||1|5|7 0.0|||6.3|6.822010.327.99.10|5|||||||||||||||||34.7 68.6%|||6.2|||3.3 1.0 0.021.766.6352 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 12.8 0.0 0.02||233.378.1603||2  0.0|2|5||5.4||5.954.95787||5.2|||||9.4 0||1.0 0.0| 0.5176.528.32:00.11 0.09 0|1|||3.187.967.0347||2.1 5.2|||5.80.5309.528.358 0.0|4 0.0|1.6|||||8.8| 0.503120.977.182|1|7|0.57||2.1432.558.41.0630M||||5.8 2.1||2.1||2.7| 2.6|3.744.037.030
30203 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22|||8.3|||7.8 0.5| 0.5| 0.5| 1.065.568.4531645H 1 243
| 1.0|||||||12.0||2.6|||2.2|||||7.308 1.16 1.3477.07.2795244
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.11 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0|||||||3.61 0 0.0 0.098.548.52.02||||5.8  8.9| 1.0|5|5|564030.087.225|||9.9 25.2% 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 78.1 0 0|||3.3| 5.2  0.0||||100.0%||1|||7.7|33.097.27440|||9.4|||3.1 0 0.0|||6.354.568.597| 4.1||2.1||6.7|5| 45 1.15 1.3366.127.33.22 2.5||8.0| 0.5|||2.9 3.487.696.247| 0 4.7|||||9.7 0| 1.0| 0.599.187.5715 0|||11.0 0.5|||4.2|1.05140.696.396  8.1 0|1|||7.1|0.5422.237.94.22|||||7.96.3 0| 0.5||1.0499.53.716.446 1.67.8||3.1||1.1|2.15100.5.267.870 0.0|||13.5|5 0.5 0.0|1.0276.826.7959|||3.7  7.9|2.11.0 0.588.368.05.20 0.5||11.5|4.26|5 04:009.837.452|3.1  6.8 86.8% 0.0|2.1||||||||17.7|59 1.16151.368.777| 0.5|5||11.1| 3.3 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 032.837.36.026|||5.4|||4.9  2.0 0.0|244.48.930 0.0|||9.4 0|||5.265.957.453|||4.7 4.7|||4.2|5 0.0877.408.878 0.0 0.0|||||12.9|1.0398.96R 27.57.03|||||8.9  3.7|12111:00.4S 28.928 0.0|1.1 0.0|||4.6|||4.7621.97.45250||||7.9 0.0 0.0|5 0.043.438.8767|3||3.6|1.6||2.1| 0.554.987.58.01| 0.0||||7.8|2.1|1.0 05 1.1576.548.826 2.6|5|8.4|6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82.7|  2.4%88.007.450 0.0 0 4.7||100.0%||||7.9 0.0209.468.774|||||8.9 1.0||4.7| 0.5|5111.047.399 7.3|2.1 3 0||1.0432.518.79.23 0.0|||||12.6 1.1 044.037.347|1.6||||5.2  6.8 0.0|565.518.67281 0.0 87.9||2.5||1.1 03277.057.3972|| 0.0 0.0|598.538.610.20 0.0||9.4 5.8| 3.2%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.4%||1.1 03020.067.2442|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.2|6.3|| 6.8%||5.221.538.668|||5.7100.0%|9.8| 0.5 0.0| 1.542 1.1433.077.4933076M|6.3 2.1||2.6||||5.8||2.654.58.71.17
30246 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22| 1.0|||||12.0 0.0|||2.7| 2.1| 1 243
|||6||||  4.7||||6.2 0.5|||||5.8|||||8.40187.548.867526931
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 2||| 2 0.0||||7.9|| 0.0 0.5|5|1.0|||13.404130.618.92.162||||||11||4.2|5 0|0.5||  0.5 0.0 0|||2.6|||||8.9 0.5|6043.638.764|||||||113.7 0.5 0| 0  04.1|||8.1|||4.8 076.628.83.12||||||9.9 0.0 0.0||7.3||2.10988.157.43520|||12.6||1.6 0.0 0.0509.618.759|||4.7  6.7|3.1||2|1.5|1141.167.58560 3.6|4.2|600.58 1.13 1.3132.638.84.09 3.55| 1.0 0.0||4.2||| 1|5.0|||3.3||3| 2.4 065.80661|0 0 0.0 0|||||||14.7||1.677.288.185|||||7.9||||6.9  2.5| 098.946.95.11| 6.38|5 0.0||2.15:0050.398.234| 3.1||10.4 0|1 0.5721.976.8596  4.2||2.2||2.1|6||3.633.408.284 0.0|||11.6 0.5| 0.5|2.5| 0.554.987.16.091|||2.6  5.2||4.7 01.0||2.176.508.534 0.0 23.0%||||12.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||64 0.0|5 6| 0.5687.987.2583|||2.6  0  8.4|||||||||||100.0%|5 0.0|||3.1109.518.5834 1.0 0.0|||4.1|||2.6||6.312:||3.2|||||9.5 2 0.0| 0.5232.58.530| 1.04|1.0|3.2|| 6.8|||5.2 2.1|6||||4.1 2.6 3.7 0.0|1.9|||3.15077.07.38.04| 0.51 0.0||4.2|||||11.798.568.5282|||8.4|||4.8|5| 0.5|  0.52010.07.252|||||7.4 4.7 0.0 0 0|||2.621.548.576| 6.3 0.5||||5.7|||2.6|2||71.0 0.0 3.2|1.6||2.554.588.524 0.0||||9.4||2.2 0.0 0.5|||||7.3 0.0 0.0|||7.4487.598.473 0.0||3.1|||||9.5|5|||4.2|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%4 0.0%6 0|1.63120.598.520.21M|||||11.0 0.0||3.1 0.0|||4.2|422.067.246
30281 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2303  0.5|||||8.9|4.2| 2.1|||4.243.598.670521|||11.5||||3|||2.61.6|2.755.077.29430245H 1 243
1.11|5||||6| 7||||4.2| 0.50176.548.51.185218
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||2  4.7 0|||| 5.4| 0.5|| 2.6 088.087.343062|6| 0.5||2.6 0.0||||5409.538.668 0.0 0|||4.2|1.0|||6| 0.5329131.027.2926||2.1|||8.4|2.1 0 032.538.52.16|5.8|6| 3.7| 0.5||2.1|544.107.2414||9.3 3.1 0.0 0| 0.5||2.165.638.566| 5.2|4.2||2.1||2|77.077.291|7.6 3.0 0.0|0|||6.698.656.13.164||8.9|||8.6|||2.61 2.15040.207.845|||10.5 0.0||6.3 0.5 0.03299.01.666.570  3.7||||6.3|6| 3.1|2.123100.3.227.793417.5 0.0 0.5|||4.2599.14.686.44.177||||9.9 1.5||1.02.0 0.56100.6.308.044 3.1||||8.8| 0.5|1|1.087.826.8705 0.0 41.6%||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.9|5||1.0|54.0|||||||12.4399.44R 28.799  0.0||||||||||||100.0%||5.2| 0.5|||||8.9  1.022 1.106:0150.91S 27.35.24|||||9.9 0.0 0 4.2|22.468.649 0.0||2.6||2||2.5 2.5|||544.037.474||6.2||5.31 0.0 065.498.799 0.0 0.0|||||11.2||2877.007.56.24||||||9.4||2.5  0.5 98.669.050| 8.8 0.0|5||4.1||2.1103:00.17.6748| 3.1|5||||6.2||4.8 0.0 0.010 1.12 1.2921.679.0986 2.5|3.0|0| 0.5||2.533.247.87.23| 0 0|1.0|3|||||854.816.547|||||10|4| 0 0.67 1.1366.298.072  |1.1||||6.5|||7.3 0 087.776.79731|2.1 0.0|8.4| 0.5|5||2.599.307.98.19||6.3|5 0.0|||4.2||2.1662110.786.643 5.1||5 0.57||||11.222.368.170|||12.0 0||2.0||3.0 0.0  0.043.886.99590.5||6 0||2.122 1.1455.478.19.187  0.0|||||7.6 |1.6|5|5.776.917.046|||13.4 0.0|2.1 0 0.598.558.672|1.5|  6.0| 0.5||||8 013020.127.597 0.0||8.5|||5.8| 0.521.618.930.21M||2.1 5.2|54.51.6||||6.2433.087.545
30330 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 1.0||9.6|1.1| 1.0|||5.2 1.01954.628.9714425|5 0|8.0|2.0|||2.5|| 1.0|||6.2366.187.79647R H 1 2439
||||||||11 0|0.5| 0||||||||14.1|| 1.00287.696.41.225290860
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0  0||||||||13.3|||3.6 0  0.0||99.187.746||||7.3  0.0 0.0||||5.6|3.774130.716.370 5.1|5|1|7.1|022.207.996|3 0|||||8.6 2.6|||4.1 0499.73.726.62.21| 0.50|||8.9 0.06 1.135100.5.298.046|||4.9|||4.9 0| 4.0|576.816.972|5| 1.5|||11.7 1 0|588.358.498 0 0.0|  0.5 0.0|||||||13.83509.967.13.21||2.7||||6.6  0.0||||5.8223 1.15141.418.44691|5||8.1|4.8| 2.632.927.070 0||||15.5 0.0|5||3.1 0.044.438.393|  1.0||||||||14.4 0 0.01 1.1466.027.24.18|0.5  3.1||||||||13.687.498.543|2.62.6|1.5|5|1.5|||7.1||6||4|1.0 0.0197:0150.659.295 0.0 1.03|2||2.6||||||||12.4 87.6%2||10.9| 1.0 0.0 0499.33.756.647  0.0100.0%|||||8.9  2.1 0||3.1885100.5.277.971702|1 7.3 1.6||2.62799.56.756.6960.5 4.2|||6.8||1338100.8.28R 28.06.22 0 0.0|4.7 0.0|||4.2|4.221099.79.80S 26.746|6||||6.3| 1.1||3.1 0.0 3.761100.4:01.247.970||5|4.7 0.0||5.8|1 0.0399.82.776.6954 0.0| 1.0 2.5||||||12.5|54100.4.348.17.20||5.8 1.6  5.7 05 1.1365.866.743 3.1||||6.50.5 3.0|||4.677.418.269 0.0|||||13| 0| 1.098.966.99413|5|||||9.6  0.0||2.1|5|2.142010.448.38.18 0| 5.7|||5.2|5.2 0 0.521.97.042|1.1 2.1 3 0.0||||||8.8 033.418.46760.5|0||6.9||2.4|| 3.6|2255.07794||2.0 0| 3.5|||9.5 2.4||6|5.8 6.3| 1.688.127.847| 1.0||||6.2| 0.5 4.10.5||||6.717309.636.572|0.5| 4.4 0.0|||||9.1 0.0121.298.1982M|||7.7| 1.0|||5.6|5| 0.5||4.1432.836.940.25
30369 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2308.25|4| 02.6244.308.35073214| 2.16 3.1|1.0||2.1|||||12.165.876.8749045H 1 2431
 0.0|||||||11.5|||2|||4.2|||4.2|||  2.2077.318.2995212
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||2.2  0|||||8 0.0| 0.5|4.898.857.01.2602 0.0||||||13.0 0.0|1 0 0.004030.368.349|||4.3  2.26|||4.2|||4.721.846.974 0.5|||||12.8 0.0| 0.6| 1.033.398.398 0|  0.5||||||||14.8|5 0| 54.947.22.243  6.0||3.0|||4.1 00976.598.850|||||||||||||||||||||41.1|5 58.9%||1.05.7|2.65.788.067.473  0.0|||4.7||||||||||||||100.0%||||9.4| 1.6 0.0 0.08509.608.8975|||||||||||||||||||||46.3 66.5% 0.02.5|1.9141.147.73.23|||3.7||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  6.3||3.2|1||2.1398.82.716.347|||10.2 0.0 0.0| 0.5|1|64100.4.257.671  0.5||||||8.9||||5.2|1.0|0.5 0.576699.65.736.396 0|12.0 2.6 0||1.6|1.07100.  8.4 0.5|5|2.52.598.886.6464||||18.2|| 0.0 0.018:0050.398.273|1.5 3.9| 0|121.917.198 0.02.6|1.0||2.133.478.35.21  5.7|0.5 0.0||||||10.454.917.14656|2||9.5|2|  0.5676.488.671|1 7.9 0|||3.1||2.1 088.047.395|4 0.0||5.0 0.06||2.6109.588.66.197 3.7|1||8.9 0.0| 1.015:01.107.34456||||8.4 1.0||1.9|1.6 032.68.8706 0.0 3.6||||||||||18.8|||||10.1 0.0 0.0|||2.644.137.494||2.1 0.0%||||10.4|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.0||1.6| 1.0565.618.77.176  9.5||1.1 0.0|||5.377.147.443|4.2 3.7||2.82.5||2.6 0.598.618.8677 0.5||||10.3|3.61.0| 0.5||3.12010.147.591||2.1|  6.8 0.0 0.5||||6.2|4.213 1.1221.628.88.15 0.5 2.0|||||8.3||4|||6.9 41.4%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.5| 2.554.876.76861.0 0||9.4|  0.5|||||||||||100.0%||3.1 0266.348.090||5|11.2||||5.3 1.5|1.087.8879.18| 0|1|  7.3 0.0|||6.3 099.358.2420.5 6|||||7.2 31.5%| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||67.713120.897.168M||||7.8| 3.1 0.0  0.0|||4.1|||||||||100.0%|5422.468.492
30412 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2308|5.7 02|||7.3|1.043.907.050.176217.3||||5.83.7||1.7| 0.6|0.50555.468.3423343H 1 2423
|4.2 2.6||||||8.92.5||2.0||||5.8076.917.2695147
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 2.1 0.0|||| 7.3 0.0 0|| 2.688.488.5930 0.0 3.1|||||9.4|1409.957.11.17|||4.4|5||7.4 0.0 0.509 1.11231.578.643 0.01.0||9|2||1|2.033.14770|5 0 0.5|||||||12.8 054.678.893|1.6|3.6|  2.6|3||2.6866.207.52.18 0 0.0|||9.93.7 0|1.187.696.34289|||5.88 0.0||||12.6|1.6 0.0||2.1|55140.696.696  0.5 0.0|||||||11.5|||3.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82.7| 0.5 20.7% 0||3  6| 1.0||100.0%|  0.0||4499.63.796.8478|57|8.9 0 0 1.675100.5.228.271||2.6 0.0 7|5|||4.2 0.0799.76.716.8953.7|5 3.71.0|| 3||||6.38100.| 0.5||||8.4|||4.3 0.069:0099.89.806.8459||2.1|2.1 0.0|0.6| 0.5||||||10.51100.51.238.27070 0.0||||8.9 0|  4.7399.92.786.692 0.0||2.6||||7.7 0| 34100.|||||6.8|1.8 0.0| 0.5|40 1.2465.806.742 4.7|4.1|1.6 0|77.338.167|||9.9 0.0|2.1|5|5 1.098.816.692 1.5||||11.8 0 0 035106:00.4R 28.36.18803 0.0|||5.8  6|5 42.4%|5|8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||57.8221.92S 27.042| 0.5||10.5 0|  3.1 0 0||||||||||||||100.0%33.378.467||2.11.0  4.7|5|5.754.897.09013.7|||||6.8 0.0 0 0.0||3.766.378.37.14|||8.3 0.0||3.6 2.087.927.139|2|5 0.0||5.799.488.565| 5.7|1.5||||9.3| 0.52111.037.2902|2.1 0.0|5|||5.332.488.48.13| 0.5|5|||||8.9 0.0 0||4.2|||||9.9 0.0|565.58.461|||4.6||9.7 0.0||||8.1||3.6|93.3%477.077877 0.5||2.7 5|||4.1|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%1.0 0.098.608.69.112||||||13.2 0.0 1.1 163020.047.235|  0.5|5|||6.3 0.0||||8.3 0.00921.608.558| 0 5.8|||4.2|||| 4.6||1.5433.047.38430M|||7.3||2.1|| 1.6 0.0|||||7.7 0.054.608.53:00.07
30463 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 225|9||||4.8|0|||3.7 0.0| 45.3%|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||56.5|166.067.233764H 1 24
||| 3.7||| 5.6|||2.6|4.3|||  2.6|||||||||||||||100.0%|||||7.3011 1.1187.538.55756462
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0|||||9.0 0.0|2.6|| 1| 2.799.057.2819|5| 0.5||3.7 0.0|5.4||44130.538.51.05||3.1 0|2.6||||6.3|||4.1 0.0|2.622.077.3313 0.5|||5.8 0.0| 0.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||||8.5 0.0% 0.043.558.655|1.6 0.0|||||||11.6| 1.6||2.10 1.1055.087.278 0|1.6  3.2|||8.2 0.076.608.52.01||2.6|2.1||3.14.1 0.0|| 0.0 0.0|||9.52.7|1.5 0.5509.568.6513||2.1|1.6 6.2 0.0 0.0||5.709141.107.375 0.00.5 1.6||||12.432.568.699||1|||7.9|||4.2|  2.644.077.33.24 0 0|||14.1 0.0 0.0865.58.6477||3.1|||||7.8|  0.5|5|2|||4.977.137.372|||10.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79||3.7 15.3%|0.5|||4.5 0.098.608.6964  ||||100.0%||||||||17.2|  0.5|1.6| 0||||4.720:0050.1214.29|||4.2||  3.7|||||9.9 0.0 0| 0.515 1.1221.639.3534|1| 1.5|||4.1| 2.1|||4.1||2.5||| 0 0 0.0||||7|7.0 0.0 0.0599.14.706.75.03|2|1| 3.6 1|5||||8.14 1.116100.6.258.330 0.00.5||||||12.8 0 0 0.0387.827.155|||4.2||  0.5|||5.3|||5.8299.38.379|5.5||7.0|5 3.03117:00.897.06.03 0.0||2.66 3.3|||||8.9 022.378.4285||||7.3 0.0|||3.9 0.0 0.0|||3.143.937.0525 2.8| 0.5|||4.9||2.6|4.555.418.476|5.3 0| 0.5||6.3| 0276.957.099|5 0.0|5||2|6|||4.098.508.67.26 0|||||||11.2|1 0.0| 2.12010.117.350|5||||8.0|  7.5 0.0||1 0.01321.528.775|2.1 3.6| 0||||7.3 033.077.3983 0.5||3.7| 3.1|||5.254.608.78.23 0.5|4.1 0.0|||9.3 0.566.167.446|3.1| 0.5 0.0|||4.1||||9.2087.688.97266| 0.5|99.5 0|||4|||10.5 0100.0||1 0  6.7|||||8.33120.686.29.20M|||||9.6||4.2|1|| 2.6 0.0437 1.12 1.2422.197.645
30498 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230730 0.0|6|||6.24.1|||4.62499.43.706.47050221||2.13.1|1.6||7.4|||3.7 3.15100.5.197.8941944H 1 2424
 1.0| 2.2||||8.2|| 2.0||||6.1|||||6.70799.86.726.510.19519
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.12 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0|||5.4|9.9| 0.5| 0.5| 0.568100.8.297.9440 4.0|7.6 0 0|||4.0409.846.668||7.3 0.0|5||2.6||7131.317.992787|||||||11.3 0.0|||32.0 0.5 0.0332.87R 26.81.18|  1.1||2.6 0|6 0|||||9.425344.42S 28.343 0.0|||||13.7|5 0.5 0.065.937.068|  6.1 0||||||9.477.418.492|5||9.7||1|5||3 1.03 1.1198.987.12.17 0 0.0 0.0|4.0|||9.9|15140.498.442|||||7.2||||6.6 0 0.0021.97.166||3.7 0.0 3.1||||||10.5 0243.538.6918|||6 1  5.2||2.6|555.057.33.168 0.0 0.04.3||||10|1.076.588.741||2.1||2.1||2.1| 0.5|  4|||3.6188.067.26585 0.0 0.0||||||8.9| 2.2 0.01:009.608.6894.1|5 6.0||4.5|5151.167.44.14 1.0||1.0 1||||12.4 0399.52.72640||3.1||4.6|1.1|2.1  2.6||||5.304100.4.237.865 0.0|||11.50.5|6 0.0 0.0699.55.746.387|||||8.2  0.0 0| 1.0||||5.1|57100.7.327.85.139 2.5|||3.5 2 0.0||||7.898.896.6401|1.9||6.3||6| 3.0108:00.328.0646|2.7|7.0 0.5 2.621.906.7899|51 0.0|8.2||3.7|5 1.533.348.16.14 0|1.0| 0.5 0.0||||6.4|||7.455.016.939||4.2||3.1|5| 0.5|09 1.1076.448.364|7.1|2 1.5 0| 1.588.017.189 0.0||||8.9|6 0|2.6209.538.57.131|5|||14.1 0.0|5|1 0.082111.057.13690|  2.0|1|1||||6.4||3.932.668.863 0 0|0.5 0.0| 1.5||||||14.444.237.687||||6.8|||4.2| 0.6  3.2699.15.726.28.11||12.0|2.6 0 0.577100.7.237.535||||6.4  6.3 0.0|5|3.7999.18.686.260803 0.5 1.0||1.0|||||13.130100.20.167.684||3.4||4.7||2.52.1|5|4.6||||3|||8|5 0.0||2.743100.3.237.633
30547 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231 0 0.0|||||||11.4 0.0||||4.1|||3.4599.74.746.55951421M|||4.2|  3.1||1.5||||5.8| 1.6||||8.9236100.6.277.883
30581 root  82  10  652 444 R  0.1 0.0 0:00.00 df -P80525680  518/usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/etc/pandora/plugins/pandora_df55.00 3.0 0.5| 05| 0|||||9.40214 1.11 1.2387.816.720.091
 8647 localuser 20 0 13124  3520 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/bash -i
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|4.7||||5.2| 4.7 0| 0.599.378.034||||12.8 0 2.3 0.04130.816.7581  0.0|6|||8||2.6|5||4.73222.378.183|||4.8|3.4 3.1 0.0 0543.866.91.07 3.5||4.7|1||||7.3|5 1.055.388.232|2 0.0| 0.5 0.0|||3||||9276.967.057 0.0|||5| 2.0 698.508.5822||||||11| 2.6||4.7| 0.55040.027.42.119  2.6|||6.2 0.0 0.0|||5121.518.7349|5||5.9| 3.0|5|2 333.08761| 1.6 0||||7.7|||6.8 0.054.619.1861.00.5 0.0||||140 1.1066.207.83.1120.5|2.1|||||6.8|||5.3  0.5899.47.716.535 0|5|9.6 0.0 0|1.59100.9.307.9605||||6 3.5 6.3|5||2:0150.87193| 4.4 0.0| 0.5|||3.1 0||||8.430922.42R 28.64.15 2.6 0 0.0|||||7.6| 5.8243.95S 27.240||6|5||2.16.7 0.055.508.565 2.0||4.7||2.6|| 5|6877.07.1882|||||||||||||||||33|||5.6 57.4%|7.3 0.0 0.0||||||13.6 088.498.55.13   2.5  3.5| 2.0||9||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|1.5109:00.037.3383 03.3|||9.9| 0.5 0 0.021.608.662| 0.5||14.1 033.027.387||2.1  8.0|||4.854.608.66.114|52|9.7|1.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||59.2| 0.5 37.1%|1.17166.057.3361.1||7.6 1.61||||||||||||||100.0% 0  0.0||4.987.628.861||4.2 0.0|3.7 0.0|6.899.047.486 1.0|||4.1|||9.4| 1.115 1.11 1.222110.58.97.11 0 0.0 7.7||||6.6||1.1|1|||3.7|8.9 0.0 0.0||||||||16.243.649.0606 0.0 7.3|1 0.0%|5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||6.321 1.1355.177.78554 0.0|9.9|||2.6|||2.6 0.576.609.08.09||2.6 0.0 0.0|| 0.5||3.9 7.4|5|2 033099.59.75R 26.761||3.1| 0.5|8 0|620 1.121100.21.2S 28.086M|6 0|10.5|||5.7||1| 1.04399.62.766.79.11
30598 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230| 1.1|1.1|1.0| 1.1|||6||3.24100.4.288.13760221|||6.6||2.9|  4.1 0.0|5||3|631865.76R 26.7621945H 1 243
|||||7.3|||8.6||||2|1 0||||4.9|| 10277.27S 28.28752136
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0.5 0.0|| 2.6|||3.7||||||10.6|2.198.836.830.1205||1 0.0| 0.5||||4.4 0.04030.278.136|||5.6||||7|1  0.0|1721.86.862| 0.5| 0.5||||8.9 0|||||7.4 033.498.588|||3 0 0.0|10.0|555.067.31.131||||||10.9|  0.5 0576.538.636| 1.0|5||||6.8|  4.8||3.7|588.097.46150||3.1 0|8.3 5.1 0.0 0509.58.7867| 0.5||11.6 2.6|64 1.11141.107.32.09|||3.1  2.1 0.0||2.9||||6.332.598.633|||||11.0||3.2 0.0||2.6|1.1| 0.544.067.35936|  9.4 0.0|||4.7 0.0 0.0|3165.608.683| 0.5|1.5 0.0|||||9.3|||2.6||2.6||||6.3 0.0|4.7 0.098.638.530||||||9.3 0.5 5.9|5|3.1|123:0050.167.6598| 1.0|||6.2 0.0 0||||8.8 021.618.98360 0.5|3||3.1 0.5||||6.733.177.64.08 0| 1.0|2.6||||4.7|||7.3 0.0154.709.032||3.6|||4.7 0.0| 0.5 4.7|||2.666.177.6560| 0.5|||||8.4 0.0| 1.5899.87.79681|6 0||4.1| 2.6|||5.609100.|| 2|||4.2 0.0| 0.5||||6.3| 3.711 1h00:006.7317| 1.0|3||3.7||2.6| 1.6 1.6227.9559|0.5|6.6 1.6 0.0 0.0||5.0436.679 0 2||||9.9||3.7 009 1.10558.16.05||7.9 5.3| 0.5766.628| 1.0 2.6 0||||||||12.9888.052||2.6|6||5.2||2.1|  2.22096.777 0.0|0.5 0.0|||2.6|||||9.9|181118.17.01||3.2 0|||||1 0.0 0.0 0.5326.6242.6|1  5.2|5|||7.7448.1491.00| 0.5 0 3.1||2.1||9.9656.8748||||6.0|4.5| 0.5|||4.5 0.016 1.12778.38.00|82||2.1 0.0997.125 0.0||3.7 3.1 0.0||||||9.231208.6516M|||3.6 0.0||||5.7||2.1 0.044227.275
30641 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230| 1||1.6||6.8 0.5|9|||5.2438.79.01521|||3| 0|2 0||57557.3256244H 1 24341
| 1|||||9||7.3||2.1||||6.9|||5|99.4|| 1.003 1.11768.6505215
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|||5.1| 1.9 6.6|1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0 0.0%| 5887.4760 0.0|||5.2 2.1 2.0|||3.3||3.14098.840.019||3.1 0.0||6.8|||7 0.0| 0.51317.325|||2.6||11.0 0||1.12328.6494 0.02||3| 59.0%||||||||||||||||||||39.9|4 0.0447.575|5|5|3.6 0.5  0|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%1.1656.2981 0|||||||||||||||||||||||60.7||4.2|5 44.0%||||6.61777.41.222||||6.3||3.2||||||||||||||94.2| 1.0|||5.8  4.7 0.0||1986.146 0.0 0.0100.0%|||5.8 0.0| 1.0||||6.2 650407.571|||11.3 0| 3.1299.316.296|5  0.0||||||8.9 0.5||4.1003100.37.62.20||||5.2 2.6||2.1||4.7| 0.5599.646.344 4.7||||||11 0.5 0.5 0.0||1.16100.67.66890 0.5  0 0 0||2.5|||||11.8876.5932.0||||6.2||||7.7|||4.1 0.0  0.009998.43.24 0 0.5|||12.6 0.0|5|||4.44:01507.2493|||4.9 0|  0.5||9.2332R 28.775 0.0|||2.6||||||9.6|5 0 2.12044S 27.399|5||||8.8 0.0||1.0|||5.7 0.0658.74.24|2.1| 3.7|5||5.7|4777.348 0.0 1.6||||||1 0.0 1.6||2.116 1.12 1.21988.773|2|  4.6|5|||7.0|1.6101:007.4971|1||||||14.5 0.0|1| 1 0.0218.95.24||5.7  0.0||3|||6.2|3.123 1.13337.547||2.1|6|98.4 0 5.7| 1.6546.37341 0.0 1.6100.0||3.5|1.96|5|5667.797 0.0 1.0|2.5| 2.5|0|||8.0899.876.56.23|||4.6 65.3%|0.5|4.6 0||||||||||||||||||38.8 0419R 100.9R 27.947|3.1  3.1 0 0.0||3.1||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||5.9221S10S 26.672 0.0|||7.0||||8 0.0| 1.04228.197R |5||1.1||12 0.5|5 02437.07.23S |2.1||2.6  4.7|1.0|2.6||2.119558.3473.0 5|5||4.6| 1.0| 1.0767.17252 0.5|||8.9 2.6 0.5|||2.6 0988.597|1.0 5.83.7|2.6| 0.5|||4.225 1.1430207.38.22||3.1 0.0|4|5.7 0.0218.6475| 1.0|5|6.84.2|2.0|54337.27030M||6|||||12.5| 0.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||55 0 38.0%|||3.63548.796
30692 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22||4.2|||||7  0.01.6||||||||||||||||100.0%|5  0||6.2657.39.2070544H 1 24688
|| 3.6||||4.2||1|||4.6|||||30878.7445176
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.02.1||| 5.8|||4| 0.5| 1.0987.3680|||||8.9 0.0| 0.5|97.9%|||5.2 030 1.1541308.6933 5.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||5.5 0 0.5 1.0||2.5|2227.550.182 0.0|||||14.7 0 0 1.1||3.7438.944 3.1|6||1.6 0.0 0.027557.467|||4.1  5.7||3.9 0.5|5||2.6768.992| 0.5||||13.02.6 0| 0.5887.71.17 02.6|3.41.1|||4.255099.296.846|||3.1  0.0 7|||3.6|||4.2 2.11100.418.0697|||7.3||2.6|2.6  0.5 0.0399.426.695 0.01 0|||8.91.0|||2.63 1.144100.47.92.194|5||||12.0 0 3.2|0.5 0.0699.456.5437 0|6||2.1| 0.5 0|57100.77.866||||7  0.5|5.0 0||3.0986.691 0| 0.6%||5.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.6|1.6|1.1|||||8.915:00507.93.15 0|||10.52.0|0.5|3.7| 1.6216.740  2.60.7|||||8.3|4 0.0337.963|1|||||13|4| 3.7 0.019546.5888|3  0.5|1.0| 2.5|||||7.5||2.7668.14.12|1 0||5.7| 0 1.6|4.3876.837 2.5 2.5|||3.0|||6 0.5381098.361||||11|5| 0 0| 0.5|2.6212:006.9865|  0|||6.3 0||2.2||||6.0 0.0328.35.10 0||||13.4| 0.5 0||1.6447.236|||3.7  6.2||2.1||1.0||2.1 76 1.13 1.20658.5596 1.5|9.9 1.0 0|3.6|0.5777.486 0.0 4.26|||2.6|5.2 0988.96.119||||13.5 0.0 0.0| 1.0|5520107.634  0.0||4.2||||8.2218.857|1.1|||||13.7 0.0337.581||2.1||2|  8.9548.77.04|6||||6.3 1.0| 5.822 1.15 1.21667.5296 14.7||9|2.1 2.1|1875.951 0.0 2.5 0 0.0|3.0|||||10.6997.476|5||||10.4 0  33199.5206.38.012M 0|5|5|||5.8 0.048 1.162100.27.624
30727 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230
|||2.6||||||||||||||||||||40.3  4.2 73.6%|||3.2 2.6|5||2.1499.636.348110
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.logM|1|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||11.9  0.0|| 1.1||||5.2 0 0.065100.57.773
30748 root  43  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -H 1 24283
5|||||||||6.2|5| 0.5|5||||3.90766.598519
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0|  2.0 0.0||||6|||5.0|| 2.0888.09.220 0||||8.4||2.4 0.0 2.21.64096.7467|5 4.6| 0.5 0||5.14 1.151317.969 0 2|||||10.0|5 0| 1.6326.794||||5.4||6.4  3 0 0.0548.24:00.19|7.3 0.0 0||3.7||||5.2|52666.942 1.0||||||12|2.1|| 3.7878.2661||||9.4  2.1 0.0| 0.5||2.1997.091 0.0|||9.4|5||||6.2 0.0051408.31.15|1 5.8|2.1||1.3 2.3|||2.6227.038 04.7|||||8.9 0.9| 0.5| 0.5438.3618|5||10.0| 0.5|1.0||3 055787|||4.7  ||3.6|6||3.66 1.16768.62.11| 0.5||||||10.4 11 0.0887.435|||||8  3.0|||4 0.0| 1.5|56:0099.396.9687| 0|||8|5 0.0|2.041100.518.4942 0 0|||||||12.9 0327.03.19||2.1 75.8%||||||||||||||||31.4|||4.7|  2.1|||5.1|52448.444 0.0  0.0|||||8.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0656.967 4|||||9.0| 0.5 2.2778.391||2.6 2.6| 1|15|||4.2986.94.169|3.7||||9.8|0| 0| 0.59 1.17103:008.340 1.6||||11.5| 0.5 0|6|2.0216.864||3.7  8.9||2.7|5|1.0|0.5338.288 0.0 4.7|0||||6.2 0.5 0546.75.113||2.1||||12.6 0.5| 0.5 0|56668.236| 0.5 1.51.0 0||1||2.13876.759||||4.7  7.3|0.5|5|3.72998.185 2.1 4.2||3.1| 1.6|4.24 1.1621106.86.09 0.0 2.6 0|0.5||6.8228.1332.00|||||12.5|1.0 0 0.5436.756||||7.1   0|5||6.12558.382 4.7|4.7|||4.2|1| 1.0767.07.06||8.4 0.05.3 0.0|5 0888.33044 0.0|4||||5.2|96.8%||6.8|5|||2.7|||4.28 1.183096.852||||6.75 0.0 0.0 4.7 0 1.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%1218.3788|5 0||||4.7|5| 1.0||||||7.84327.08.0330M 2.0||3.5| 6|2.6|3.1||| 3.16 1.17548.527
30780 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2210||||1|||8.5 1.5|||1.54.9667.4539344H 1 241
|||||5.8| 2 0.0|||3.7||3.7||||||9.50878.77751
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 3.0| 0.5|||||||12.7 0.0||| 0 0.04997.59.03 0 0  7.3|5||7.441306.126||10.5|4.7227.55058||2.1|11.0 0| 0.5|52436.173 0.0 0  9.9||1||2.1||3.4557.598|5 3.1| 0.5||6.5 5766.110.21 0|52.6|||6.1 0.0||6.30 1.16887.445||2.6||1.6 0.0 0.0||||6.2|75096.168 0.5 0.0|1|||||7.3|8| 0.51417.49332 06 5.2| 3.1||3.4326.01.16||5.8|3|4.8 0.0190447.441|5|||10.5 1.1 0.0||2.6656.164||2.11.0  1.0|0.5||||||10.9 0.0777.4896 0.00.5|4 0  8.5|47999.886.32.13|1.5||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||89.1|||8.4|6 0||||5.9 0 8.8%37:00100.50R 27.939|||7.1100.0%|7 0 0| 0.5||1.5| 0.5221S 26.663 2 0.5|||4.6||2.1||4.2||1.16 1.15338.087 0.0|||||||12.9 1.5| 0.5| 1.1| 0.5546.83.12|1.1  4.7|||7.4 00||2.1668.0353|2.6 0.0 4.5|5 2||5.24876.659 0.0|||5.8 3.91.1 0 4.8998.184|1 0.0|5.2|||4.9|||4.3| 1.6114:006.84.087 0||||13 0.0 0.0|||3.13228.131|||3.7 70.1%||||4.7|||||||||||||||||||37.9  0.0||2.1|5 3436.855|||6.8  0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||6.3 1.6 00558.381 0.5|1.1|||11.1 0.0|5|1.62766.85.04|||5.2|2  4.7|2.5888.228| 1.6||7.9|3.1|5||2.1| 0.620106.951||4.2 4.7|99.5 2 0|3.9|||3.91 1.14 1.19118.376 0.0|6.8100.0||5.5|5 0.0| 0.5327.099|9.9| 0 0||2.5|448.46.2484 4.7||2.6||||6.7 0.0||3.68 1.16 1.20657.148|5 0.0 0.0|6||||9.5878.6735|||2.6|6.3||1||1|2.8| 1.1987.296 0.0||||||||||||||||40 61.8%|2.1 0| 1.6||||7.57 1.1531208.57.20M||||7.7|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|  0.53.7|1.60.5 3.14217.044
30815 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2302| 3.4|2.5|||3.4||8438.6709219| 1.1|1.6||||5.8||||4.71.0|||||6.65557.2943644H 1 242
|||6.0|||6.1||| 2 2|||2.6| 1.50768.78.205149
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.13 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 3.7 0.0| 0.5|||||8.4| 0.0887.34405 0.5|5||3.6 0.0 0||||||10.94194098.769|1.0 0|||8.9|5 0  4.31317.392 0| 0.5 0|2||||11328.79.16||||7.2 0||||6.2|1  0.03447.442 2.1||2.8|||4.7 4 0.0|||2.6659.068 0.0| 0.5| 0.6 0.5|||3.1||||12.0777.691|||4.1 0|1.9 0|6  1.52 1.14999.186.420.167|||||12.0| 0.5|2.650100.408.14520 0.0|||||||14.1  0|1.6 0.0299.216.670|||3.2|  7.9|||6.8|53100.37.9936| 2.4 3.1||1.1 2.1||||6.2|2.11599.346.61.18 0.52 0.0||||1| 1.0 0.06100.67.842||3.7||2.6 2.6%||4.8|  4||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||96.9899.476.5669|4.2 ||6.3| 0.9 2100.0%9100.97.991|||||13.1 0.0 1.6| 1.6308:0199.5506.82.19  6.3 0.0|||2|5.82100.28.1431 5.8||2.1|1.6| 1.0 2.1||1.9499.636.767| 0.5 0.0|||8.0|||4.5| 1.0|2.5095100.58.192||||6.2 0|70.53.6766.83.167||||14.7 0.01.0 0.0888.1404  2.0||1|||||7.9|||4.5 08 1.131097.066 0 3 0.0|||5.815:018.491||2.1 6|8 0.0332R 26.94.14 0.02.0 6.9|||3.5|1.92854S 28.6412|1.6|1.13 1.0||||6.8667.365 0.0 0.5|8.4||2.6|3.1 0.0878.589|1.17.3|5.8| 1.07997.25.12|||3.1||3 2.1 0.0|6||||4.721108.639 0.0|||7.3 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||49.3|0.5 63.6%||7.8227.363|5 2.6||2.6|||4.5||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0  0.0 4.73438.78840684|||||7.3 0.0 0.0| 1.6||3.1||6.826557.36.123| 6.5||3||||7.5| 0.5|1.0 0.0768.938 4.7|4.7| 3.7 0 0||1.6887.562 1.0||7.9 0.0||2.5|1.62.13098.986||2.6| 3.1|5 0.0 5.8%||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||2.5 0.021217.47.09 1 0.0||4.7|||||7.9| 2.1 62.7% 0.0||||||||||||||||||||39.64326.13430M||||9.9|5|3| 2.6|2  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%447.458
30866 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22| 0.5||1.0| 1.0||6.3|0||||6.85656.283794H 1 243
|||2.6| 6||||||||12.1| 0.5||||4.2|6||||3.70777.58.07521549
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0||0||||  7.3| 0.0 0||||7986.3310| 0.5|8.6||2.6||2 0.040307.755|||||7.9 3.2| 0.5||5.2|5299.416.480|9.0|4.7 0| 0.5 03100.37.69.03 0.5|||||1599.546.328|5|  4.2 0|||||16100.67.752||||4.7|||||6.8 0.0|7||2.6  2.6899.576.376 2| 0.5|||4.7||2.1|| 1.19100.97.630.00 0.0||||6 0.0 0.0 1.2|||||8.85199.6406.4255| 3.2|||4.2|3.0 4.74 1.11 1.172100.27.749| 1.1||9.5|||4.7| 0.5 0.0499.636.37310| 0.59 3.1|3.1||2.35100.57.797|56||14.1||||11.0 0.5| 0.5|91.1%799.666.41.22 0 0  6.3|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0|||||7.4| 3.28100.87.745 2.1||1.1|||||8.28.9 19:0099.796.976|||||||11 0.0| 0.5 0.0| 0.571100.518.199|  1.6||2.6 0||||6.6|5.612 1.13 1.18399.726.92.23||||||||||||23.01 61.6%|2|||||||||||||23.4| 3.7 0.04100.48.1476| 12.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||75.9 1.6  0||4.2 7 0.0699.556.973|  3.1|||||100.0% 0.0 0|||9.9|  0.5|51 1.127100.78.096 2.68||2.1999.986.73.20 0.0||||6.5 4.0 0510100.6:008.1441 78.5% 2.6|||||||||||||26.5 0|1|||||91.707216.9691 0.0|||7.9||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||3.70.5 0 5338.292|||4.7 3.2 0.0 0|5||5.6546.84.17 2.62.1|||4.2 0|6.37 1.14 1.18668.141||4.7 0.0|||4.4|5 3.7876.8657  0.0|55.3||4.7| 0.5998.188 0.0|||||8.9 0 0.0|7.0621106.95.137|5 5.7||3.1|5 4.696 1.13228.3375||1.6|7.4 0.0 02|||2.6437.062|||7.3 2.1|5 3.1| 2558.285 2.1||6.8||1.6||7||4.922 1.15766.96.1030 0.0|||13.6|| 0 0.0| 1.0888.23322|2.8|5| 63096.958|1.6  2.1|4.5|1.0|||4.1 0.01218.2818||2| 1.0|||||13.10.5|| 1|141326.97.063064.2||2.6|  2.5|||2.6|6||||3.6448.3301M5|1.6|| 2.1|||||7.9657.056
30922 root  45  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -H 1 243
|||6.8|4||||4.7||3||||4|||3.6|| 1.107 1.16778.3795217
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 7.3 0|| 2.1||4.7| 1.1| 0.5 0.0986.98.040 2.6||6.3| 2.6|| 0||2.240308.328|4.2 2.1 0.0 0.5|||||7.4 1.0217.153|||12.0 0.0|5|1.0 0.00.55338.3753  0|||||8.9 0||1|||||7.7|547.19.009||2.6 4.2||||7.5 0.0| 0.5 0668.524 0.0||||12.6 2.9|63 1.15877.048|  1.0 0.0 0||||7.3||||7998.471||1 0||4|56.2 4.251417.196 0|5.8 0 0.6|7.337 1.18 1.19228.340.19|||2.6|99.5|3.2|5||||7.4| 2.6437.0432 1||2.1100.0|6.0|2.6 0.5||3.0658.367 0.0||||10.9 0| 0.5||5.7| 0.54767.091|||||||||||19.7|1.9|2.4 83.4% 0| 0.5|988.31.1430  4.22.0|  8.9 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||98.9% 0|||5.830:00974 0.0|0.5 2100.0|2 3.612518.7684|||4.0 6.0|||5.5 0.0337.594|5|75.8 0.0||3.6548.92.17 0|2.6|6.7|||4.12.1667.642||3.7 1 3.1 1.6629 1.17878.866|1.6|0.5||6.3|5|0.5|||8.4997.590| 0||||6.1 4.6 0||2.0 1.01199.07:006.33.151||||5||8.5 0.0 0|0.562100.27.8416.2| 1.0|||5.2|5|1|4 0436.464| 2.6||3.7 3.1|||5.3 74.1%|2.1||||||||||||24.8557.98985 0.0| 1.0|||||14 0.0  0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%40 1.20 1.20766.64.130.5|2.0||2.6||1.1887.938 0|5|5 0.02.52096.762|1|6  0||||||||14.6|5 1.137191118.1862|||||9.4||9||5.7  0.56 0.0326.85.11 0.0|2.1||8.3 0 0|||5.2448.2353 6.8|64656.960||2.1|4.8 5 0|||4.4| 0.54 1.19778.384|4.2 0.0 3.2||||||8.9 0.0 0987.06.096|||11.06 0.0|||4.630208.435M  4.2|12.1||||||1 0.049 1.21 1.20217.058
30946 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2308 0.0|5|||||11.9|  1.3|5|||3.5438.68450213||||3.6|0|  1.5||||||||11.9|5|1.0 0.0557.47.096744H 1 243
|| 5|||2|||||8.1||  1.5 0||2.5|||||8.106 1.20768.93552120
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log2.1 0|| 2|||||9.9| 0 0.0887.5590 0.0||6.3| 1.1 0||||7.34098.983||2.6|||||7.3 1.6|0.5||||||||||19.3|5|99.4 2.63131R 27.58.0836||6.3| 1.0||5.2|||5.2|||23.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||72.8 0.0% 1.7231932S 28.8327 1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.4 3.6 0.0|  3.1 32.1|5||5.8447.5554 0.0|||||||||100.0%|||||14.1 0.0|  0.5| 0.5658.8783|5 0|||3.1 00777.79.03|5  0.0 0|||||13.5|5986.326 0||||7.3|||5.1|5|  5.21.050408.054||2.1 0.5|6 0216.678 0.0|||13.6 0|| 1.028 1.19337.850.01||||||9.4  0.0|1.6||4.20.5|5599.046.426 4.2|||4.70.5| 0.5|||4.76100.67.8508 3.7 0.0 0|||||8.4 1.06899.176.373|||9.4||||6.3|| 0.5|19100.97.7985 7.3|||4.7| 0.5 0||2.2|3.21:0199.2506.31.221 0.0||6.8|||3.1|5 0|2.542100.27.645|9.9|5 2|2.1 0| 0499.236.370||2.1 0.0 0 0.0|||||8.2|||3.15100.57.794 1.0||||6.3|5 0.0 0.0|||7.430 1.20799.366.52.19|0.5||11.0||2.6|5 0.58100.87.742| 67.0%|  0.5||||||||||||||26.9||7.9||3.1||2.6|2.11099.596.46699||2.1  0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 2.1||6.2|1.1|3.61100.8:017.993 0.0|||6.83 0.0|2.6227399.726.53.176||2.1 2.6|||9.4||1.6 0.0 0.54100.47.942 0.0|||9.3 0.0||2|1.5|1.0699.956.665|68.4||||6.3 0.0 0.067100.78.090|||4.7 09.5| 1.0 0.05 1.19999.986.64.14 0.0 2.6 0.5||1.5|||||7.9|||4.220100.107.938||2.6 0.0|6||5.7 0.5|299.916.662 0.0||||7.9|5|7.4 0| 1.033100.38.087|5 4.7|3.1 4.2|5||3.1546.65.10720 05.22.6| 1.6|||4.2 2.3668.034|||4.7|6.3| 0.5|2 0.0 0.01876.758 2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||63.2 2.1 34.8%1.1||7.8|1998.2854 0.0||||||||||||100.0% 0.0  0.0||||7.7 0.0|||7.7|531206.86.08M|||3|||||||12.3|1 0.0||||540 1.18228.434
30991 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2308| 4 71.7%||||6.9||||||||||||||||||||40.7|  0.5 0|1 4447.258521||3.7  0.0|3|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||4.9|1|2.5||5.4658.684
3101245H 1 244
 1|||9.2|3.4|||3.6||||6.6||| 10777.57.095212
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|||9.4 2.1| 0.6 0.0|| 3.7 0.0188988.7310 5.2|6| 0.5 0||1||||10.540307.45681 0.0 0||3.1 0|  7.3||||5.2218.881||||11.5|2 1.0| 0.56337.48.04|||3.1  0.0||||||11.2 0 0|||4.4548.829 2.6|||||8.4|  4.0|5 0.0667.553|||7.8 4.23.8 0|55 1.17878.876 0.0 1.0 0.0|||5.2|||6.3|5997.49.00|5 0 2.1|||11.551408.824 0|||||8.9 0.0|  0|||4.24227.548|5||12.6||1|5 0 2.1438.97392|||3.1|  0.5|99.5| 0.5||||||8.36557.696 2|1||||7.8100.0||2.1 0.0 03768.95:00.21 1.0 0 0.0|4|||||8.9|5887.644 0|||2.6|99.5 3 0 2.6|||||||13.22:0099.7787||2.9 1 72.1%||||||||||||28.5|||4.6|4.8  0.01518.21.01|4.2||||8.4  0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0 0.0||2.128 1.20 1.19329.52560|||||6.8 0.0 6.8||2.1 0.0448.149 2.1 0.0|||||7.9 0.0||||5.7656.77440 1.0|||4.7| 1.0|||||6.8 26 1.19778.098 0||1.5|||12.1||2.5 0.0 0.0999.586.72.233| 0|  0.5| 0|||||||13.510100.9:008.148||2.1|||||8.3||2.6 0|5  3.23299.716.8735|4.4 0.04.0|1.3 02.93100.38.298 2.1||2.1|5.1|1|5||5.3546.93.22 0.0 0.0|||11.7| 0.5|||4.6 0.028668.347||||7.9  0.0||2.1| 1.1||||5.1876.9721| 2.6||||||9.5 0.5 0.0| 3998.296 0.0 0.0|1.6|5||||||13.70 1.1821106.84.19||2.1|2||||||10.4 0.01.1|  0.5228.243||5.5||4.5  0.0|||5||4 0447.169| 2.6 2.6||9.9| 0.5|5658.4944| 0.5 0.0||||6.9| 1.0 0||||5.918777.25.18|5|||13.5 0| 1.0988.6432 0||2.6  7.8 71.4%|||||||||||||||||||37|||5.330207.366||3.1|4.7 4.7|5  0.0|1.6||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 2.17218.792 0.0| 2.0|||10.3||2.1|1.043337.46.1430M|||7.3|  6.2|1.6| 1.0| 5546.240
31038 root  30  10 11352 32 R  0.2 0.0 0:00.02 vmstat -n0 1 2||||6.4|| 5.0| 3.02.0|5||||5||325 1.17667.8675543 2340 S 0.11H 1 2422
|||||8|||||4.7||||5.2| 1.6|||||||8.420899.976.692514
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 0.5 0.0|6.5||||6.7 0| 0.5 0.09100.97.87.1503|||4.2 2| 1.1|5|||4.7|||3.241306.6405 0.0|1.6||||12.00 0 0.0 0.04228.065|1|2.1  8.3|||3.3|5436.790|||4.7 0.5 2.6 0.5|||7.8558.08.14| 1.0 0||6.3||5.2 0.0|||3.13766.740|2.1||||||9.4 0.0 0.5|52.6888.063 0.0 4.6||4 0 0|||7.95096.889 0.5|||||12.4||1.6 0.01418.19.124|2|||5.9  0.0|1.50||428 1.20 1.19327.239 0| 0.5||||8 0.0|4 2548.6646|||||||13.61.6| 0.5 0 0667.3882||0|1.0|56 1.19 1.18878.610.12  1.0|2.1|||6.3|1.7 0|||3.7997.336|2.6||6.7 3.6||2.9 0.03:01508.7611 1 0.02.1| 1.0||||||10.64227.385 0.0||||||14.4| 0.5||1|  0.5438.61.1056||2.1||2.5  2.6|||5.8||2.6557.333 0.0||4||||||14 0.0 0.5||1.6768.859 0.0  7.3||2.1 0||530 1.20 1.19887.3827|5||2.6||10.4 0.5|||4.1 0.01098.82.07|||6.2 0.0  2.1||3.1 0.5||2.1110:017.431|7.8|||4.1 0.0 0.0||3.62399.226.2567 0.0||||7.2 0.0| 0.5274100.47.6806||10.9|||5.2| 1.0 0699.656.33.05  0.0|5 0.0| 0.5||||||||13.67100.77.628|1 0|||4.2||||||1  0.0|533 1.21999.886.4538||3.1  5.8|5|2.120100.107.777 0.0||4 3|2.6|||2.6||3.2299.816.64.03 0 0.0||||||14.7| 0.5| 0.53100.37.8268||||6.8|1|  2.2 0|||5.40599.946.5517 5.2||||8.1 0.5|||3.2|99.5 0.06100.67.976|2.6| 0.5|||5.8||5.4 0.6100.0876.65.02|4||9.3| 0.5 028997.926 0|2.0| 5.1||1||3.4|53120052M 0.5||3.1 2.5||3.1|||7.1|4228.275
31089 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230|3.1 0.0|||9.9| 1.6|6 0.0|||3.634 1.22437.06.019321|2|||2.6 2.6|||||7.9 0||3.8 2.1558.22411044H 1 242
||1.6|||7.9|||5.2||| 2.2|1.0|||||7.30767.0505168
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|3.7 0.0||||||9.5|| 9| 0.5 0.01 1.21888.37409| 1.0| 8.4| 0.5||||4.54096.998 0|||||8.7 0.0 0 0|71318.17.21| 3.1||||||10.3|1 0.028326.846 2  0.0|||||9.4 0||2.1548.168||2.6 0.0|||||8.9| 0.5|1.6|7656.8941||3.2 4.2 0|2.1|534 1.22878.28.179| 1.6||5.3|4.2 0.0986.8410| 1.0||8.4 0.0||||6.851408.570 0|||13.1|6 0.0217.09470.5  9.5|1.1||1.0|1.51438.39.171.0|6 7.9|2.6| 0.5|2.1547.042||2.1|3.0 1.6| 0.5|||8.3768.36730|4.6| 0.5||4.1 0||2| 2.1887.1922|3.71.0|2|||||6.9||3.1|7294:0098.820.21504.1|0.5|||9.8 1.1| 1.0| 0.51517.748|7 0 6.25 0|||3.2328.972| 2.1||2.6||10.4|0||1.6 0.07 1.21447.696|3.2 0.0  4.7||4.7|2.1|5658.91.21|||||12.6||1 0.0| 1.0| 0.5||2.6777.5463|  5.8|2.1|||4.2 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||51.1 0 55.7% 0988.870| 3.1|4.2||8.4|5|||||||||||||||||100.0%  0.0||3.74101:007.69611| 0.5 0.0|11.0||2.1||1.6 0.0218.92.21||||6.3|5  2.1| 1 0.0|||5.8337.545| 0.5||1.0|||8.9 0.0||3.2 2.130 1.22548.870||||||9.42.1|6.8|1| 25.1% 0.0||2.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||69.6667.493 4.2 0.0 5|  2.6|3.7|||||||||100.0%878.73.17|6||3.7 0.0|2.1|| 1.0997.441| 4.7|||8.2 0.0|5| 0.52821108.7663.5 1.5||5.0||2.6 0|2.0227922|4.7 0.0| 3.6|4|0.5499.236.24.15 0.0|||4.1||||7.8| 0.5 2.1|6 1.215100.57.8402||1 0.0 5.5|||7.8|52.0766.665 0|||4.7||8.9 0| 2.1 0 0888.090|5 0.5 5.2|1.5|||6.3|||2.63096.75.13||4.6 0 1.0|||6.1 0.0||6.141218.1389M|5.2|5||||||13| 1| 1.64326.963
31132 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230 1.51|2.80.5| 2448.387621||||7.9|||4.7|  1.61.1||1.6|||3656.96.125344H 1 2433
||||||10.5|||||6.3|||||8.4 0.0|1||||||||||||||||32.6||||4.9 61.1%0778.33752188
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 script hpux-postinstal-console.log  0.0|||| 9|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||1|||3.4  0.0 0.0|  3.5997.26203 0.0| 6 0.0||||6.9|1.6||6.330 1.20 1.1841308.687||3.1 72.3%|||5.3|||||||||||||||||33.5| 1.7||5.7| 0.52227.37.11||5.8||||7.5  0.0 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 5 0.0 0438.635|||||15.6 0.0|0557.460  2.1||1|||4.7||||5.7 0||3.618768.784 0.0 0||8.9 2.1||||5.2 0.5887.48.094|10.4 0.0 1.6 05098.733||2.6|||5.7  2.6||2.1||3.0|57 1.191417.458|||6.8 0.016 0|||3.1328.7823||11.0|1.1 0.0|1|5 0.6447.49.07  2.1|||4.6||||6.8| 0.5|1.0 0658.8324| 0.5|5.3| 0.5 0 0||||||9.923 1.21 1.19777.657||2.6|7||||||||||||||||||||||||||52.9||3.6 47.1%|5|1| 0.5988.9815 0.0 0.0|||||||||||||||||100.0%|||9.2  0.0|||||10.8|5:0050030.10| 0.5|5 0  0.0|||||||14.72 1.20 1.18216.735|||5.2||||7.7||2.6|  1.6338.060 0.5||10.33.2|5 0.0599.146.685||||10.1  0.0 2.0||2|56100.67.91.09|||3  2.5||1|5||6.3 08 1.22 1.19876.735| 0.5 0.0 0|4.9||10.8998.360|||3.0|6||2.6 0.5|0112:007.0855||||11.6 0 0||2.9|  0.5||2.534 1.23228.42.1060|9|||4.51.1 0447.235  0.5|||5.8||||4.7 3.1 0.0|2.1658.6601.6|2 | 0.6|56777.385|3.8 0.0 0.0 0||||6.9 0.01988.93.09||6|5|2 5.7|520107.634||7||2.6 0|1 0.52.0218.958 2.1 0.0|5|4.7||||6.7 044 1.26 1.20337.782 0.0|||5.2 2.6 3546.24.056|5 0.0||2.4||8.0 2.61 1.25667.83179 0|5|4.6 5.1 1.5||3.1899.976.6565|5||2.6 0.0||9.9 0.02.29100.97.980||2.6||6.2|5 0.5|||4.1|1.03831206.75.044|||9.4 2.1||3.2 0|| 1.0| 0.54227.92830| 0.5||6.3| 0.5|||5.9 0|||4.2436.6521M|5|||||8.8 2.6||3.0 0.5||1.6|3558.177
31196 root  44  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -H 1 243
 0|| 2.1||||||||11.31.6|||4.6|||||5.7 0.0043 1.26766.86.04524130
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|||4.7||  2.1 0.0 2.8|||| 4888.026087 0.0| 0.5 0.5 2.1|||||||134096.852 0|6|2.1||6.2  4.21318.176|5||2.5 0 0.0|8.4 039 1.25326.97.0270||3.1|6||||6.9|||4.6 0.0 0548.325||||6.8 1| 2.7 0.5|5|5667.050| 3.1|4|5.9 0|||1.16878.374||||||||||||23.4 2.0 76.6%| 0.0|||5.1|1.0|2.5997.28.00  0.0|0.5|||||100.0%| 1.5||||6.2|7.9 0 0.051408.624||2.8 43.5%||4.2 3.5|||||||||||||||||||||||||58.6|||3.13227.44994||||||9.9| 0.5|  7.3 0.50|||||||||| 79.5||||||||19.4438.7738 4.2 0.01.1 0| 7.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||2.3557.398||8.9|||2.10 2 0.5768.69.21| 0.5 03.7|3.1|1.6|||68 1.26887.348|||4.7|||9.5 0.0|5 | 3.06:0099.077 1.0||2.1 6.8|1.1 0|3|71517.740.02|2.11.6 2.6 0.0||6.82.15 1.25328.926| 0.53|5|6447.55160|||8.8 0 0.5||||5.7| 2.1 0.5658.977 3.7|2.1|6.8|3.2|2777.41.012.1|5|||8.8 2.1 0.01.0988.6249 0.0|3.6 0.0|||8.4|||4.5 0103:007.450 0.5|12.0| 2.6|50 1.24216.1731.8| 0.5||2.4337.598|2 0|||4.5|  4.0|||4.0|3.5546.32.23150|||4.7|||5.8 0 0.5| 2.1|85 1.26667.648 3.5 2.6|||5.4|1|4.0| 1.0876.775 0 0.0|6.8||2.6||5.8 998.13.00|3.7|||3.1 4.7 0.5|5| 4.2|13 1.2521106.625||8.1 0.0 0.5|1.0 03.0|2.4228.25040 0.0|1.6|2.1 0 0||||||13.0446.774|1.6 0.0|||6.2|5|1.5  2.18 1.26 1.21558.09820.5 0|||5.1|0 0.07774.23|||4.7|||4.2 2.6| 1.6 0|||4.3988.348 0.5||8.4 0.0 0.0|||||7 0.0530207.173|2.1 0.0||||6.8|||5.1 0218.498|3||3.3 3.1| 2.0|1|||4.74337.05.2130M 2 0.0|1.6|||5.2||||6|||6.8548.347
31228 root  34  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22|||||7.3|5|||4.7|||||13.1||2.6||||||||||||||||||||42.2 44.5%| 3.320667.1734145H 1 2433
| 5.8 0|||||5.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||4.8|  3.8|  0|||50878.4985221
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log|| 1.6||| || 3.61||3.2| 0997.06.22 0.0 0.52.1 2.7 0.0|||||8.929 1.2541308.547|||5.8||4.7 0.5| 0.5 3.7227.171 2.6 0.0 0||2.7|||||8.7 0.0438.595|4.2|||4.7|||4.7| 0.5 0.0||2.67557.27.215||7.9 0.0|2.6 0|||4.7|3.7768.646 2.1||2.6||5.2||2.5 2.6 1.05 1.24887.371|6|4.2|||11.5 0.0 0.0|5099.0994 1.1 0.0  0.0|1.5||||||10.63.11417.68.241||4.4||3.40  2.5|||4.9399.126.550152 0.0|||||13.5|5 0| 0| 0.634100.47.874||2.1  9.4||2.6|5 0 0699.356.497||||10.5 1.6 0.0||3.1|57100.77.69.21  0.0|||||8.9|5 0.0|2.1|||3.11 1.23999.486.345 0.0||||9.3727:00100.507.769||2.1||||||||||||||||||||40.2 70.1% 0.0||1 0.5 2.0299.916.5945 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%| 15.2|5 0| 03100.37.850.18|  3.7||||5.8 0|||4.21919546.543|5 0.0| 0.5|||||14.3668.068|2|2|||6.1|1.5|  3.4876.89333.6 0 0.50|||||6.7|4.78998.01.162||||6.7||2.6 1.6| 0.5114:006.640 0.0|||||9.8 0.0 0.0|||4.6228.266|4.5 1.5|2|5.5447.090 0.0||3.20.5||||11.436 1.2265R 28.32.146|5||2.1 0.0|||7.1  4.7277S 26.938 0|6||||||11||3.1 0.0 0.5988.363||5.2  0 0.0|||||8.1 0520106.987||2.1|7.1||3.2 2.6218.33.11 0.5 0.0||||11.9|3|5337.136 0| 8|5.1 04 1.21546.0614||3.7||2.5|||4.7 2.1 2.0667.385 0.0||6.85.6 0.0 0|5899.076.04.09 2.6 2.0|||5.1|||3.3||2.239100.97.4347 0.0 0|||11.2| 1.03.331206.359||2.8||||6.5  4.9| 0.5| 0.5227.684M| 0.5||2.1| 0|3.6|||||8.21.1420 1.22436.35.08
31267 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 231|| 1.0|||8.2| 3.1|||4.0557.6327143
|5|||2.6|||||5.9|||||||10.2| 4.0||||4.7| 2.60766.55852146
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0||||6.7|| 3.1  0.0|5.7| 0.5 0.56 1.24 1.20887.9830 0.0||6.2|5 0.0|||8.04096.56.065||3.1 0.5|||2.1|||5.3| 3.71317.9312 0.0||5.2 0 0.0||8.92.64 1.23 1.19326.6568|||10.5|5| 3.1447.980|5  3.7|||4.3||3.1|5.2 0.0656.67.05|51.0||6.4| 0.5 1.0|7.9878.231 0 0|8.9|||40.5 0.02997.056 0.0||||11.0|||651408.480||||6.7|  0.5||7.3226.98.03||||||9.9| 3.1|||3.0 0.0|50 1.22438.429 0.0  0|||3.6|||||||10.8557.3546||||5.2||||10.4||1| 0.5  0.0768.7799 0.0|||5.6 0||1 07 1.24 1.20887.49.03|||||||||||21.2|2 15.3%|  1.5|5 0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.9||||6.538:0099.495.7372  3.1 0  2.1||3.7 0||2.6|||||||||100.0% 2.621100.516.161|||1.6 1.6 0.0||6.27399.824.586 2.0 0.0|||||10.8| 0.5 0.04 1.23 1.194100.45.36:00.11  2.5|||5.6||||6653.936|3.1|1.66| 0.5|||5.4 2.62775.461||5.8|||7.3 1 0| 0.5| 0.59838570 0.0 4.2||5.2|4 0||2.6105:005.11.10||2.6| 1.0||8.9|5 0|1|214337 1.0 0 2.6|||4.2||5.21 1.22335.657|2.6|5 0.5|||9.0 0|3.1544.3823.1|1|2 0.5|||||8.2 0.0765.42.07|2.5|0|1|5|4388R 24.133| 0 0.0|||||||13| 0 0 0.0|99.5|5219209S 25.65716|||3.1|||4.1|  8.2|3.2|5100.0|2.61114.481 1.0 2 0.0 0.5 0||||||13.0323.07|2.5|5.4||||8  0744831|6 1.0||2.1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||62.6| 4.2 30.9%||||7.6699.555568| 1.00.5||3.6||4.2|||||||||||| 85.92.7||6.4 3.17100.75.381 0| 0.0 3 0.0 0.0|||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%||||10.824 1.23999.684.94.06|1.1|||||||11.6 0.0||2.2  0.030100.205.72930  ||2.6|||7.7299.711542M|1|||2.1||||4.2||||3.89|5423100.36.080
31310 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2317 0|||||7.3||||||9.4 0.0| 0.5||1.6599.745.65.05432
||||5.6||| 3.7|||| 7.1|||3 0|||||9.206100.66.030516
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||| 3.1| 0.5|||||8.9 0|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||74|||3.6 34.0% 0.0875.4550 0.0 0.0||||5.3  0|||7.4||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|1.90 1.22996.278 0||||||10.5 4.2 0.00.541305.16.03|||4.2|||3.1  5||2.11.0226.32739| 1.0 22.0 1.45||||819435.252 0|||10||4.2 0.0 0.0| 0.6556.775|||4.2  0.0 3.7|5|||6.0765.07.00 3.7|6||7.8| 2.17 1.2188624 1.6||2.2||9.9||565094.649440.5 1.0|11.3 0 11415.972||2.6||3.3  0.5||||7.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 78.5|||3.7 17.0%|232097 0.5||||6.5||5.7 0.6||||100.0%| 1.0  0 0.06446.38.204||5.6| 0 2.1|90.5||||5.1664.84450 3.1 0|4|5|2.0| 4875.968|||2.1 2.6 0||5.2| 0.5994.7934.2 0.0 0.0 20.2%|6.4|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||57.4||||||||14.7489:01506.09.18 0.5|1.1|||3.1  2.6 0.0  6.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%225.142|||6.3|0|||3.1| 0.5 2436.866 4.7| 0.5 0| 0.5|||93 1.20555.790|2.6|2.6|||5.2||2.6 2.7767.110.155 1.0| 0.5||8.9 1|0886.039|0.5||2.6 7 0.0||3.121097.462|||||||14.1 0 0.0| 1.616:016.5881  0.0||4.4||||7.3||2.2|5 0.0327.81.12| 1.06 0.0|2.8||||5.2446.5353|||||7.9||2.6 0.5||2.1 0.0 2.19 1.21 1.19657.858 0.0|||||||||||||||||||42.9|||7.4 0.5||||6.9||1| 0.5 56.7%770854||||||||||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0 0||10.42.1 0  0.0999.385.92.08|||4.1||||6.6|1.2  0.06|58820100.107.0326|6.2 0.5 0.0|||4.6 1.01|1.5299.816.157 0.0|||||9.1 0.0|||4.6|3.63100.37.283||3.2||12.6|5 02 0.06 1.20546.13.07 0.5  4.7||||||10.4|5| 0.7667.4302|2  2.1 0 0|||||9.4876.0558||2.6 2.1|5.7| 4.73599R 27.379|4.2 0.0 0.0|1.6|||3.2 5.823120S 26.14.03M 0.5||||6.3|1.6 0.0 2.6|34227.427
31349 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 230||||8.8 0.0||||5.7|5||1.0| 1.6436.15153217 0.0|||||9.92||2.1|2.1|2.14557.3757044H 1 2427
||||6.8| 1.0||| 2.7||||||7.9|||||6.30766.15.00518
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0.0|||6.8||||7.3 0.0| 1.0| 1.1887.2230|||12.4| 1.5||2.10.5 0.034096.1473|3.61 0.0|523 1.191317.370||2.1  9.9|6 0.0|5|||4.732696|||8.9 4.2 0||1.6 0| 0.5 0447.66.18 0.0||||13.0 1|||2.6|5656.545|5  7.3 0.0 1||||6.42778.06987|1.0 3.1|1.6|1.6|5.8| 1.5986.794||4.7|1.0|0.5|||||9.4 2.7| 050408.27.20|3.7|||4.2| 3.1 0.0 01216.945 0.5|||8.4 0.0 0.0|5|||4.7338.268|3.6|6.7|2|||5.1 0 0.00 1.18 1.17546.793| 0.58||6 0.0|||4.7|5668.08.164|||4.6 2.6|5.7|5 0.5|2.0886.7415 2|||9.4 3.8|2.1 0 040:0098.468||4.7 4.2|1.0| 0.5|||4.3091506.8929 3.1|99.5 3.1 0||2.15.6||1.6328.09.15|5.2100.0 0.0|5| 0.5||9.5 0.0446.941||||||8.9 0| 0.0|58658.164| 0.5 6.8||4|||5.8|5 0776.989||2.1 0.03.1| 2.6||||6.8988.020.12|||8.4|||4.7 1.6| 0.5||1.1 0.0107:006.635 4.2 0.5|0.5||||||9.47218.0595|7|2.1|||4.7 0 3.1|1336.783 0.0 0.0 0.0||1.1|||||13.7 0547.91.0580|||4.7||3.72.5|  3.6|1.17666.730|||8.8|5 0 0.50878.155 0.0 4.7|||4.2||2.6||4.7|1996.9809|5 0.0 0.0 0.0||||13.6 0.021108.12.02||5.2||||7.9||1  0.0||2.114 1.18226.928 2.6 4.7||4.4|4.2438.052|1.02 0.5|||||8.4| 0.5556.775|3.1|| 3.1 0 4.7||||7.33767.999 0.0|||||||12.6||1.1| 0.5| 2.18863.241||2.1  3.7||4.7 0||63098.24763||7.3 0.0|5||2.1| 11216.8714| 0.5|9.4||2.6 0 0.0||4.342327.99530M| 2.6||||7.3|||3.1||3.2| 2.6446.84.20
31400 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 229|||2.6||||3.2| 4.7|5.2|1.0| 1658.0441344H 1 24
|4.5 78.4%|6.4|||||||||||22.3||| 3.2|||2.5|||4|||3.501 1.17776.970540
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log| 1.0||||100.0% 4.3  0.0||||5.4|| 6 0| 1.6988.294 0.6 3.2|3.7||2.6 0.040306.95.182 3.5 0.04.0||6.0||2.50299.414426|||5.8 0.0|5| 1||8.5| 03100.37.1667 2.6||2.1||2.1|||5.9 2.2 0599.446.3891|||||1 0.0| 0.5 0.0|5096100.67.06.13 0.5  6.3||||6.3|1.1|5 0899.576.338||4.7 1.6 0.0||3|||4.2|||2.79100.97.061 0.0 0.0||||||||14.2 1 0.0| 1.05199.5406.284||||6.7  4.3|6|||3||3.162100.27.17.10|7.9 1.0 0.0||4.8|7499.836333 3.7|1.1 0||1 0.0|||8.45100.57.057|5.2||4.7||2.4 0| 2.6799.866.280|2.6 13.4%5.2||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 83.1||3.1||1.7||2.6|16 1.18 1.178100.87.18.05 0.0  0.0|||||14.7||100.0% 0.5 0.0| 1.0 1.01:0099.996.7328||||6.2  0.0 0|||4.1||4.21100.517.356 2.6|||||8.4|1.9| 2| 1.05326.780||7.3 7.3|0.5 0.0447.39.056.8 4.7|1||1 0655.828 1.52||2.1|2.1 6|||4.13 1.17777.2524||3.1|3.1 1.6 0.0 0.0||6.8985.976 1.0|||8.4|0.5||2.6|1.5 0.0108:007.430.01||4.7|7.8|99.51.0 0.5||2.72216.125|3.6 0.5100.0|||5.91.6 5||1.4333R 27.449709| 0.5 0 0.00.5|||||12.02254S 26.073||||6.7|||4.7||2.1|1.0  0.5 0.916667.498| 0.5|||||14.9 0.0 0|2.1 0876.11.21||2.1  3.1||4.9|||4.2997.6458 0.5||||9.5|||2.6|5 0.0|70 1.1621116.3685|2.6 0 ||1.0||2.2|||7.3227.693|1.5||5.63|3.1|4 0.5446.52.18 0 0.02.1 0.0||||11.1|657.742|3.1||||6.8|3  0.0|||3.2776.4667||6.5 0.5 2.0|||5|5 0.0987.99160 2.1|||5.80.5|3.7||||5.80930206.53.14 0.0 4.7||3.8 0.0||1217.838M|1.1||8.4| 1.5||1.6 1.0||3.74336.562
31445 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2311|0|10.7|| 0.0|0.6|2.5547.9879326
5  7|2.6||||5.6||9138 1.15666.54.114
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.15 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||2.6||1.2| 3.1||||4.7 0.0|||||||9.4|602877.83552|||||1 0.0 1.0| 0.5|| 1.0|1996.459  6.5|||6.5|5 0 0.015 1.17 1.174199.4305.883 0.0 4.7|||4.4 0||2.6|||3.22100.26.75.081||2.6|6.8 2.6 0.0 2.4499.535.832 0.0|8.31||2.1 1465100.5656||3.9 7.55| 0.5|2 0.0765.581 0.07 0.0 0||7||||5.7887.16.0775||2.1|9.9|5| 0 0.03 1.165095.730 0.0|||15|5|1.0| 0.51417.154|||5.2|||||||||||||||||||||||46.8  0.0 57.9% 0|||4.2||||6.2325.979 0.0||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||||||13  0.0||||2.6| 1.0 0.0447.37.03|5  6.1 0| 0.5||||7.12666.228||||9 2.6|5 1.0|5877.6522 0|5.2 0||2.6|||6.31.1996.276||3.1 0.0|5|4.3|7.9|2.512:01508.08.051| 1.0||2.1||3.6 2.0 0.5||6.8226.7298|||||7.95 0.0|0.5|3 2.0438.055| 1.0 0||||||11|||3.0 0.0|0.5556.8806||||8.4  0| 0.5||||7.90 1.15768.29.05|||||7.9 2.6|1.1||1.06.3 0887.1298| 3.7||6.3 0.0 0 5.7|53109R 28.453|||6.8 0.0|5|||5.8 0.0|27 1.17 1.1719:01S 27.178 0.0||||7.8|5|||3.1 0.0|5||4.7328.440.0236.9 0 4.0||2.5|2.0| 0.5447.2279||||6.3 1.6|||||||12.42.6 0.0|1.8||2.66 1.16 1.16699.356.852|7 0.0%||||8.3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%| 0.50.9 0.07100.77.276 0.0 2.6||||7.2|5 0||||5.7999.586.81.01 0.0 0.0|||||||12.6 0.0420100.107.124||3.1||2.6  0.0|||4.1|||4.5215.8497|4.7 2||6.8337.374|4|5.5| 11.9%6.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86.44.0 0.03546.198||2.16 2.6  0.0 0100.0%|||8.9667.42.224||5.8 03.7||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||94.8|||5.6 5.3%| 0.5|5876.04490 2.1|5.2100.0% 2.0 3.1||2.6||1.0997.269||6.4|4 0.0 77.2%||4.5 1.5 1.0|||||||||||24.3231216.094M| 3.1||||5.2|  3.1 3.9 0.0|2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%4327.63.19
31484 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2303| 2||| 2.6|||||6.7| 1.6||3.1446.243821|3|| 1|||||||8.9| |5.2 1.61 1.15657.56750545H 1 243
|||2.6| 0 0.0|||||||10.4|||||7.3||2.10776935214
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||||7.30.5|||5.2|||  3.2||| 3.7 0.0987.84.180| 2.6||1.04.7|5.8| 2.6040306.54155.2||3.12 1.5 0.0|||3.8217.7651 1.6| 0.5 0.0|2.1||3.1|||7.1336.489||4.7||1.6|||8.4 0.0| 209547.95.1591|1.0||5.7 5.1 0.0366R 26.538| 1.0|3.1 1.64.2||2.1|||4.2287S 27.963|||2.6|1|2| 1.0 0.0||9.44996.3874.7 0.0|4.76|5|5 6.351408.16.1692 0.0||||8.9 0 0 0.0226.840||||6.8||2.1 1.0| 0.5|||5.8|18437.3662| 0.5 0.00.5|2.1 0.0|||||||14.7556.0886||9|||||11.9| 1.5|1  0.5799.5697.141.6|5  0.5|1|||5.2||6.18100.8437 0.0 0||5.2||5.2 0.0 3.773:0099.797.162|7.3| 1.0|||2.6|4.21100.516.4866||1.5 0.5||5.6 1.55.13278.12|||7|2|2| 2.5|0 0.0315 1.15445.537|||13.3 0 1.0|1||4.12653.662  2.6|5|2.6 1.6|| 1.6|||5.7775.28831|1|0|||||9.4 0.09849.11 1.6 0 0.0||2.5|1021 1.17 1.171020:005.6357||4||3.6||2.6|1  0.5|||||||||||||||||||38.6|1 70.9%224.760 0.0 1|||||||||||||||||||||||49.2 1.0|||6.8|||||||51.3||3.7  1.4436.084 0.0||||||||||||||||||100.0%|0.5|6  7.5 0.0 0.00 1.16 1.16555.150.09|1 33.0%||||7.9 0.0 2.6||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||68.4|5766.833 0|||3.4  0| 2.0 1.5|||||||||100.0%||||||8.91888559||6.3|5| 0.5||4.4 2.12097.2834|58||1.0 0.0|||8.91116.01.0771.0 6||2.1 3.6327.6318 0 0.0|||6.8 0.025 1.18 1.17446.3558 0 0.0 4.3|||||8.9657.279|5|5||8.8 5.5776.42.02||2.5 0|||||11| 1.0 0.03 1.17987.327|5 1.0||2.1  6.8 0||3.830206.450|7 1.07.3||2.1| 0.5217.3745M 00.5||||3.1| 3.8||1||||||141336.499
31531 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2315||||8.4| 0.56 0.0|  3.2599.047.53.2354260
||1|||12.6|| 2.7| 16100.66.44743
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 script hpux-postinstal-console.log3.2||||  3.7|||||7.4 1.0|||4.2||||7.30196899.07773526|1.6|5.8 0.0 0|||7 4.29100.96.798| 0.5 0.5||||6.9 3.1| 3.041308.14.249 0 4.1|||3.1 1.0|||6.22274963||1.0||3.9 0.0 2.5 0|||9.48 1.16436.074 02.1|5|||8.9|1 3.2557.298|5| 0.5 0 2.1|||||8.4|2.66765.95.22|||5.2|||7.0 0.03.7887.346 0||7.8|1| 6.1|1| 0.55095.971| 5.3 0 0.0|||5.3|||5.323 1.17 1.171417.295|5 0.0||2.6||3.6|6.8 0.0325.96.19 0|5 1.0|1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||58 4 56.4%||||6.7447.1437|||||||13.60.5 0.0||||||||||||||100.0% 0.0  0.0| 1.01656.067|5|  9.5 0|1|5||||6.3777.59270|1.0 1.6||||6.3|||3.1 0|4.8996.17.16 ||||8.3 3.1 0.0||||7.4 0.04:00507.948 0 4.22|||4.2| 0.6||||5.17 1.19226.572| 2.6|1 0.0|||||8.4 4.4337.796|5| 0.5 0.5|110.0 2.0556.38.19 0 0 0|| 9.9||55 1.18667.6428||||6.8|||5.2|2.7| 11.6% 0.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85.6876.16540 0.0|7||3.1 0.0  5.2||3.1|100.0%997.491||2.6|6.32 2.6 131 1.19111:006.19.14|4.7 2.12.1|||4.2 1.0|2327.438 2.1| 0.0 0.5|||7.9446.163 0.01 4.2|||9.4657.48771|||3.2 6|5|||6.3 0.5 2.67 1.21 1.18776.27:00.11 1.6 0.0 0|||||13.6||||11.0|89.5%987.435|2.1||||7.9||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||100.0%|||4.7|5|  0.5 0.020106.2599|1.6| 1.0||9.4||3.1|||3.2||158 1.25 1.19217.685 0.5 0 1.8 0.0|||||12.4| 336.21.081 0|||||||13.2 0.0|  4.2 0547.431|||4.7  2.6||2|||4.5 0.0666.155 0.03.7|||6.8 0.0||2.1||1.13877.580 0.5 0.0|5|4.2|||7.4996.12.03||2.1 0 0 2.6831207.627 0.5||2.1||||5.8|6| 0 449226.152M||||9.5 0||||5.5| 1.04437.476
31586 root  32  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 23172|4.7 2.6|||3.6||| 3.1||2.3556.33.0090322.00|||||||||||||||||||||||||||525.8 46.0%|||||||12.0| 0.5| 0.6 0.0767.42560344H 1 24
1.6|||||||||||||||||100.0%||||||8.9  0|  2.1|||3.2|||||8.5|1053 1.26 1.2088650594
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||||5|| 2.0| 0.5 0.0||9.6|4097.775 2.1|3.7||1.0|6| 6.0149 1.25 1.191316.397| 0.5|4.2 05||9.1|2.6327.94.23||3.1 0.0|51.1 6.93446.547 0.0||2.1|||5.2 0.0 2.6|5.2657.870|5||7.3 0.0|5 3.753 1.27 1.20776.3931||2.6 3.7|1||6.0|2987.85.1833.1 0.5|2.1 0 0|||8.650406.442 1.6||5.7 0.5||2.5|||5.2 0.548 1.26217.967|2.5 1.0|||6.2|0|336.792|||8.4 0| 0.52 2.2||1.6547.66.17 5.3|||5.3|1.1 0.5|3.6766641|8 0.0|2.5 0| 0.5|||5.8587766| 0.5 12.0%||2.6|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84.1|||7.3 0 4.2996.5882  0|4.2|100.0% 2||2|1|75:0199.0507.47.12||1.1| 0.5||||11.9| 0.5 0| 0.52100.26.5362| 6||||  6.3|||5.2|5|1.01 1.25 1.19499.037.761||||6.8|||6.8| 1.0 0.0 0|0.55100.56.5844 1.0 4.2 6||||6.6|1.1799.167.68.08 0 0.5|2.1||8.4||2.1|0388100.8632|||3.1||4.2|| 2.6|6|2.61099.197.757| 2 2.1||3.7| 1.0|5.8 0.01100.2:016.580|4 6|2.1| 0.5399.427.79.043 0.0 0.0|||||6.9||3.15 1.244100.46.8295||7.1||3 0.0| 0.5658.054||||2.1677776 0.06 4.3|4.2|4.7 098810.01||3.11 1.5||7|6.1||1.122010726 0.0 0.5|||8.1|6.3 0.0 0.0218.250|1 0||11.7| 0.6||3.7|5337.0735 0|||5.2  0.0||2.0|||8.5 029 1.23548974||2.6|6 0.0 1.6||11.9|5666.91.21 0.0 0||3.7 0.0  3.8||||6.2878.0465||2.6|5|||||8.42.1| 0.5| 0.57996.8688 0.0 0 0.0|||||12.6|5||1.0|1.731205.592M||||5.2|  4.1|||3.6||4.6|04227.02.19
31625 root  31  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 2301|5|5| 2.6 1.0|4.4||5.8||||5.3435.643921||3.7|3.7|||5.3| 2.1|3.7 2.15556.9674644H 1 244
| 2.0 0| 0.5|6.0|||||7.6|| 4.0|||||8.00765.89252151
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 script hpux-postinstal-console.log 0||2.6 0|| 1.1|||9.4| 1.6887.13.1605 0.0|||4.5||4.3 2.1||231 1.244095.8406||2.6|||4.2 0| 0.5||6.3 1.71317.063| 0.5 3.1 0|||3.6 3.6||5.1325.7883||||7.32|5 0.0|4.3 0.028 1.23446.94.12 0.0 0.0 0||1.1||||12.4|5655.435|||4.2|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||65.6||2.1 26.0% 0.5  6.86776.758||||||||||100.0% 0.0  0|5 0 0.5|||||8.4985.583| 1.0||2.1|||||||13.1| 3.150407.25.116|2.1||||10.5||2.1  0.0| 0.5215.835 0.0||||6.3  0.0 0.0|||5.8||1.14337.158||1.6 0.0|1.1|||4.7|7.3| 0.5545.782|2.1||2.6||6 3.4 0.0 0667.06.06|||8.4 0.0 0.0|||3.2||1.62 1.22 1.18875.8307 0.0 3.2|||||8.9||6.1| 0.5997.458|||3.72.6| 4.7||2.2 2.66:01506.082 2.1|4.7 0.06|3.0||2.1227.27.06 0.0 0.0||||6.8|1.5||5.2|1.00436.0317|5||3.2 0.0||4.255754|9.1 2.5|1.5| 0.5775.379|2.6|99.5||2.1| 3|5.90.9 07 1.23 1.19986.58.04 0.0100.0 0.0||||||14.0| 0.5 0||1.1103:005.428||1|4  3.4||||6.9||3.9 0.0216.8522.6 0|||||12.3| 3.1||64335.67881.0|5| 1| 2.1599.046.89.02|2.6||2.1|  8.9 0.0 0.0|16100.65.625 0.5 1.6 0.0|||||7.9||||4.7899.176.4488|||||8.9|3|5| 1.6 2.12 1.22 1.189100.95.1736 0.0 6.6%|6.0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 79.6||||4.6|4.0|1.521106.320.00 0.04.6||||100.0%|||4.77| 0.5 0.0225.223||1 3.1 3.6 2.0|||6.1|51434.3484|2.6 0.0||5.2 0 2|||5.9555.172 0.0 2.0||||7.5|5.9| 2.0764.297|5||2.5|5 26.8%|||7.2 0.0 1|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||76.87 1.23 1.198851.2491.6 0  2.7| 0.5|||||11.0|||||100.0%3094.0479 0 0|||5.7 0.0 0|  6.82215.471||||7.3| 1.6|5 7.345333.59630M|5| 3.7||2|1|||8.95442.20
31678 root  33  10 11352  2340 S 0.1 0.0 0:00.01 vmstat -n0 1 22|||3.6| 1.6|||9.4||2.2|6| 1.0663.644914H 1 249
| 1.0|||2.0| 3.6| 1.5||||5.6 0|||||||10.703 1.22 1.18875.06853
 8646 localuser 20 0 10936  2024 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.16 script hpux-postinstal-console.log||3.6|| 3.6 1.0|||3.6||| 7||  1.0993.1961|4.1|||5.2 0.5|2.6 041304.03.20|||9.9 2 0.0|| 0.5||2.637 1.25 1.19222.94380 2.1 1.0 0|2.0|||||13.0434.36710 1.6||4.7||||5.2|6  4.14553920 3.1 0.0|||8.8 0.0764.24.16||3.1 0.0

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